''Soon he will be mine.'' piercing red eye look down upon a sleeping mortal with lust an hunger . He had watch over this certain human ever since he was a little boy. Licking his bottom lips Itachi raised the glass he held between his finger to lips slight spilling the red contents inside. Blood red wine drip down the side of the glass to his fingers tips.

Itachi did not know the reason he found the man so intriguing , maybe the lack of respect he held for other people or was it because he found the man sexual erotic. No one could argue the man wasn't good looking. Spiky sliver hair,pale milky skin,slim feminine hips any girl would kill to have. Just thinking about the man made Itachi hard.

''I simple must have him.'' Itachi purred.

''Have who sir.'' A blue skin man said who sat beside Lord Itachi. He kept his head hung low,an legs to his side sitting perfect still awaiting orders.

A flicker of interest sparkle in Itachi eyes,for as long as he knew Kisame the man did not talk unless ask a question,he was allways patient with the man but Itachi did desire to hear Kisame deep coarse voice more often.

''Kisame your voice is so lovely an rich,I desire to hear it more often.'' Itachi grab Kisame chin tilting forward. Kisame had a strong urge to yank his head away from Itachi grip but decide against it.

''Please do not tease me like this Itachi-san.'' Kisame whispered.

Please with his answerer Itachi release his grip an went back to watching his human.

Kakashi tossed an turn in his bed all night . His body was drench in sweat causing the covers to stick to his body. Deciding enough was enough Kakashi swung his legs over his bed an decide to take a cold shower hoping it would calm him down.

letting cold water rush down his bare body Kakashi began the task washing himself. His body was tense an slightly sore from the very erotic dream he was having.

It was always the same, he would be walking down a street alone when a man would come out force him into an ally an kiss him.Kiss itself was sweet but what the man said afterward scared him.


Kakashi didn't belong to anyone much less to a man who like pushing him into ally an touching him an weird places.

Itachi fell out of his chair laughing,Kakashi actual thought he didn't belong to him.

''What an amusing men he is.'' Itachi said as Kisame lift him back onto his throne. Itachi was still clenching his stomach in laughter.

Kakashi scowl he felt as thought someone or something was laughing at him.

''Okay get a gripe it's just a dream.'' Kakashi said to himself as he hug himself hoping this gesture would do the trick. Turning off the shower Kakashi step out grab a dry towel an wrap it around his thin hips.Tomorrow was his eighteen birthday an he was just jitter yeah jitter, Kakashi told himself as slip on a clean pair boxer an slip back under his warm cover.

But something in the back of his mind told him other wise.

''He thinks were a dream,fragments of his imagination can you believe that Kisame.'' Itachi ask sounding bewinder.

''No sir.'' Kisame said sounding distant but Itachi wasn't going to have that.

''Yay you talk,that twice an one day kis-kun.'' Itachi said as clapped his hand together repeatably.

This cause Kisame to blush a scaret red which look pretty funny on his blue skin.

''Your pretty when you smile Itachi you should do it more.'' Kisame mumbled

''Only if you talk more.'' Itachi said quite please that Kisame fell for sheepish grin on his face.

Kisame merely shrug his shoulder before siting back on the ground near Itachi feet.

Author notes-I hope you all like this chapter,yes I know it short but it's just the prologue. Chapter one will be a least 1034 words. Please reveiw.