A/N: Possibly the shortest update I've posted all week, but here it is. The conclusion to one of my many stories. Not sure which one is up next, or when the next post is going to come, but I will try to make it soon. Thanks to everyone who has taken the time to read, and especially those of you who have taken the time to comment. It means a lot to me. Enjoy it. There is no plan for a sequel just to warn you.

Alex had been so deep in thought on the cab ride over, she hardly realized they'd arrived. Was it possible that Olivia Benson lived and worked in New York? Even if she did though, New York was a big city. Even with all of her resources, it would still take forever to find her. The more thought Alex put into it though, the more she wanted to try. But what if it was just a wild goose chase? It was possible for a Chicago based baker to know someone in New York named Benson.

She sighed and got out of the cab. Making sure she had dessert, she paid the driver and walked to the door. Etiquette wouldn't allow her to just walk in, even if she had known Kathy for years. By the time the door opened she was practically pacing on the porch.

"Hey, Alex," Kathy greeted her. "You're right on time. Your date hasn't been here too long either."

"Date?" Alex asked, completely caught off guard. It was then that Alex realized there was a car in the drive way that she didn't recognize. "This is a set up? Kathy I can't handle this right now. I told you about my trip. You know what I'm going through. Plus I've had all these coincidences today that just scream Olivia is actually from New York. I'm not giving that up."

During her speech, Alex had stormed into the living room. While she'd been yelling at Kathy she hadn't realized that there was another argument taking place in the kitchen. Kathy smiled nervously and followed Alex as she went to investigate.

"Elliot how many times have I told you not to do this to me?" she heard. It might have been all the strange things that had happened to her today, but Alex would have bet money on that being Olivia's voice. She opened the door to the kitchen and froze. Olivia was standing in the middle of the Stabler kitchen. By the looks of it, Olivia wasn't too happy about the set up either, but for some reason she had a feeling she didn't know the whole story either.

"Olivia?" Alex said quietly. It was loud enough to be heard because Olivia's rant immediately stopped. Slowly she turned. The shock was evident on her face when she saw the person standing in the doorway.

"Alex?" she asked disbelievingly. She slowly approached the young blonde. She placed her hand on Alex's cheek, having to see for herself that she was really there and not just the figment of her imagination. Flesh connected with flesh, and Alex closed her eyes as soon as Olivia touched her, leaning into it.

"Um, does someone want to fill me in on what exactly is going on here?" Elliot asked. He'd heard of love at first sight, but what had just happened here was ridiculous. Kathy pulled him into the living room, knowing she could explain things now. This would also leave her friends with a chance to talk.

"How is this even possible?" Olivia asked. "What are you doing here?"

"What am I doing here in this house?" Alex asked with a smile. "Or what am I doing here in New York?"

Olivia smiled at Alex's response, her lawyer side shining through. "Why don't you answer both?" she said as she slipped her arms around Alex's waist. Alex placed hers on Olivia's shoulders.

"I'm in this house because Kathy is my best friend and she invited me to dinner." Alex said.

"The best friend that likes to set you up on blind dates?" Olivia asked, recalling something from their first dinner together.

"That would be her," Alex said, laughing softly.

"And what exactly are you doing in New York?"

"I live and work here," Alex said. "Now it's your turn. I thought you were from Chicago?"

"What made you think that?" Olivia asked with a confused expression.

"You told me your friend from Chicago sent you the cheesecake and I just assumed you lived there."

"Not even close," Olivia said with a laugh. "I met Tracey on an extradition trip a few years ago. We've been friends ever since."

"Wait," Alex said. "Tracey Harris?"

"Yes. How did you know her last name?"

"Because I met her today. Her shop is just down the street from my apartment," Alex explained.

"Why do I have a feeling you were the customer that she was waiting on when I called?" Olivia smirked.

"And you're Ben," Alex responded with a satisfied smile. It was then that something hit her. "Oh my god. You're Ben."

Olivia did not understand the need to repeat that statement a second time leading Alex to explain.

"All week long I've been unable to meet the fourth detective on the squad and everyone told me 'Ben' had just gotten back from vacation."

Comprehension dawned on Olivia after the explanation. She smiled and held out her hand. "Detective Olivia Benson, Special Victims Unit. At your service."

Alex returned the smile and accepted the proffered hand. "Assistant District Attorney Alexandra Cabot. ADA for the Manhattan SVU."

"I don't believe it," Olivia laughed. "How did we go all week without running into each other?"

"Because fate wanted me to have a little entertainment tonight," Kathy explained as she led her husband back into the kitchen. "Are you ladies ready to eat?"

They both nodded and all four sat down at the table. While they ate, they filled their friends in on their vacations. When dinner was over, Olivia offered Alex a ride home, an offer that was readily accepted. They drove in comfortable silence. Not long after they'd left the Stabler's house, Alex had slipped her hand into Olivia's. They stayed like for the whole drive. She pulled up to Alex's building a short while later.

"Would you like to come up?" Alex asked shyly.

Olivia smiled and nodded. She knew they were going to have to talk. She knew that this would possibly make things difficult at work. But right now, all either of them wanted was to rediscover what they thought had been lost. Tonight was for them. Tomorrow they could work on the rest.