The entire cast came out for a final bow (for Zuko and the Gaang, a few boos mixed in with the cheers, but that was to be expected), with the man portraying the fire lord coming out last and receiving a thunderous applause that nearly shook the theater. A final bow, and the curtain dropped, leaving the actors to relax and congratulate each other. A true success, would probably last 20 years and you never know, maybe some of the fire nation Royalty would come see it!

One actor made his way off the stage, down the hallways to greet his fans. The first one was already waiting, and although he was wearing a hood, he could just make out the scar underneath. A noble attempt, and a very realistic one, although he had it on the wrong side. A theater worthy grin, one hand through the hair to make sure it still had a reasonable amount of lift, and he went to greet the public.

Before he even realized the hooded man had moved he found himself slammed up against the wall, mask ripped off with a hand pressed against the left side of his face. The actor flailed and struggled wildly, but the muscular body his blows fell on didn't budge, so manic that he almost didn't notice when the burning sensation started on his face. He thought to scream for a split second but dropped to the floor with a thud, immediately grabbing his scalded but unburned face.

"Your scar's on the wrong side."

"You're looking upbeat," remarked Sokka suspiciously. For having been so miserable during the play, Zuko looked surprisingly amused. And while a happy Prince Zuko was normally a good thing, Sokka's instincts told him something was wrong. Zuko merely tugged his hood a little further down and shrugged. "I had a few suggestions for my actor, too," and Sokka left it at that.