Spinner and Ellie sat next to one another, side by side in plastic chairs. They looked around at the familiar circle of troubled and searching teens, some of the sipping cups of coffee or bottled water. The Group leader Bryce smiled warmly and looked at Spinner.

"So Spinner, today's the two-month mark of your joining us," he said proudly. "I can say personally that I've really enjoyed what you've had to bring to the Group. Your sharing has given us all things to think about. So tell me, how do you feel?"

In these months, Spinner had grown to love Group almost as much as Ellie. He often made fun of it when he and Ellie hung out, living together in their apartment again, but it really did help. It gave him a web of support when he felt most alone and abandoned. It helped him cope with all that had happened with Jimmy, his tumultuous relationship with Manny, and the hole of despair it all pushed him into.

He cleared his throat. "Well, I feel a hell of a lot better than I did two months ago," he said simply. There was a gentle ripple of laughter through the Group. "I haven't been drinking, and it feels way better than I thought it would. I feel like, alive. I was really pissed off at first when I got dragged into this, but since my intervention I feel like I've gotten a lot of things done."

"Like what?"

"Like… just being with my friends again. Like Ellie. When I have a problem, I actually talk to her about it, instead of just hiding out by myself. I got my job at the Dot back, and next month I'm moving into my own apartment. So I guess that's a big step. I don't feel like such a huge loser any more." Beside him, Ellie gave his knee a gentle nudge. Spinner blushed a little. "Oh, and I guess I have one more piece of big news. I've been spending some time talking to the principal over at Lakehurst, and I'm enrolled for the fall. So I'll be back in school."

Bryce nodded in approval. "That's great, Spinner. I think that will be good for you. Your progress has been remarkable."

"What do you think has helped you come so far?" asked Gillian, another girl who'd had her brushes with drinking problems.

Spinner shrugged, nervously twisted his fingers together. "Well… my friends, like I said. Part of the reason all this started is because I was so upset over what happened with Jimmy and losing all of my friends at once. I felt like I lost everything. I kind of did. Things got worse and worse until it took my friends to help me realize it was my fault things were falling apart. I guess that's what my parents have wanted me to learn all this time. To start taking the blame. Not everyone has forgiven me yet, but I think that now I…" He paused for a moment, glancing over at Ellie and seeing the warmth in her eyes. He thought of the things she had told him, coaching him through this difficult period in his life. "I'm starting to forgive myself. I'm starting to take responsibility for things. For myself. And that's what I gotta do first."

The group nodded in approval, giving a gentle round of applause. Spinner blushed. He couldn't help but feel a little corny. But a little proud, too. He shared a smile with Ellie.

"Ellie, it sounds like you've been a huge help with Spinner," said Bryce, changing direction. "How do you think you're doing?"

Ellie let out a deep breath and smiled. Just seeing Spinner look so healthy and happy again had done wonders for her. "I've been doing great. School's going great, it's almost time for summer, and having Spinner around the apartment again has made things a lot more fun. And I've got a bit of my own news, too. I've been spending a lot more time with my mom and talking with her. We've really been getting along well, so when the lease ends on my apartment this month, I'm going to move back in with her."

"What makes you think you're ready for that? Or that she is?" asked Nigel, slightly cynical as always.

Ellie kept her tone even and her head up confidently. "Well, she's been in a rehab program for nine months now, and I'm so proud of her for that. I've spent so much time being angry at her… but watching Spinner and being there with him has showed me what a struggle it is to quit drinking. To get out of a rut. She's been working hard to stay sober, and she's been doing it for me. Because she cares about me. And I care about her. Living on my own has really taught me a lot, and I feel good enough about myself now that… Well, I guess I'm not afraid any more. I'm ready to be with my mom again. We're going to get through things together."

Craig reached over and gave Ellie an encouraging pat on the shoulder, while Bryce glanced at his watch. "I think that's wonderful, Ellie. You've been showing so much maturity these past few months, and I think we can all learn from that." He look around at the Group, smiling at all of his charges encouragingly. "Thank you all for sharing and for being here today. As always, it's good that we can all go through this journey together. I think that's all the time we have for today. See you next week."

Chairs squeaked and bookbags rustled as the members of the Group slowly made their way to the exit. Spinner stood up and looked at Ellie. Dramatically, he pretended to tear up and brought his hands to his cheeks. "Ellie…" he let out a fake sniffle. "Thank you… for sharing this journey with me."

Ellie laughed softly and gave him a gentle push. "Very funny, Spin. I know you get bored with all the ooey-gooey stuff, but seriously… I'm proud of you." Her lips spread into a coy smile. "Also… I have a surprise for you."

Spinner's eyes lit up and he grinned, placing his arm around Ellie as the two of them walked out the door and down the hall. "Surprise? Is it a food surprise?"

Ellie smirked. "Even better."

"Whoa, better than food? Hmmm. I know it's not beer…" He thought for a moment until his eyes widened in farcical surprise and he smiled suggestively. "Whoa, are we gonna make out? Coz personally, I'm surprised you haven't come back for a second helping of this hotness sooner."

Ellie rolled her eyes and shoved Spinner off of her as he laughed. "You wish. You know, you better quit pushing your luck or I just might change my mind about the surprise…"

"No, no, I want the surprise! Please, Ellie?" He folded his hands prayer-style and pouted exaggeratedly.

"Wow, you're pouting?" Ellie laughed. "How can I say no? All right, come on, champ, let's go."

o o o o o o o o

"Um, Ellie, you do realize how hard it is to walk down a flight of stairs without eyes, right?" Spinner complained nervously. He walked slowly, down step after step into Marco's basement, while Ellie walked behind him with her hands covering his eyes.

"Just a few seconds longer," Ellie assured him, easing him down the steps and leading him across the basement floor.

Spinner sighed. "You know, the last time you had a surprise for me in Marco's basement, it was a room full of people telling me how hard I sucked."

"But the pay off is so worth it, right?" As she said those words, she released her hands from Spinner's face and revealed the gift that was sitting on the drum risers. "Ta-da!"

Spinner's breath actually caught in his throat for a moment as he was dazzled by Ellie's surprise. Newly freed from their imprisonment in the pawn shop, Spinner's drums were sitting there, ready to be played. "Are you serious?" he exclaimed. He ran up to touch them, shocked that they were actually there, surprised by realizing how much he'd missed them. He turned around and grinned at Ellie, and scooped her up in a giant hug. "You rock, El. Seriously. Has anyone told you lately how hard you rock?"

Ellie beamed and shrugged with fake cockiness. "Yeah, well, once or twice. But go on and say it as many times as you need to."

"YOU ROCK." Spinner scurried over to his drums and sat down on his stool, loving the feel of being behind them again. "How did you do this?"

Ellie shrugged shyly. "Well, I've been saving up for awhile, and the rest of the band pitched in some, too." She walked towards him, with a playfully stern look on her face as she handed him his drum sticks. "But this gift isn't just for funsies. You've got a lot of catching up to do, Sticks, because we've got a summer full of gigs ahead of us and I've got about a bazillion songs for you to learn."

Spinner smiled and gave her a salute, drum stick in hand. "Aye-aye, Cap'n." He paused for a moment, looking up at Ellie. The smile on her face, the way little strands of crimson flittered over her face. She kind of glowed. She had rescued his drums, for crying out loud. She had rescued him. He smiled nervously and took her hand, clasping it with both of his hands. "El, I don't know what I would have done without you. You've really been… an amazing friend."

Ellie smiled back at him, blushing. If you had asked her six months ago who her favorite person in the world was, Spinner Mason would have been the least likely candidate. Funny how things changed. She freed her hand from his gentle grasp and playfully pinched his chin. "Back at you."

She walked over to the corner of the room and picked up her guitar, sliding the strap over her shoulder. She looked over at Spinner, grinning. "Count it off, pal."

Spinner nodded enthusiastically and struck his drum sticks together four times. He rolled out a thumping rhythm and Ellie dove into it in stride, strumming a set of stellar chords. They played together with the same spark and connection as their very first jam session. Together, they made music.



Final notes: It took me seven months to write 34 chapters when it has taken me YEARS to write half as many for other fics. I don't know what it is about this story that made it pour out so easily, but I had a hell of a time writing it. Thank you for reading and thank you doubly for everyone who has reviewed. There is a possibility for a sequel, which I've already start outlining. But it will be as big an undertaking as this fic, so I'm not wholly committed just yet. Lastly, because I am a huge nerd with an addiction to making mixes, I've made a soundtrack for this fic, which I'll keep posted to my profile for awhile.