Hey Guys! Many people asked if I was going to write an Epilogue and I am so here it is.

Before I start, I want to say Thank you guys so much for all the reviews and support! I wouldn't have gotten this far with out you.

Love ya guys!

Disclaimer: I do not own High School Musical and I do not own The Parent Trap.


Haydon and Micheal Bolton sat in their last class of the day, Language Arts and Social Studies combined. The two hour class had just started and many 9th grade students were already wandering off into lala-land. There are seven more days until school's out and boy did everyone long for June 19th.

The day was dragging by with every student in Oak Lake High School desperate for the school's last bell to ring. What else would they want on a 89 degree day. Each watched the clock minute by minute as the time worsened every second. Ms. Tokley , their humanities teacher, had always given them 10 minutes to settle down before she started the class and that was what was happening right now. Micheal just wanted to get out of the air conditioned school and bask himself in the homey California sun. Haydon wanted to go for a dip in the cooling pool and relax her tense muscles from the school day. Couldn't the last day of school be any closer?!

Haydon and Micheal would celebrate their 15th birthday on June 19th ,too. Their first birthday together in many many years. It was going to be a blast. At the thought of their birthday they both turned to look at each other and smiled. Another example of twin telepathy. Tyler and Cole (who were already turned 15 in March and April) sat across from Micheal and Haydon just as excited as they were for the last day of school.

It was impossible for the next to hours to go any slower. Suddenly a loud beep sounded from the class intercom.

"Ms. Tokley" a voice came from the speaker.


"Can we have Micheal and Haydon Bolton , Cole Danforth and Tyler Baylor for early dismissal. We have a Mr. Danforth here for an emergency pick up".

Confusion and shock jolted through the four's nerves making them freeze. But reaction was quick right after the teacher excused them. They headed strait for their lockers ,packed everything up , rushed down the stairs of the school and sped to the main office. Okay who is hurt and where?! They thought. Cole lunged for the door and pulled it open.

"Dad whats wrong?!" Cole asked pretty impatient.

"It's Aunt Gabriella! She has been admitted into the Hospital!" Uncle Chad reasoned and hurried them out of but the four froze worried to death of what may have happened. Micheal and Haydon jerked at the same time.

"Today's is June 12th!". 2 pairs of eyes just joined the eye widening session Micheal and Haydon were having. In a flash , all four teenager's dashed out the door and into Uncle Chad's 2008 Infiniti EX. The car zoomed off to the hospital.

FREEZE! Hold on a second... Let's rewind shall we:

adfjlsdfjlasdfjeioruoewkmjnvvodscmcxnvxeriweoripeoeirweomvepz (that was me rewinding) Okay here we are ;August 15, 2008 at 12 am. (by the way , we were at June 12 , 2009)

12:00:30 was the time when they pulled back from their kiss. It took 1 second for everything to sort out in Troy's brain and that was the moment their lips touched. The other 29 seconds he let pleasure take over his body.

Right now, it was just each other's eyes they were looking at. Troy broke stare and nestled his head into the crook of her neck. He pulled her closer now wrapping his arms protectively around her waist. Gabriella returned the embrace gratefully also wanting to be close to him.

"Come back" Troy pleaded against her skin. His breath on her made shivers go down her spine. Gabriella felt tears of joy emerge in openings of her eyes. She slid her hand down to place it on his heart.

"I never left". And that was the truth. Gabriella was always in Troy's heart and Troy in hers.

Gabriella finally let one single tear of happiness soak Troy's white collar. She lightly kissed Troy's neck five times times each in different spots before Gabi let more tears fall. Instantly , she felt something wet on her bare shoulder. Troy was crying. She held him closer and tighter deathly afraid that in any moment this would be the perfect dream and she would wake up in Florida again. But that didn't happed. She knew this was true and she knew she was going to make the best of it for both of them.

"I love you" she croaked. Immediately , Troy froze. No one moved. Gabriella stopped thinking. Troy loosened his grip and met Gabriella face-to-face. He leaned in and kissed her, again, and again and again and again.

"I love you,too".

A week and a half later Gabriella was on the deck of 'Blue Moon' in the wedding dress that she designed. Her hands engulfed a bouquet of white flowers and she was standing in front of the love of her life. She was lost in the beauty of his smiling face that she barely caught the 'I do' the slipped out of his mouth purposefully. She grinned. The priest rambled on. He paused, indicating that it was Gabriella's turn. She didn't need to think it over.

"I do".

"Then I pronounce Troy Alexander Bolton and Gabriella Alexis Montez husband and wife. You may now kiss the bride"

With that , Troy leaned down and kissed his Gabriella Bolton.

2 months later Gabriella and Troy just came back from their honeymoon to Paris. The Boltons, Danforths, and Baylors all moved in together in one.. BIG.. house.

Right now , Gabriella is staring at a pregnancy test. Just staring , nothing more, nothing less. It was Sunday November 1.

2 hours later everyone was huddled together in the family room watching Happy Feet , preference of Cole's four year old sister Trisha. The penguins were dancing away while Troy and Gabriella were sharing wholehearted and sexy kisses. They pulled away and looked at each others. Troy whispered sweet nothings into Gabriella ear making her blush and Troy held her closer. The couple were acting like they had never moved on from high school.

Finally it was Gabriella's turn. She whispered something to him and kissed his ear. Troy froze. He looked at her kissed whole on the mouth. He grabbed her hand and led her into the nearest bathroom.

As soon as the door was closed behind Gabriella , she was bombarded with kisses on any visible skin.

"Really?!" Troy asked.

"Yes Troy Bolton you are going to be a dad to another child!". Troy kissed her on the lips again.

Troy embraced his wife."Mhmmm. I love you" Gabriella giggled and returned it.

"I love you ,too."

Troy continued his career in basketball and is planning on to for a very long time. He was in Laker's as Captain. Sometimes, he would volunteer in Micheal and Haydon's school to substitute P.E. He turned his attention to Gabriella, family and friends and when needed Gabriella would balance the weight of both sides of his life, basketball and social. How did he ever live with out her? . On every week day Troy go to practice. On weekends he was all family and friends unless there was a game. He had talked to Gabriella and they set everything strait. If anything went wrong while Gabriella was pregnant she knew that Troy would always have his cell phone in arms reach. The trusted each other from the bottom of their hearts. Troy and Gabriella let each other know (even if they might have known it before) that if anything went wrong the would ALWAYS love each other. For Troy, as far as perfect life goes, he had it.

Gabriella was welcomed back to the Los Angeles Hospital with open arms so she worked their, as a doctor on weekdays, from 7 am to 3 pm. Troy and her left to work and came back and the same time so Troy usually comes to pick her up at the hospital at 3. Also, like Troy, she was all family and friends on weekends. The lodge in Florida was still hers but she just hired someone to manage the place while she was gone. Gabriella's third dream ,to be a fashion designer, had finally come true, too. When she came back to Florida to pack, there was a letter from a fashion company. It said that they loved the designs and will be surely glad to do business with her. Now, she had her own fashion line and guess what she called it? Gabriella's fashion line was called 'Blue Moon' named after the ship that brought her and her love together ... twice. Turns out it is a HUGE hit. She is now talking to her company about making a whole shop called Blue Moon. She works on her designs when ever she has time. Troy gives her 110 percent of his support when needed. She had the life everyone wanted but she never knew it was all because of one person... Troy.

Micheal, Haydon, Cole and Tyler all had to change schools when all families moved in together. They fit in well.

Micheal loved having a dad. After school and homework , himself and his dad would play one on one and soon after all the guys plus Haydon would soon join to play the games while the wifes/mothers would cook dinner or watch the game.

Haydon just felt like heaven having a mom. She had gone back to school cloths shopping and her and her mother had the best of time. Haydon loved her mother's cloths and she designed and was looking forward to the store that her mom was opening. She also told Gabriella about her crush on Cole. Guess who Haydon's boyfriend is?

Cole , Micheal and Tyler are in their high school's basketball team and Haydon was a cheerleader to use her passion for dancing. Micheal and Haydon are both captain in their teams and boy does that make their parents proud. No one in the household feels any jealousy towards anyone. Everyone has their share of goods and if they didn't that doesn't mean they can't learn. They loved each other and that's what counted the most.

Chad was co-captain in Lakers and living on it. He had the idea of moving in together and everyone was glad he used his brains for something great in life. Taylor was a chemistry professor in the UCLA and loved her job there. Sharpay was a decor professional and she was one of the reasons the Bolton/Danforth/Baylor residence is the most stylish house ever. She had decreased in her favor for pink and was now open to all colors. I know... surprising. But she had her own furniture company and it was pretty successful. Zeke owned his own Italian Five-Star restaurant. With Zeke owning the place, of course it was a success.

Life has difficulties but in the end it all comes right...

Now is your cue to say 'oh I see'. I'll fast forward it to June 12, 2009.


Ah here we are:

Troy held Gabriella's hand as she shrieked. Even while she was in loads of pain Gabriella always put everyone else before her self , she was barely gripping Troy's hand afraid she might hurt him. Another reason why Troy loves her. They wheeled the bed away into the labor room leaving Troy behind in anxiety. He waited outside the door. Troy contemplated on the last 20 minutes he had gone through


The phone rang once.

"Hey baby" a delightful voice came through the electricity line.

"Hey. Just called to check in." Troy said

"I am fine. Got on a break from a patient. You?" Gabriella asked calmly.

"Perfect, now that I called you". He could hear Gabriella blush. There was a pause.

"So..." Troy started trying to pick up the subject about the baby. The due date was today. He waited a really long time for today. Troy insisted on staying back at home with Gabriella for today but Gabriella forced Troy to go practice and she would go to the hospital ,too. She was sure that if Troy gave up any more days to be with Gabriella he would be in trouble. She knew that she could trust Troy especially on a day like today.

"So..." Gabriella mimicked him. More silence followed

"Come on Gabby tell me something! It's torture here without you!". A sweet giggle came from the other end of the line. But it just went a giggle too much. Gabriella gasped.

"Brie?! Are you there! Baby, say something!" Troy went worried as hell in a flash of a second. Gabriella knew if she was wanted Troy safe she was going to have to take this slow.

"Troy, baby, just calm down. Am am here. And" she took a deep breath as the pain bridged slowly. " in labor"

That was it. Troy jumped up from the bench , grabbed his car keys and headed for the door of the court.

"Gabs, I'm there in 5 minutes! Love you." As soon as he heard a soft "Love you,too" he put the phone down and opened the door out of the gym. But then went back as fast as he could to Chad.

" Dude, Whats up?" he asked. Troy was breathless and nervous. Pretty. Dang. Nervous. ( and along with that was some excitement too)

"Gabby... Labor... You... Pick...Kids " he rushed out a sentence but those were the only words that could be heard by Chad. Both men rushed out of the gym door and in there respective vehicles. One went to Oak Lake High School and the other to The Los Angeles Hospital.

10 minutes later Troy was waiting.

10 feet came clamping through the hallway to meet Troy.

"DAD!" Micheal and Haydon shouted. They approached him breathing heavily and gave their father a group hug.

"She's inside guys!A couple minutes and you guys are going to have another sibling!" A scream came from the labor room. Troy winced and tension and worry churned inside his stomach. Micheal and Haydon began making bets on what the gender would be.

"My sibling is so going to be a boy" Haydon argued. The three boys shook their head disagreement.

" No way". Tyler said.

"Yeah? Put your money where your mouth is my boys"

"10 on girl" the four boys said. They all placed their bets which made Troy laugh at the kids.

Uncle Chad soon pitched in."I am gonna do ten on girl". He was supporting the boys. Haydon scoffed.

"Where have all the smart people gone?!Why have they left me behind?!" she said. The bets were placed.

As the minutes passed the Troy , the kids and Chad grew antsy. Troy started pacing the room and the four teenagers in the middle watched him hit one side of the room to the other ,than the other ,than the other. Troy kept them from boredom. Sharpay and Taylor joined 5 minutes later. And time passed on.

At last, a nurse came in looking pretty blown out.

"Troy Bolton?" Troy turned his attention to the petite woman in white looking for hope. " Do you want to meet your son?". Troy let a breath. Finally...

The gang walked in to the room. Troy sat next to Gabriella on the bed putting his legs up stretched on the bed. She was holding a blue bundle.

"Hey Gabs" he greeted softly and kissed her lips.

"Hey". Troy looked down to a blue-eyed piece of heaven.

"Can you believe we made him" Gabriella whispered in his ears. Troy shook his head to say no. He looked at Gabriella and gave her a long, sensual kiss. He pulled back and stayed just inch before his brown-eyed beauty.

"I love you" Gabriella said softly, but loud enough for everyone in the room to here.

"I love you, too" Troy leaned in for another kiss but then

"Hey! We want to see our brother!" came to voices perfectly synchronized.

They approached the baby in Gabriella's hands. Soon enough, everyone in the room had seen the baby angel and Troy and Gabriella had suppressed their longing for a kiss.

The baby was once again in Gabriella's arms. She looked at the him and gave him light and loving kisses on the cheeks. Everyone stared at the couple who were softly cooing their new born. They looked up and noticed everyone's anxious eyes.

"What?" Troy asked plainly pretending to not know what they were doing. He looked at Gabriella who decided to play along.

"Oh!" both of them chorused.

"Everyone this is -" Troy started leaving the rest for his love.

"Jay Robert Bolton" she finished. The room was once again a live with noise of happy chatter and laughs.

Micheal and Haydon looked around the cheery room to see their whole family. Not family and friends. Just family... One family.

In family life, love is the oil that eases friction, the cement that binds closer together, and the music that brings harmony

-Eva Burrows