Hi! Thank you so so much for reading this. This is my very first story and I would like some reviews. Thank you!

Disclaimer: I don't own Twilight, for if I did, I own Stephenie Meyer. And I don't. So I don't.

That one night, when he left me, played over and over in my head. I opened my eyes to big blue eyes staring at me. Here, let me start from the beginning…



I shivered looking up at the dark sky. It has been a month since he left. I have thought of ending it there. I have nightmares of that day over and over in my head. There was no moon in the sky, a new moon, a new life, a new ending. I sighed. I was surrounded by darkness. I was going against Edward's orders. I was in the woods, alone. It was a very stupid thing to do. I sighed again, watching my frosty breathe float into the night.

"Hello, Bella." I gasped and turned around to see Victoria.

"Hi, Victoria." She crept closer. I knew tonight was the night I was going to die. Soon I felt her breathe on my neck.

"Mmmmm…." She murmured then threw me against a tree. The pain felt good. I knew I was going to die. It would soon be over, I felt a sharp pain in my neck, and then I was surrounded by a fiery darkness.

John POV

I was out hunting, when I heard screaming. I ran to the source to see a girl with mahogany hair, brown eyes and pale skin. She was becoming a vampire. I grabbed her and ran home to my family of vampires. The girl looked about 17; I noticed she had a bite mark on her hand. She has been attack by vampires before. Poor Girl. When I returned home, my wife Katherine, was waiting for me.

"Give me the girl." I handed her to her. She soothed her and then laid her on a bed from our couch.

" Now all we can do is wait." She said.

I am posting the next chapter later today. I promise. Now pwease, pwease, pweety pwease review! I love you all! Review!