FASH: This is for azura pasha who did some lovely Juumonji/Sena fanart in the Eyeshield 21 yaoi community on livejournal and gave out a little 'kiss it better' challenge that I simply couldn't get out of my head. I hope this is okay.

Disclaimer: Standard disclaimers apply.

Juumonji stumbled into the dark clubhouse, his left hand feeling around for the light switch as he cradled his right hand against his chest.

Damn, maybe it hadn't been such a good idea to start an argument with those lame-ass punks who'd been blocking the sidewalk. Not that he, Kuroki and Toganou hadn't been able to beat them in the long run, but he'd busted up his knuckles pretty bad against something.

'Damn, I think he had safety pins clipped into his jacket.'

That might explain why the flesh had been torn from a couple punches. He hadn't really noticed that his fists had hurt more than they should, too high on the adrenalin rushing through his veins, until after the fight.

He finally managed to turn on the light and he looked around the clubhouse with a wry smile, it was a bit strange that he chose to come here of all places to get himself fixed up, but he supposed that after spending so much un-wasted time here it was more like home then his house could ever be.

Not to mention this way he wouldn't have to deal with his dad complaining about blood on the carpet, his friends dragging him down, how much he wasted his time and a bunch of other shit Juumonji didn't feel like dealing with at the moment.

He had started rummaging around for the first aid kit he knew Mamori had stored around somewhere when he heard the door open.

"Juumonji-kun?" Sena's voice cautiously called and he turned to see the boy, still in his uniform, apparently just coming back from some late training by the riverside.

"Yo." He greeted lamely and Sena took of his helmet, eyes wide as he took in Juumonji's appearance and he let out a small gasp of shock when he saw the state of Juumonji's hand.

"Juumonji-kun, what happened?" He rushed forward and took hold of Juumonji's hand before the blonde could even think to keep it out of reach.

"We've got to get this cleaned up, come with me." Sena had dragged him over to a sink with a surprising amount of strength for someone so small and had cleansed the wound carefully before telling Juumonji to stay put as he went off in search of the first aid kit.

This was sort of embarrassing, being taken care of when he could have easily taken care of it himself, but Sena seemed to be able to navigate the clubhouse a lot easier than him and had arrived with the first aid kit within seconds and he looked far to into this 'taking care of you' business for Juumonji to push him away.

First he had gently applied some hydrogen peroxide on the wound, giving Juumonji a worried look when the older boy let out a small hiss of pain through clenched teeth. Then he had put something else on it, presumably to sooth the skin and lastly he began wrapping it in some snowy white bandages.

Once Sena was done Juumonji waited for the younger boy to give him his hand back, but instead Sena pulled it even closer to himself and Juumonji watched in mild fascination as Sena brushed his lips softly against his knuckles.

"There, you're all better now." The brunette assured him with a smile before moving away and into the change room to get out of his football uniform, leaving Juumonji to stare at his bandaged hand, a smirk slowly forming on his lips.

Maybe next time he could get someone to punch him in the mouth and see where that took him.