Chapter 1

Main Characters

Haruno Sakura- 17

- Pink hair

- Green eyes- calm- sexy- bitchy- scarcastic- playerette- Once lived freely with her dad in the states, but was force to live with her strict mom in Japan.- Gaara's younger step sister

Uchiha Sasuke- 18

- black spiky hair

- black eyes- perverted- player- mischievous- persisent- His parents owns Konaha High School. His goal is to have sex with every "good looking" girl at his school and claim he did them all.- Sai's cousin- Leader


It was the last week of Summer Vacation, My Senior year in High School was about to begin.

It was like any other Friday, people would go to parties and have music blasting. But it seem that neighbors didn't really care as long as drunk teens stayed away from their properties. And I was one of those teens that hanged with the wrong 'crew'.


I was once a good girl that would never do anything to upset my parents. But after the divorcement of my parents, I changed but not in the good way. I was only fourteen and just started my first year in high school. My parents would always have arguments for the stupid and smallest thing, plus my mom was sneaking out the house while my dad was gone. I really didn't care and then my dad won over the court and took custody of me. While my mother went to Japan with her lover.

I thought my dad loved me since he fought so hard to keep me by his side. Instead it's the other way around and only did it to make her angry. Which he succeeded by the way. He would always forget about me and my needs of hunger and thirst. So basically I supported my self and I liked it that way. While he as always coming late after work with a tint of alcohol, I would do the same.

I started hanging out, by what people say the wrong 'crew'. I started skipping school almost every day, fight, drink, smoking, and dating guys that were older than me and even have sex with them just so they would pay me and my tattoos. I just wanted to party all night and be a bad-ass.

I was known as the school's whore, bitch, slut, and so on when I was a sophmore. All the snobby girls hated me while their boyfriends wanted to sleep with me. Or I'll be fighting with her and her friends and have sex with their boys and male friends. They were just my toys that I would play with for the day but they thought I actually liked them. Haha.

All of my friends were guy and their girlfriends. I didn't bother to make friends with the girls of my class or my friends. They would talk trash about me and spread rumors. So in that case I barely went to school. Surprisingly I still had an A-'s and B's in all of my classes. I was really smart and learned all of that when I was a freshman since I was in a really high advance class.


I was looking around the house trying to find some new faces to flirt with.

Wow…that guy cute…no that guy over their sexy

I glanced over to the unfamiliar hottie and gave him my most flirty wink. He started to make his way toward me but I started dancing with a guy I had sex with last year. I was shaking my ass in front of him and he was grinding on me. The hottie didn't stop staring at us, and I knew he wanted me to do that to him.

When I finished dancing with the guy, I walked around trying to find the hottie until som bitch pulled my arm. Making me turn around and stop my search for the hottie. I didn't feel like fighting with some one who wasn't worth it. I just wanted to party and have fun, guess that's not happing tonight.

I slapped her arm of me, continued my search.

"fucking slut, don't fucking ignore me!" she grabbed my hair instead of my arm, making me step back. I turned around and punched her right in the face. She landed on the floor and started crying. I only use 10% of my strength.

Her friends came to her rescue while I walked away but only to be pulled back by my pink hair.

I was getting clearly pissed off. I walked back with a dark, murderous aura around me and saw the girls shudder in fear and backed away slowly.

"which of all you bitches pulled my hair?" I said looking at each of them and spotted the one that was clearly the bitch. I walked up to her, while her friends run away along with the girl I punched.

I became my self again, and started punching and kicking her yet never missed one hit. I was about to punched her in the face again but I felt hands on my arms. I tried to released the strong grip from me…but no luck. I looked up very pissed off, only to see a cop.


"you're coming with us along these over their." the cop said as he dragged me away and into his car.

I was surprised someone called the police for the loud music but instead of having to tell us to quiet down they got me and those bitches. Most of the teens ran and hide since they heard it coming our way. But I was to caught up finishing what she had started.


"I'm sorry officer, it really wont happen again" I heard my dad tell the cop, outside the door.

"…fine…Mr. Haruno, if this does happen again you wont be able to bail her out anymore" said the cop as he sigh.

"thank you, I'll talk to her" again my dad said as the cop opened the door to where I was.

My dad pushed me out the door and into his car.

I sat in the car silently and staring at my nails. While my dad drove home and not looking at me until we got in.

"Haruno Sakura! What the hell where you thinking? Why did I bother taking you in? your such a disgrace to our family!" he shouted at me.

I didn't bother to answer or even let me answer.

"If you fight again and get caught your going to juvie or jail" he sighed and tooked his phone and started dialing. He waited for the person to answer the phone.

I still kept silence and looked down to the floor.

"take her back Koemi, I cant take this or her anymore" he said on the phone

I looked up at the said name. my father went to his room, tired, I did the same thing. I closed my eyes and starting thinking about my mom.

Would she tack me back? What would she think of me? And my tattoos? She wouldn't take my back, no way in hell she would.

I became to tired to think of anything and went to sleep on my bed.


My dad stormed in and threw suitcases in my room, I opened my eyes to see my dad still mad.

"your moving to Japan with your mother" he said angrily and slammed my door behind him. Making the house move and echoed.

It took me a second to understand what he said…

"WHAT!?!" I yelled inside my head and out-loud.


Yea…I know I haven't even finished my other stories…oh well I'll get to them some other time…

Any-who comment on it