Sorry for the late update. I didn't answer all reviews because I didn't want to chapter to be to long. The ones I didn't get to will be in the next chapter which I will get posted a lot earlier then this one. Hope you enjoy it.

Elie: We're back everyone…with more reviews.

Zuko: Boo

Elie: Hits him on the head. Don't boo the reviewers they'll get anger at you and then you'll lose all your fangirls.

Sokka: I wish I had my own hoard of fangirls. Imagines it in his head.

Miria: It'd take a really special person to like you Sokka. You're lucky that you got two girls to like you.

Sokka: HEY!

Toph: Laughs hysterically. That's a good one.

Elie: Miria come here.

Miria: Why?


Miria: Pouts. Fine.

Elie: Whispers something in her ear.

Miria: Eyes brightens. K. I'll do it. Leaves.

Zuko: What was that all about?

Elie: You'll see soon enough. Anyways back to the game. The first one is from AstrixNinja

Toph should have to make a stage and preform a tap dance in a bunny suit.

Toph: WHAT!!

Elie: You herd me. Now go. Throws a bunny suit at her.

Toph: Changes into the bunny suit and earth bends a stage for her.

Sokka: Tries to stifle laugh but fails.

Toph: Earth bends a rock at him.

Elie: Looking at Sokka. Is he all right?

Katara: I think so.

Elie: Oh. Changes her attention back to Toph. Ahem. I think you forgot something.

Toph: I hate you. Tap dances for about three minutes.

Elie: Teases her. That was a lovely dance Toph. Okay. Now the next one is from silvermoon-into-the-mist.

Katara- Put on a really skimpy bathing suit then go to a public swimming pool and run around screaming I'm GAY at the top of your lungs no bending

Toph- go to a huge mall wearing a frilly pink dress and start screaming I'm a pretty little princess at the top of your lungs no bending

Sokka- I dare you to call Azula and tell her you love her!(yeah lame but I'm not that creative) Haha your no a bender!


P.S. Have fun!

Elie: K. Katara here's a bikini. Throws it at her. Go on you have the perfect body for it.

Katara: Glares. Fine. Puts it one and goes to a swimming pool.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -10 Minutes Later - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Katara: Comes back in. Never again. Never again.

Elie: Eh. What happened?

Katara: It's too horrible to mention.

Elie: Okay. Next. Toph here's your frilly pink dress. Hands it to her.

Toph: …I hope you know I hate you. Puts it on and goes off towards a mall.

Elie: THAT'S OKAY I STILL LOVE YOU. Waves bye to Toph as she leaves.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 20 Minutes Later - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Toph: That was humiliating... Changes back into her usual outfit.

Elie: Some how I think that was the point…Okay Sokka now you have to call Azula and say you love her.

Sokka: Yeah…can I skip this one?

Elie: Nope. Dials phone for him and hands him the receiver.

Sokka: Great. Phones rings.

Azula: Hello? Who is this and how did you get this number? Tell me or I'll destroy you.

Sokka: umm…I just called to say I…I LOVE YOU. Hangs up.

Elie:Ahh. Poor Azula didn't get a chance to tell you how she felt. Oh well.

Sokka: Glares at her.

Elie: Okay. The next review is from SiriusDoctorWhoHoney329

Wow, this is going to get interesting fast. I'll have to think of some for these guys.


Elie: Thankz. I'm glad that people like my work. Now. Next review is from FreakyBirdGirl

Dare for Zuko/Katara/Aang/Sokka
Zuko and Katara make out for 10 minutes, and Aang and Sokka have to watch the entire time. Also Aang and Sokka can't hurt Zuko afterward.

Good Luck Guys! Muahahahahaha!

Zuko & Katara: In Unison. WTF?

Aang: WHAT?!

Elie: Watch your language. Now get to it.

Zuko & Katara: Glare at her but make out for 10 minutes.

Aang & Sokka: Tied up to a pillar by Elie to keep them from killing Zuko.

Elie: Now that is over…

Miria: Comes barging in with Suki, Azula, Mia, & Ty Lee. I'M BACK WITH THE PEOPLE YOU TOLD ME TO BRING…

Elie: Very good Miria. Now tie them all up except Suki & Ty Lee. I think Mai wants to kill Zuko for making out with another girl…and I just don't like Azula.

Miria: Roger. Does what she's told.


Elie: wow someone's pissed. Anyways the next review is from RelkstheDisturbed

I dare Sokka to walk on his hands while dressed up like Ty Lee.
I dare Katara to go one week without doing anything btchy, bossy or anything of the sort.
I dare Toph to go a day without Earthbending, AT ALL.
I dare Aang to ask Mang out on a date
I truth Zuko with "What would you do, if Mai and Ty Lee got into a catfight over you?".
Finally, I truth Sokka to tell Yue and Suki which one he loves more, while they're standing right in front of him.

Miria: Okay Sokka here's Ty Lee clothes. Throws them at him. No get to it.

Sokka: Puts on clothes and walks on his hands. Happy?

Elie: Yes. Okay Katara you have to go one week with being bitchy, bossy or anything related to that.

Katara: Fine.

Miria: That waits to be seen. Okay Toph you have to go one day without earth bending.

Toph: Damn, okay.

Elie: Like you said that waits to be seen as well. Okay for Zuko. What would you do if Ty Lee and Mai got into a catfight over you?

Zuko: That's easy. I'd go with however won.

Elie: And you call me a pervert. Well that leaves us to last one…

Miria: Sokka has to tell Yue and Suki who he loves more…well which one is it Sokka.

Sokka: Well Yue was my first girlfriend so she's special but she died. Now I'm with Suki so I love Suki more.

Suki: Hugs him. That's so sweet.

Elie: K. Guess what Miria.

Miria: What?

Elie: That was our fifth review so you can…


Elie: Wow. She's happy..


Elie: While Miria's busy torturing Sokka. We have one more for this chapter. It's from Sir Bartholemeau Edward III

SWEET! I now dare toph to wear high heels FOREVER and Sokka has to admit in the presence of Suki and a not-the-moon Yue who he likes more.


Katara: Um…is he okay?

Elie: Yes. Yes. Miria won't kill him. Okay Toph you have to wear high heels forever…here. Throws a pair at her. Since Sokka already answered that question and is being tortured I won't make him answer it again.


Elie: Wow. Your brother sure is loud…Anyways all the rest of the reviews will be answered in the next chapter along with new ones. So please keep reviewing…

Sokka: Escapes from Miria. KEEP THAT CRAZY PERSON AWAY FROM ME!!


Elie: Please send in some reviews or Miria will keep torturing Sokka. And Chapter three will be up soon to answer all remaining reviews.