disclaimer: naruto is not mine


Good Luck Charm


Chapter 7: The Old House



"Ano, Sasuke-teme…"

"What Naruto?!" Sasuke growled, trying to keep his attention focused on the road.

"Do you know where you're going?" Naruto asked.


"Really? How?" Naruto scratched his head; confused.

"Shut up dobe."

"HOW?!" Naruto whined.

"Shut up." Naruto was really annoying him.


"I just do." He bit out.

"Harumph. Liar….or should I say—"






"If you were a girl I'd call you a bitch."


"But I know that you're just a PMS-ey dude."


"Whaddya want my hormonal friend?"

"It's called angst."


"Naruto? Why are you purple?"





Sasuke speeded past the traffic light in his pure, ebony black car, ignoring the signs that screamed 'SPEED LIMIT 35 MPH'.

Naruto was splayed out in the passenger seat, having received a swift punch in the jawline courtesy of the Uchiha.

Sasuke knew where Sakura lived. He had always known.

"Teme!" Naruto whined, "Where are we going?!"

Sasuke all but slapped his so-called best friend in his little whiskered face.

"Dobe, we're going to Sakura's house."

Naruto glared at Sasuke.

"I know that! But how do you know where she lives? And why are we even GOING there."

Sasuke groaned and slammed his foot on the brakes of his car, sending the machine to a screeching halt in front of the traffic light.

"How many times do I have to tell you this, we are going to apologize."

Naruto had a brain spasm.

"You…teme…apologize…girl….whaaaa?" he sputtered out in a mass of incoherency. Sasuke did not do apologies. Never. Especially to girls. He was a total misogynist.

"Yes. Now shut up."

"Hai Captain Weirdo SIR!"

Sasuke wanted to cry from frustration, but his tear ducts were no longer in existence.


The black car shot past acres upon acres of finely crafted suburban living, and perfectly manicured hills and lawns before the road became much more flat and the land became more woodsy and underdeveloped. Obviously they were on the outskirts of town.

"Wait a second. Sasuke I know this…."


"Oh. Geez. She lives here?"


The remainder of the ride continued on in a stiff silence as both boys contemplated the sudden turn of events.

"So you mean Sakura lives…" Naruto asked again.


The blonde haired boy looked out the window as the all too familiar landscape passed by. He knew those trees. He knew those old, wooden buildings that casted eerie shadows with the setting sun.

He knew those swings, the jungle gym, and the meadow tread upon by thousands of children's feet.

"Konoha. The name changed didn't it?" Naruto turned towards Sasuke.

"Hn," Sasuke's face was carefully unemotional.

"When did you find out?"


The car took a final turn onto a narrow, winding road with trees lining the small, dirt path.

"This road's gonna scuff up your shiny car," Naruto taunted, trying to keep the atmosphere light.

"Dobe. For the last time. Shut. Up."

Sasuke finally pulled up to the driveway of a large, wooden structure, and drew an intake of breath.

It was all the same.

And he thought that old demons were supposed to be long gone now.

"Sasuke-teme. I think you should knock. Someone's staring at us from the window like we're serial killers plotting out our next murder."


Sasuke had hesitated and then he and Naruto walked up to the front door. Sasuke lifted a hand and knocked.



Locks turned inside the house and the door opened revealing a middle aged woman with fiery red hair.

"May I help you?"

Naruto nudged Sasuke.

"Yes. We're here to see Sakura Haruno."

Naruto wanted to scoff at his stoic friend, he really didn't know the meaning of friendly or nice.

"And who are you?" The woman stared at the two boys skeptically.

"Sasuke Uchiha," he said in a chilling voice.

The woman shivered involuntarily, and then looked towards the blonde boy (who, in her opinion, looked less threatening).

"And I'm Naruto! Uzumaki Naruto! Pleased to meet you ma'am!" Naruto piped up happily.

The woman's face brightened and she stepped aside to let the two boys in.

"Well then come in. Sakura's outside, so wait here and I'll just go get her—"

"It's okay Haruno-san. We can go get her," Naruto said.

The woman gave Naruto a perplexed stare.

"Have you been here before?"

Sasuke sighed at Naruto's outburst.

"Yes. It was a while ago, but we know our way around."

The woman still looked at Naruto like he had grown three legs out of his stomach, but soon her face dropped as she gave up trying to understand the two boys who had magically appeared on her doorstep.

"Well I suppose you can. She's by the lake. We just moved here a while ago so I guess I still have a lot to learn about this place. Go ahead."

She took the boys to the back door and looked out as they immediately set upon the well-worn path. They seemed so at home. Why?

"Uchiha. Now where have I heard that name before?"


Sakura sat by the still water of the lake, letting the sounds of nature fade until they were just a dull roar in the back of her mind.

She hated when she was left alone with her thoughts. There were too many suppressed memories that threatened to surface. But today, after another attack from Karin and her crew, she really needed to reflect.

Names ran through her mind.





Names that connected to heartbreak and nothing else.


Ugh! She was trying to forget about him. Why did he have to pop up in her mind?

Damn him. What did he think he was? Wasn't he the best soccer player in all of Japan or something? Why did he have to ruin her life? He already had a perfect one.

She ran her hand through the water, sending ripples across the placid surface.

He's cute though….


She mentally slapped herself.

No! He's not cute! Suigetsu was cute. Kiba was cute. Neji was….


Sakura groaned as her mind fought against the VOICE OF REASON and the other VOICE that she didn't want to listen to.

The VOICE that said that maybe she was really starting to care for someone. But she shoved the voice aside with strength that rivaled Karin's followers.

Hurt. That's all I'll ever be.

She sighed. She was glad her family had moved to this area of town. The house was big, and the land was beautiful. It was a wonder how they had managed to afford it. Something about legends and ghost stories had kept people from buying it.

She scoffed. Her whole life was a freaking 'legend'.



Leaves crunched as someone walked down the path leading to the lake.

Sakura snapped out of her stupor, and glared towards the trail. Who was it? Her mom would never venture all the way out here, and she no really knew that she had moved. Not even Ino knew where the lake was.

The lake was her sanctuary, her haven. And she was about to chop the arms off whoever dared to interrupt her thoughts.

She stood up and brushed the dirt off her jeans, wincing and the bandages on her knees constricted her scraped knees.


Sakura had cleaned herself up pretty well after the mini-fit Karin and her girls had thrown.

She knew Naruto and Sasuke were probably wondering why she was so weak that she couldn't even defend herself.

The truth was that if she did fight back, she would probably hurt Karin more than they had hurt her.

All Sakura might have afterwards were some scars and lots of concealer on her face, but Karin and her friends…well she wouldn't even think about it.



Obviously the intruders weren't trying to be discreet.

Then she heard,

"TEME!" and saw a flash of blonde hair.


She quickly limped behind the tree. This was not happening. How could they have found her?! She told them to leave her alone!

Naruto and Sasuke suddenly appeared in the clearing.


"Sasuke-teme. I don't think she's here," Naruto stated matter-of-factly as he scanned the edges of the lake for the pink-haired girl.

Sasuke sighed for the umpteenth time and pointed behind a large tree by the lake where a tuft of pink hair peeked out of the branches.

"She's right there, dobe."

Naruto looked towards where Sasuke's finger was pointing.


Naruto ran towards the tree, bouncing.

Sasuke mentally slapped his forehead. What did he do to deserve such an idiot of a friend?

Sakura came out from her hiding place, and Sasuke almost almost gasped. Naruto stopped bouncing.

"Sakura…chan?" Naruto gaped.

Sasuke was at a loss for words also, but that was normal for him.

She looked so different. Her hair was long and glossy, and her complexion perfect. She wore a thin, short-sleeved shirt and a pair of shorts, and she looked NOTHING like she had that afternoon. Except for the white bandages on her knees, there was no evidence of even a scratch.

"What?!" she growled as the two boys ogled.

When both Naruto and Sasuke continued to stare, she marched angrily towards them.

"Why are you here? And how the hell do you know where I live?!" she bit out angrily, and glared at them coolly.

Sasuke gave Sakura an equally chilling look,

"I used to live here."

"Here? Like in this city? Well congratulations. Go nostalgia. Now will you please just go away."

Naruto smiled.

"Noooo Sakura-chan! This was Sasuke-teme's old house!"




A/N: Whoohoo! Plot twist of DOOM! Haha. Wow. This whole month is going to be especially hectic so please be patient with me! REVIEW PLEASE!

Oh and guess what? I'm almost at 3,000 hits and have almost 50 reviews! Thank you guys so much!