Cyberchase Jealousy

Cyberchase Jealousy.

After the downfall of Hacker, everyone in Cyberspace throws a huge party for the Cybersquad, where Slider pops the big question on Jackie and she happily accepts, although Inez disapproves, wanting Slider all to herself. Meanwhile, Matt tries to pop the question on Inez herself with some difficulty.

Disclaimer: I don't own Cyberchase. If I did, Slider would be my boyfriend.

Chapter 1: The Big Question.

Three days after the downfall of Hacker, everyone in Cyberspace threw a huge celebration for all four members of the Cybersquad, for defeating Hacker for good and dumping him in the recycle bin on the other side of Cyberspace, along with Buzz. To celebrate, Motherboard arranged for a gigantic party to be held at the Grand Ballroom, level negative five at the Cyber Grand tower.

The ballroom was decorated nicely. Balloons and streamers were hanging from every part of the ceiling, blocking any view from the white, tiled ceiling. Rainbow confetti of every colour of the rainbow was scattered all over the polished tile floor. A few round tables with four chairs each were place in every corner of the ballroom.

Atop the main table were scrumptious snacks, such as donuts, cookies, and most importantly, four chocolate sculptures of Jackie, Inez, Matt, and Digit themselves, Cyberspace's heroes, made by Chef Foody for that special occasion.

It seemed as though mostly everyone was at the party. There was Creech, Shari Spotter, Fluff, Dr. Marbles, Binky, the Three Little Pigs, all the Poddles, even Wicked was there. She couldn't miss such a good party, especially the fact that Prince Charming happened to be there. Even the skaters from Radopolis and the Princess of Pompadouria were there as well. Since he helped out the Cybersquad many times during their battles with Hacker, Delete was allowed to attend the party too.

Music was playing in the background when the Cybersquad arrived by a purple portal. Jackie hopped out of the portal first. She was dressed in a yellow, sleeveless, knee-high dress, and black, knee-high boots. Her black hair was still in the usual upper bun at the back of her head, kept in place with a yellow scrunchy. Around her neck was her red bead necklace and red bracelet was around her right wrist. Hanging on her ears were her usual matching round red earrings.

Inez hopped out next. She was wearing a purple, spaghetti-strap midriff, skin-tight, black jeans, and purple shoes. A purple hairclip was placed in her shoulder-length, brown hair, with her black glasses over her eyes.

Matt followed Inez out of the portal. He wore a chartreuse T-Shirt over a long sleeve, white shirt, blue jeans, and red shoes. His red hair was still in the shaggy style as usual. His orange backpack was strapped to his back.

The portal closed as Digit flew out last. He looked the same as always with his red tie and red cap. For this fancy occasion, he just threw on a black leather jacket.

Dressing nicely wasn't just for the party, but each member of the Cybersquad were going to receive Cyberawards for defeating Hacker once and for all. The awards ceremony was supposed to begin as soon as they got there.

"Wow, check out the ballroom guys!" Matt exclaimed, looking around. "Motherboard sure hooked us up with a great party."

Inez smiled. "And Cybermusic sure rocks! I wonder who's the DJ?"

Jackie looked at the wooden stage at the back of the ballroom and grinned. "Guys, it's Slider!"

Inez stopped dancing and turned her attention to the stage. There, as the party's DJ was none other than Slider. He looked the same as always – shaggy brown hair, orange hoodie with a yellow oval on it, with a long-sleeve, white shirt underneath, dark green baggy shorts, and brown shoes.

Matt seemed to notice red hearts floating around Inez's head. He waved his right hand in front of her face trying to snap her out of her gaze. "Hello? Nezzie!?"

She shook her head, breaking her gaze, before turning to glare at Matt. "Don't call me Nezzie!"

Just before Inez could give Matt a full lecture on not calling her Nezzie, using vocabulary that no one could understand, a big screen hanging from the ceiling of the ballroom switched on, and Motherboard was on it, beginning the awards ceremony. That cued Slider to turn off the music and for everyone else to pay attention.

"Hello, everyone," Motherboard announced. "Today is the day that we honour four of Cyberspace's courageous heroes. Whenever Hacker planned to take over cybersites and cause chaos throughout Cyberspace, these four heroes are always there to help us all, and for that, I honour them."

Matt could see Shari Spotter in the crowd of people, wiggling her fingers on her right hand at him, smiling. He turned red, not making eye contact with her, but waving back in her direction. Shari always had a crush on him ever since they met, but he was already interested in another girl.

"So, without further ado, I would like to honour the four members of the Cybersquad: Digit, Matt, Inez, and Jackie, for their success in bringing down Hacker and keeping Cyberspace safe for everyone."

The crowd applauded and cheered, as Digit, Matt, Inez, and Jackie made their way onto the wooden stage, where Slider was waiting. In his hand was a soft, white pillow, with four gold medals attached to blue straps.

One by one, Slider placed one gold medal over each of the Cybersquad members' head, which hung nicely around their neck, the gold medal hanging by their stomach. Inez blushed as Slider placed a gold medal over her head because his hands brushed against her neck, as he let go of her medal.

Motherboard smiled. "Before we continue to party, another member of the Cybersquad would like to make an important announcement. Ladies and gentlemen, please give a round of applause, from Radopolis - Slider!"

The crowd applauded and cheered once more, as Slider placed the white pillow by his feet, before turning on his headset that he wore around his head. Digit, Inez, and Jackie cheered for him, while Matt applauded politely. He didn't like Slider as much, since he was Inez and Jackie's love interest, making Matt very jealous, but he decided to be nice to him, just for that night at least.

"Ladies and gentlemen of Cyberspace," he announced. "In honour of this special occasion, I would like to bring up one question to one of the Cybersquad's members. She is sweet, kind, and very organized. Without her, I don't think the Cybersquad could have pulled it off defeating Hacker from their first mission to their last."

Inez's smile grew. Did Slider mean her? What was the question? She did her best to hide all the excitement that was trying to explode from inside of her.

Slider reached inside his right shorts pocket and pulled out a small, blue, velvet box. He then knelt in front of Jackie on his right knee, much to Inez's shock. He then opened the small box, revealing a beautiful golden ring, with a shiny, sparkly diamond in the middle.

"I know this may come as a shock for you, dudette," he said, as Jackie covered her mouth with her right hand, in surprise. "But will you be my girlfriend?"

Everyone gasped, especially Inez, who was looking at Jackie in disbelief. Matt's mouth was hanging open, as well as Jackie's. Digit fell over backwards in shock.

"I mean, forgive me for sounding, like, totally sappy Jackie," Slider explained. "But I really think you're beautiful."

Everyone else was looking at Jackie, waiting for her response. It looked as though she was totally speechless, either because she was shocked that Slider popped the big question on her, that he said a really sweet comment about her, or because she was amazed by how big the diamond on the ring was.

"Is – is – is that a Cyberdiamond?" she asked, stuttering.

Slider nodded. "Yeah, it cost one thousand snelfus. I did a few cryoxide changes here and there and repaired some Cybercoupes in my garage, and I had two hundred snelfus saved up. But it was totally worth it, Jackie."

Inez was watching, the suspense almost killing her. "She's won't say yes, she might not, she just might -"


The applause and cheering that erupted from the audience was almost loud enough to knock Inez off her feet, not to mention knocking the truth about what just happened right into her head. Matt had to grab her by the arms to stop her from falling on her back.

"What's just happened?" Inez asked, a bit dizzy.

Matt smirked. "Slider asked Jackie to be his girlfriend, she said yes, and you almost conked out."

Inez stood up, watching, her eyes widening, as Slider placed the ring on Jackie's right hand, on the second finger from her right. A tear ran down her face in happiness, as she stepped into his embrace. If Slider ever made plans to marry her in the future, the ring he would propose with would go to her left hand, the second from her left.

Soon, Slider backed up from the embrace. With his right arm around Jackie's waist and Jackie smiling, happily, he announced, "Let the party begin!"

Everyone cheered and resumed to what they were doing. Matt hopped off the stage. Inez followed, reluctantly, not having anything better to do. She weaved in and out of the crowd to meet up with Matt at the long snack table. She leaned against one of the fancy chairs, while Matt piled some snacks on his plate. She frowned, looking at Slider and Jackie talking on the stage, while running the music for the party.

"I can't believe it!" Inez muttered, crossing her arms.

Matt swallowed the chocolate chip cookie that was in his mouth, before talking. "I know, did you see that gem? I never knew they made diamonds that big!"

Inez slapped her forehead. "Not Jackie's ring, Matt! I'm talking about Slider and Jackie being an item!"

"Why aren't you happy for Jacks?" Matt asked. "She's so meaningful to you. It even said so in your diary when she read it."

"I know, but you and I both know that Jackie and I both have a crush on Slider ever since we met him when we had to get the Totally Rad Ring of Radopolis back from Hacker," Inez answered. "Look at them, Matt!"

Matt looked back at the stage, along with Inez. They could see Slider whispering something into Jackie's left ear and she giggled in response. Slider laughed along with her and nuzzled his face into her black hair.

Matt smirked at Inez, as she frowned. "Looks like someone's a bit jealous, Nezzie."

Inez frowned at Matt. "I'm not jealous!" Pause. "And don't call me Nezzie!"

Just then, Slider switched the fast, up-beat song, to a slow, romantic one. Inez saw Slider take Jackie's hand and lead her off the stage, towards the dance floor. She turned to Matt, to find Shari Spotter talking to him, batting her eyelashes behind her purple glasses.

She extended her right hand out to Matt. "Hey, want to dance with me?"

Matt turned a bit red, taking her hand, reluctantly. "Uh, sure."

As Shari dragged Matt to the dance floor, eagerly, Matt mouthed, "Help me!" to Inez, but she wasn't paying attention. She was too busy glaring at Jackie, who had her arms wrapped around Slider's neck, with his arms wrapped tightly around her waist, so they were so close together.

"This is not good, this is not good at all," Inez stated, using one of her usual quotes.

"What's not good?" Digit asked, appearing next to her and tasting the Cyberbeet stew on the table. "Hmmm, not bad at all."

She needed to make an excuse to leave. She didn't want to face Jackie and Slider that night. "Uh, I'm not feeling so good. Maybe, I should go home."

"No way, Inez!" Digit protested. "This is our party. You can't leave." He grabbed onto her right hand with his left wing. "Come on, let's dance!"

As Digit dragged Inez towards the dance floor, Inez sighed, sadly.

This was going to be a long night.

Here's the prologue to the story! If you want me to continue, just push the "GO" button at the bottom left screen and……

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Stay Solid! (quote from, "The Emperor's New School.").

Your Cartoon/Anime Fanfiction Writing Extraordinaire,
