Disclaimer: Characters aren't mine…

A/N: Thanks for the reviews. Sorry it's taken so long, but I've gotten caught up in reading Meredith/Addison from Grey's Anatomy fics. Definitely my second favorite pairing now, but there's not a lot out there that I can find.

It was well past nightfall when Alex finally decided to look for Olivia. Any other time, she would have known exactly where to look, the precinct. But tonight she knew that Olivia wouldn't be there. So she went to the one place she always went when she needed to think, Central Park. And she thought she knew the exact spot to look.

Olivia hadn't heard Alex approach, but she knew she was there. She had this odd sixth sense when it came to Alex. She knew the moment she walked into a room. It was nothing as obvious as tingling of the skin or as ridiculous as high school butterflies; she just knew.

If Alex wasn't going to walk away then Olivia would, but not before lettering her know exactly how she felt.

Alex was always startled by Olivia's perceptiveness and nearly jumped when she started speaking without ever looking over. "I can't do this anymore Alex. I need you too damn much to have you not need me at all.

"Most of the time I can handle it. Most of the time I can look at you and not ache because you're just passing time until we're done." Alex attempted to stop her, but Olivia just kept on. Eyes focused straight ahead.

"But sometimes, like tonight…And I know it's not an excuse, but sometimes it grabs a hold of me so tight I can't breathe, and all I can think about is making you need me.

"That maybe if I do just one thing right, you'll realize it." Alex was visibly shocked. Neither woman spoke of their feelings very often, and it shook her to hear her strong, independent detective so vulnerable.

"Tonight I needed you to need me so fucking much Alex. I needed to feel like I was a part of something. I needed to feel like I was a part of you like you've become such a huge part of me.

"And I couldn't control it. I've let it build up for so long that it turned on me and all I did was hurt you. There's no way for me to ever take that back or make it up to you, but Alex, you have to know I didn't mean to.

"God, I would rather cut off my own arm than to hurt you. But I did and you'll never know how sorry I am."

Once Alex was sure Olivia was through, she began speaking softly, never taking her eyes off of Olivia's profile. "The only reason I'm hurting right now Liv is by seeing you like this and knowing it's all because of me…"

"Alex, you…" Olivia interrupted.

"No, I let you talk. Now it's my turn," Alex said. "You didn't hurt me Liv."

Olivia's head whipped to finally look at Alex. She could not stay silent at that. "Did you not look at yourself?!"

"Yes I did. Did you not look at yourself?"

Confusion was clearly written on Olivia's face. Alex smiled and raised her hand to Olivia's neck, tracing a noticeable bit mark. Olivia raised her hand and could feel the teeth indentions. "That's not the same thing," she said.

"Yes, it is. What did you feel when I did that?" Alex asked.

Olivia didn't answer, just turned to stare out in front of her again. No matter what Alex said it wasn't the same thing. She knew Alex couldn't understand. There was something inside her that she had to always have control over. This time left Alex with marks that would someday disappear, but what could be said of the next time?

When Alex realized she wasn't going to receive an answer from Olivia, she answered it herself. "The pain didn't even register. You felt…excited. Turned-on. Wanted." Olivia slowly nodded. "That's exactly what I felt Olivia. Even now they don't hurt. They're just a reminder as to how much you want me and that I'm yours.

"Liv, you weren't trying to hurt me. You weren't doing it out of spite. They were made due to your passion, and that, I have no problems with. In fact," she smiled, knowing Olivia would be able to hear it in her voice. "I loved it."

"It's not the same thing Alex, and you know that."

"No, I don't. Explain."

"You know why," Olivia threw a glare to Alex.

"Olivia Benson," Alex took Olivia's face in her hands and turned to face her, "you are not your father. You are the sweetest, most caring person I know, with the gentlest heart. You would never do anything to hurt anyone unless left without a choice. You care for the victims of this city with your entire being, and hunt those that caused others pain to the point of exhaustion. You would take everyone's pain upon yourself if it were possible. You. Are. Not. Your. Father." She punctuated the last sentence with kisses across Olivia's forehead, nose, each cheek, and finally placed a soft kiss on her lips.

"It can't be that easy Alex," she sighed, resting her forehead against Alex's. "You can't just list all these things you see in me and ignore everything else."

"I'm not ignoring anything. So you have a temper. It doesn't take away anything from who you are. It only adds another layer to the amazing woman standing before me. Everyone has a temper sweetheart. Just think of it this way, has your temper ever had you do anything you later regretted?"

"Well no, but…" Olivia began to argue, but Alex interrupted.

"But nothing. You can't live your life thinking that you might lose your temper because of who your father was Liv. He has no bearing on the person you are today, other than giving you a first-hand experience as to just how much people in certain positions need help."

Olivia sighed. Alex made it sound so easy. And everything she said sounded so right. It was enough for now. It had to be.

She smirked. "You've got a way with words Alex. Ever considered becoming a lawyer?"

Alex laughed, hoping the crisis had passed. "I'll put some thought into that Detective."