Honesty is the Best Policy – Chapter 1

Disclaimer: I don't own She's the Man. And that won't change so I really don't want to repeat myself every chapter.

What would have happened if Viola had decided to ask for a chance without pretending to be her brother? Sebastian doesn't go to London and already broke up with Monique. Kia, Yvonne, and Viola are hanging out after their team was cut.

(Line Break Malfunction)

"I can't believe our team was cut! It just isn't fair," Viola sighed. Kia and Yvonne nodded in agreement. The three of them were wracking their brains in attempt to form a plan, trying not to think about what the loss of playing time could do to their futures. They had come up with a few ideas but nothing seemed plausible.

Kia shook her head, "Why did the boys and Coach have to be so discriminating? They must know we are good enough."

"They think that they would look stupid with girls on their team. It isn't even about us. I wish they weren't such pigs. You made the right decision in dumping Justin, Viola. He really didn't appreciate you as a person or a player," Yvonne answered.

Viola's eyes lit up. "I have an idea. The coach at Cornwall won't help but not every coach would think that we aren't good enough to play just because we are girls. I can't believe I'm suggesting this but how about Illyria's coach? They don't have a girl's team but it's worth asking for a chance to play on the boy's team. Right?" Her two best friends were staring at her, jaws hanging towards the ground.

Kia liked the idea a lot and jumped up. "Okay! Let's go!"

Yvonne just looked at her. "What? Now! No, we can't just rush off without a plan. That would be stupid." Kia sat back down. "We should change first. Showing up in Illyria wearing Cornwall practice jerseys is not a good idea. Also, we should find out a few things before we go. Is it possible to transfer? We would have to do that to be able to play. What else would we need to do before we start playing? What is their coach's name? We know their teams are good but what about the rest of the school? It is a boarding school, we know that much at least."

"I can ask Sebastian. He is set to move in tomorrow. I don't think they are too strict on transfers. I mean, they let my brother in and he isn't exactly a model student," Viola thought about it. They could do this. Soccer meant the world to them and fighting for what you want is a big part of succeeding.

(Line Break Malfunction)

The next morning the girls regrouped at their favorite coffee shop. Viola was practically bouncing up and down in her seat. "We are so lucky! My brother's new roommate is on the boy's varsity soccer team. Sebastian talked to him and he promised to help. The coach's name is Dinklage. Apparently, he is tough but fair. It looks like he'd at least allow us to tryout. I think this could actually work! How did your work go?"

"I checked out their website. They have some of the best SAT scores in the country. They say they are a college preparatory school and they mean business. Nobody is going to hold your hand. If you want the grades, you go to class and work hard. If you need help, you need to ask. It seems like a college more than a high school. Their transfer policy is really good for us, thanks to the headmaster who seems to like transfers. If we make the team, we're in. It's as simple as that," Yvonne did best working with facts and numbers so she had been put in charge of the computer work. "Kia, how did you do?"

Kia smiled. "Sneaking in was really easy. The school is beautiful. It was different from Cornwall, really different. The stadium is huge! I think they trim the grass with scissors. Not really but the field was immaculate! They seem to understand that football isn't the only sport. Soccer has its own stadium and it is just as big as the one used for football. I watched some of their practice. Vi, I don't know which one was your brother's roommate but he has to be hot! The varsity team is full of hotties."

"Kia!" Both Viola and Yvonne knew they had to stop Kia's rant about the guys before she really got started. Kia could talk about guys for hours. Kia blushed, "Sorry. Their coach is tough. He yells all the time but he really cares about how his team works. No wonder they always beat Cornwall. That team is like a well-oiled machine. Everyone knows everyone else's strengths and weaknesses. It was poetic watching the way they played. I would be proud to be allowed the chance to just play with them."

Viola bit her lip. "So, do we go for it? Is soccer worth all this?" Kia and Yvonne looked scandalized.

Yvonne's answer was indignant, "Of course! I would do anything to be able to play. How could you say that?!" Kia was nodding vigorously in agreement.

Viola smiled, "Well, I'm glad we all feel the same way. You two ready to go talk to Coach Dinklage?"

(Line Break Malfunction)

Sneaking on to Illyria's campus was, as Kia said, really easy. Kia showed them where the soccer field was but she didn't know where the coach's office was. Luckily, it didn't take too long to find. Somebody had used their brain and put it right next to the locker rooms. The three girls must have stood outside the door for at least a minute before Viola took a deep breath and knocked on the door.

A deep voice said, "Don't just stand there! Open the door and walk in." The girls shared a glance before following the voice's directions. Viola's first impression of the man was that he meant business. Yvonne was looking at the room itself. A simple desk with two chairs in front of it, a bulletin board with a practice schedule and plays tacked to it, and, sitting behind the desk, a man who really looked like a soccer player. Kia thought that Coach Dinklage was even more imposing close up. Dinklage was sitting with his arms crossed and an eyebrow raised as high as it could go. "Can I help you three?"

Kia and Yvonne looked at Viola. "Well, Coach, it's a long story." And with that she launched into the tale of the team being cut, and that college scouts wouldn't see them play, how Coach Pistonek wouldn't allow them to tryout for the boy's team; she left out the part about breaking up with Justin. When she was finished, she looked at him and said, "All we are asking for is a chance."

The girls sat through what seemed like the longest thirty seconds of their lives, while waiting for Dinklage to answer them. Eventually, he smiled at them, "Turn around." Above the door, in neat black script was painted "Be not afraid of greatness: some are born great, some achieve greatness, and some have greatness thrust upon them." " Shakespeare. I try to live my life according to that quote. I believe that you three deserve the chance to be great. I will allow you to tryout. Regular tryouts were yesterday but I will make an exception. Do you have appropriate gear?"

Yvonne nodded. "As long as you don't mind Cornwall jerseys." Coach Dinklage told them to change and be ready on the field in twenty minutes. He had a practice to cancel.