A/N: Hello to all my loyal readers and fans. This story is a companion piece to Memories of Brooklyn and will follow the 'happily ever after' scenario that an overwhelming number of you have expressed interest in. If you are a newcomer, Views From Brooklyn may not make much sense to you without reading its 'sister' but I welcome each and every one of you and hope that you all enjoy.

This story begins nine months after Samantha gives birth to Kieran. For those that haven't read MOB, Samantha Ross is the older sister of lab tech Adam Ross and the now wife of Detective Don Flack. What MOB regulars will notice is that the first major difference from MOB is that Speed has stayed in New York and he and Carmen (Carmen Devine, an Aphina creation from her Devine series for those who don't know) are parents to a three month old daughter named Addison. The first few chapters revolve around the preparation for Speed and Carmen's wedding. It is startling how much changes with Speed still in the picture.

As always, reviews are welcome. However, while positive constructive criticism is appropriate, nastiness is NOT. We are all here to have fun and take advantage of our imaginations and our ability to use creative license when working with fictional characters.

Lastly, I do not own CSI:NY or any of its characters.


"The kids screaming, phone ringing
Dog barking at the mailman bringing
That stack of bills - overdue
Good morning baby, how are you?
Got a half hour, quick shower
Take a drink of milk but the milk's gone sour
My funny face makes you laugh
Twist the top on and I put it back
There goes the washing machine
Baby, don't kick it.
I promise I'll fix it
Long about a million other things

Well, it's ok. It's so nice
It's just another day in paradise
Well, there's no place that
I'd rather be
Well, it's two hearts
And one dream
I wouldn't trade it for anything
And I ask the Lord every night
For just another day in paradise."

-Just Another Day in Paradise, Phil Vassar

Samantha Flack paced the living room, cordless phone pressed between her ear and her shoulder, wearing a pink terry cloth bath robe and her hair in hot rollers like it had been for the last four hours. Thomas the Tank Engine was blaring on the large plasma television across the room while nine month old Kieran, in Cars pyjamas and his hair still damp from his before dinner bath, babbled noisily in the middle of the room as he played with a small collection of Little Tikes trucks.

"Don's mom is running late." Sam said into the phone, stopping her pacing in favor or picking up a sleeper resting on top of the unfolded basket of clean laundry that sat on the coffee table. "I don't know, Gus…..she said that traffic was the shits coming in from Queens…." she listened to her close friend Gus Broussard rambling in her New Orleans accent. "I know Carmen will kill me but what can I do? Bring a nine month old holy terror to a five star restaurant? Do you know what he'd do to that place? You've seen my apartment haven't you?…. exactly. He'd demolish it. I'm ready, I just have to take my hair down and put my dress and shoes on and we're good to go. He's in the shower. Well what can I do he worked late! What else is new?"

Sam watched, holding her breath, as Kieran abandoned his toys and crawled over to the couch a few feet from her. He got up onto his knees, put his hands on the cushion and pulled himself, albeit shakily, onto his feet. She let out her breath when he steadied himself and shrieked with happiness and pride. Then had to bolt for him when he clapped his hands and lost his balance and nearly fell backwards. Preventing him from cracking the back of his head open on the corner of the coffee table.

"Sorry, Gus." Sam panted into the phone, her heart pounding in her chest. "Kieran is going to be the death of me. Overnight he learned how to pull up to stand. Literally overnight. Don heard him crying at three in the morning and when he went to check on him, Kieran was standing up in his crib and freaking out because he didn't know how to get down."

Once she was sure her son was firmly holding onto the sofa, she stepped back a few feet and sat down on the arm.

"He's the spawn of Satan, Gus. I'm telling you. He really is. He gives me a heart attack when he stands up. I can just see him falling and splitting his lip open or knocking out his front teeth. Well he's just like his father. Which means he has the big feet that make him so damn clumsy."

"You're lucky you didn't say my lack of brains." Flack said as he came into the living room, dropping his jacket on the couch. Kieran went for it immediately and Flack had to snatch it out of the nine month old's grip.

"That too." Sam teased as he bent down to kiss her softly.

He smelled like a mixture of soap and water and the cologne she'd bought him for father's day. His hair was still damp and he was tucking his light grey shirt into his black dress pants. A deep purple, mauve and silver stripped tie hung loose around his neck. The way he looked and the way he smelled, she was tempted to say drop your pants and lets stay in. She was completely unaware of what Gus was saying as she watched her husband finish tucking in his shirt, then zipping and buttoning his pants and doing up his belt. Her eyes alternating the whole time between that area below the waist and his face, which was serious as he concentrated on what he was doing. Oblivious to the fact he was driving her absolutely insane.

He finished with his belt and went to work on the tie. "What?" he asked, noticing her watching him intently.

"Maybe we should just send Kieran to your parents and stay in." Sam suggested.

He grinned broadly, showing off the dimples in his cheeks. "Is Gus not on the phone?" he asked.

Sam had completely forgotten about her friend. "Shit!" she cursed into the phone. "Sorry, Gus….what were you saying?"

Flack gave his wife a once over, noticing she was still in her bathrobe. "How come you're not dressed?" he asked.

Sam's eyes narrowed at the absurdity of the question and pointed in Kieran's direction.

"Well I'm out here now so go ahead. I'll keep an eye on him 'til my mom gets here."

"Keep an eye on him? He's your son….don't you think…." Sam stopped mid sentence at the sight of her son, on his tip toes at the coffee table, reaching for the laundry basket. He was tall for his age, and made it look so damn easy. "Donald, would you do something about your son?!" she implored.

Flack looked over his shoulder. "He's fine." he said and went back to doing up his tie.

"He's going to pull that basket down on himself and then fall and mangle his face on the coffee table."

"Samantha, relax. He's fine. Nothing is going to happen to him. What are you going to do when he's getting teeth knocked out playing hockey and breaking his arm playing football or gets into fights and gets two black eyes and a busted nose?"

"Does he need to have them when he's nine months old?" she asked. "Do something Donnie before…"

The laundry basket toppled onto Kieran's face, who in turn toppled back into the couch and landed, on the ground, flat on his ass. Kieran was silent for a half a minute, then let out an ear piercing wail that was a mixture of frustration and anger.

Flack couldn't help but laugh. Seeing his son sitting there with a basket full of laundry over his head, frantically trying to pull things off of himself. It was funny. Now if the kid had have been genuinely hurt, then he would have been more sympathetic. But the moment was too damn humorous. He glanced at his wife who was appalled at his reaction.

"Do something!" she cried.

"Sam, he's fine. He's not hurt. In fact, nothing is more hurt than his pride."

"He could suffocate with that laundry on his head." she nearly wailed.

"Oh my God. Get a grip. Listen to him screaming. Does he sound like he's suffocating?"


He sighed. "Fine. I'll get him. You need to relax all ready. If he can't take a laundry basket falling on his head…."

"Would you just….."

Flack held up his hands in self defence and calmly finished with his tie and folded the collar of his shirt down before casually strolling over to the couch and plucking laundry of his son's head.

"Whats a matter, Kieran?" he asked, trying to keep the chuckle out of his voice as he unearthed his son's wailing form and lifted him up into his strong, comforting arms.

Kieran sobbed da-da a few times before curling an arm around his father's neck and resting his head on Flack's shoulder.

"Probably broke his tail bone falling on his butt." Sam said.

"He's got a diaper on." Flack reminded her. "He's okay. It just scared him and pissed him off all at the same time. He's got your temper."

"Whatever." Sam snorted.

"Would you and Gus quit your gossiping and just go and get dressed? We're late and Carmen will kill both of us."

"You're mother is still stuck in traffic."

"Worse comes to worse, we take Kieran with us."

Sam looked at her husband as if he'd lost his mind.

"Okay, so maybe that isn't an option." Flack said, having to pry Kieran's fingers out of his mouth. "Just go and get dressed and we'll worry about then. We can always leave him with Mrs Campbell in 606. She's always asking to babysit."

"She's half senile and has ten cats." Sam pointed out. "I mean, we have one and that's bad enough."

It was truly love when Don Flack agreed to let the woman in his life keep a mangy kitten she'd found routing through the trash cans at the back of the building eight months ago. Now that mangy kitten - a grey thing with white paws that had prompted Sam to name it Slippers as opposed to the common, and boring moniker of Socks- ate them out of house and home and took up permanent residence on their bed and forced Flack to get both allergy shots and take heavy daily doses of antihistamines.

"Hey, got any better ideas? Just go and get dressed. Jesus woman. You see Gus nearly every second day? What could you possibly have to talk about for so long? And you'll be seeing her in less than an hour."

"We're comparing ideas on how to kill the men in our lives." Sam said.

"Don't worry, couple years married to you will put me in an early grave."

Sam flipped him the middle finger. "I gotta go, Gus. Before Detective Sargeant starts really bossing me around. See you in a bit. Bye."

She pressed end on the phone and tossed it onto the couch. Then stood watching as her husband tossed their first born high into the air above his head, catching him easily and effortlessly with those big, strong, capable hands. Kieran was squealing and shrieking, a look of pure joy all over his cherubic face. Thick nearly black hair and electric blue eyes like his father. He was a damn cute kid that garnered attention wherever they took him. And comments on how much he looked like his daddy.

From the day she'd met Don Flack outside of the crime lab on that warm late spring day, she'd found him insanely attractive. With his broad shoulders and strong arms and powerful build and his short dark hair tinged with grey and those dazzling eyes and boyish smile, he'd captured her heart immediately despite her reservations on getting involved with someone so quickly. But as she watched him now, blowing raspberries on his son's bare stomach, Kieran giggling with glee, she realized that he became even more attractive in her eyes the moment he became a father. And there was something incredibly sexy about seeing that thick, white gold wedding band on his finger.

"You're staring at me again." Flack said, as he tipped Kieran upside down. The child giggled even louder.

"I was just thinking." she told him.

"About?" he asked, as he returned Kieran right side up and put him on his hip.

"How much I love you." she replied as she headed from the room. "And how you've got the most amazing ass I've ever seen."

He grinned. "I love you, too." he called. "And your ass isn't so bad, either."

"Yeah? Too bad you won't be able to tap it tonight huh?"

"Don't remind me." he said with a heavy sigh.

Kieran let out a musical giggle. "Ma-ma." he said and laid his head on Flack's shoulder.

"She's something else, isn't she kid." Flack commented.

"Ma-ma." Kieran repeated.

"We wouldn't give her up for anything in the world, would we?"

Whether it be because the child understood or because it was sheer coincidence, Kieran shook his head at the question.

Flack smiled and kissed his son's head.

As crazy and hectic as his life was, Don Flack wouldn't trade it for all the money in the world.

Close to forty minutes later, Samantha finally came back to the living room. Patricia Flack was lying on her stomach in the middle of the living room floor, laughing as her babbling, giggling grandson attempted to climb all over her. Sam was glad that Flack and his father had patched things up when Kieran was born. She had dreaded the thought of Kieran never really knowing either sets off grandparents. Her mother's health wasn't the greatest lately and it was rare that she and the Sarge travelled out of Arizona anymore. And it was a damn shame to think that the baby's other grandparents lived a mere half hour away and they'd be complete strangers to him.

Flack had called his mom and dad that bitter January night to announce the birth of their new grandson. He'd told them what the baby's name was and what he weighed and how long he was and that both mom and baby were doing well despite the rather unexpected, dramatic ordeal the birth had been. But Flack had never expected his parents to show up at the hospital bearing flowers and gifts. He'd gone for a coffee with his old man while his mother visited Sam and the newborn and they'd had a long, heartfelt, often angst filled talk. Flack had admitted to his old man that he was terrified of being a failure at fatherhood. That he'd treat his wife and his kid the same way Flack Sr had treated his family. It was the first time in his life that he'd ever wept in front of his old man. And Sr had simply wrapped his arms around his son and told him he was proud of him. That he was a hell of a cop and an amazing husband and was going to be an even better father. And that he was a hell of a man.

It was the first time Sam had ever met her in-laws. And they had become invaluable to her and Flack's small family. They were loving, attentive grandparents who spoiled their grandson rotten.

Flack was finishing folding the laundry and watching the sports highlights on ESPN and occasionally glancing over at Slippers as she attempted to make herself cozy on the already folded clothes.

"Don't even think about it you little shit." he said. Something in his tone told the cat he was serious and it changed its mind and instead, jumped down and began rubbing itself against his legs. "Nice….you mangy little bastard….you would play nice with me when I have black pants on."

"She loves you." Sam declared, fetching a sticky lint roller off the coffee table and holding it out to him. "You have a way with the ladies."

"So I've been told." Flack said and bent down to wipe his pants clean. "Get your damn cat away from me. Bad enough she sleeps on my pillow and snores like a human."

"You'd be lost without her." Sam told him, gently nudging the cat with her toes to move it along.

He snorted and tossed the lint roller back onto the coffee table. He turned to her to offer up another disparaging remark about the cat, then all words failed him when he saw what she looked like. He gave her a long once over. Multiple times. A devilish grin spreading across his face the more he looked. When she'd said she was wearing a black dress, he was not expecting what was now before him. A one shoulder bandage style cocktail dress that skimmed her knees and hugged and clung to every curve. He knew the dress had cost a small fortune. He'd nearly died when he saw the bill in the empty bag in the bedroom. But seeing her in it…..it was worth every penny.

She'd always had an amazing body, but since the baby - although she'd rapidly lost all the weight she'd gained when she went back to work- her hips and breasts were fuller and she looked more feminine and sultry. And that dress…..he was tempted to ask his mom to take Kieran to Queens overnight and call Speed and tell him sorry, they weren't going to be able to make the rehearsal dinner. Because he was planning on doing all kinds of dirty, wild things to his wife and with no kid in the house, she could go back to the screaming, wake the neighbours porn star noises that turned him on so bad.

She looked stunning. There was no other word for it. Her hair hung to her waist in thick, luxurious waves and she had on just the right amount of makeup. A touch of smoky shadow and eyeliner and a coat of mascara and some blush that sparkled on her cheeks. Flack actually preferred her with no makeup, but she complained she looked too young without it. Diamond hoop earrings and the Cartier Love bracelet he'd bought her after Kieran was born, completed her ensemble. A push present Carmen had called it when she asked him what he was buying Sam after going through the agony of bringing a child into the world.

He'd asked Sam what she wanted and she just shrugged and said something different. A chance passing by an antique store that had the vintage bracelets displayed in the front window had led to the purchase. What intrigued him the most was the story behind the bracelets. They could only be closed and opened by a small screwdriver kept by the giver, and defined ultimate commitment between a couple. 'Captures the elegance of love and the ultimate bond between two people.' the clerk at the Cartier stores on Fifth Avenue had told him when he went to have it appraised. Sam hadn't expected something that elaborate and nearly fainted when she came out of the bath one night shortly after the baby was born and found the bracelet in its red Cartier box sitting on her pillow.

But she'd given him a hell of thank you gift in return.

"I so need a drink." Sam said with a sigh. "What a day…I deserve a lot of drinks, actually."

She carried an overnight bag, a pair of shoes, and a garment bag. All of which she dumped onto the couch.

"Can I help you?" she asked, noticing how intently he was staring at her.

"If my mom and Kieran weren't here, trust me, you could help me right here on the couch. Or over the couch. Or on the floor. Doesn't matter."

"Don't be such a pig." Sam scolded him. "Your mother is like ten feet away."

"There's nothing that could make me blush, sweetie." Patricia declared from her spot on the living room floor where she was now sitting up, entertaining Kieran with wooden stacking blocks. "I've got a husband and two boys. I have heard it all." she glanced over at her daughter in-law. "You look incredible." she praised. "A body like that only nine months after having a baby? You're a lucky man, Donnie."

"Yes," he said as he checked Sam over again. "I am."

He leaned into her, pushed her hair behind her ears and whispered into it. "You have no idea what I want to do to you, Samantha. I'll even bring my cuffs along if you want to play cops and robbers later."

He kissed her ear, then the sensitive spot below and ran his hand over her ass.

"You are a dirty, dirty man, Don." she informed him, even though the simple touch of his lips and his hand on her ass had the power to turn her on.

She grabbed her shoes and slipped into them. Black Jimmy Choo peep pumps that he also knew cost a fair share because he'd been there when she'd splurged. "Are we ready?" she asked, slipping a sheer black wrap with black beads that dangled from the edges around her shoulders and picking up a simple clutch purse.

"Yeah…..finally. Even the laundry is folded."

"Oh you have become so damn domesticated, Mr Flack. But I liked you better when you were mean and aggressive."

"Yeah? How about when we get in the elevator I hit the stop button and go all mean and nasty on you."

"You wish." she said.

"'Cause I can do that. Stop the elevator, pull that little black dress up and bend you over and…."

"Oh my God. Would you just stop in front of your mother?"

Patricia stood up and scooped Kieran into her arms. "Doesn't bother me in the slightest." she assured her daughter in law. "I know what you two are up to."

Flack laughed. "Mom, trust me, you don't and you don't want to."

"Please, Donnie. This child isn't here because of immaculate conception." she reminded him.

"Maybe not. But it did have something to do with the back seat of my SUV."

Pat frowned as she followed them to the door. "Okay. That I did not need to know. You two have a nice time."

"I'll try not to be too late, mom." Flack said, kissing her cheek as Sam hugged and nuzzled Kieran.

"Don't worry about it. I've slept on your couch many a time. And if need be, I brought my overnight bag. I'm staying over tomorrow anyway. Two nights is fine by me and with your father in Atlantic City I've got no one to rush home to. You two just have a nice time and give my best to Carmen and Tim. And tell Tim he can bring Addison over any time he feels ready tomorrow."

"We will." Flack told her. He kissed Kieran's cheek in farewell, then was giving a noisy, wet kiss on the cheek in response. "Be good you little…."

"He's an angel." Patricia declared, cutting the word off before it could escape her son's mouth.

"Yeah…okay." Flack chuckled. "He's evil, mom. It won't hurt our feelings if you say how you really feel. We know he's a terrorist."

"He's no worse than what you were like when you were all your life." his mother informed him. "All these grey hairs, Donnie? They're from you."

"Yeah? Well I'm not even thirty one and look at all my grey hair. And you know what? Every single one has Sam's name on it."

"Yeah…..right." Sam said, and scooping her cell phone from the hall table, dropped it in her husband's jacket pocket.

" Kieran had an early bath and there's food Sam's already chopped up and what not in the fridge." Flack told his mother. "You just have to heat it for thirty seconds. Same bedtime routine. Something to drink….."

"In a sippy cup." Sam tossed out.

"In a sippy cup." Flack said. "One of those oatmeal Bear Paw cookies and then two stories. Not one. Two. He seems to know."

"How many times have I babysat?" Patricia asked.

"If you need anything or he blows the place up, just call." Flack told her.

"I will. And if you two plan on making a pit stop somewhere, please, be safe, it's too soon for another grandchild."

"Mom, ten years from now would still be too soon."

"I am not waiting that long for more grandchildren from you two! Now have fun and don't worry. He's in good hands."

"It's not him we're worried about," Flack said as he opened the door to the apartment and motioned for Sam to go ahead of him. "It's you. Sure your heart can take it?"

"Quit bad mouthing my grandson and get out of here before I kick your ass!" she exclaimed, and shut the door on her son as he stepped out into the hall.

Sam pressed the down button for the elevator.

"Can you honestly believe we are going to Speed and Carmen's rehearsal dinner?" she asked her husband. "I mean, after all that drama with Matthew's parole did you really think we'd get to this moment?"

"Honestly?" Flack responded. "No. I thought for sure they were done when Carmen broke it off because of all that bullshit. And then for her to find out she's pregnant just after they split? Talk about by the grace of God. I wonder if they would have even gotten back together if she hadn't have gotten pregnant."

"Eventually." Sam said. "They say true love conquers all. And I think that little talking you gave Carmen helped too."

Flack shrugged. "Just made no sense to me. You love someone that much, you should be enough to get you through anything."

"When did you become the sappy, romantic one?" Sam teased. "And are you speaking from experience?"

"If we can make it, anyone can." Flack said.

"We're only in the first year." she reminded him. "Give it some time."

"Please. I'm not going anywhere. I'm in this for the long haul. Even if you do drive me nuts."

"The incredible, mind blowing sex makes up for all of our downfalls." Sam declared.

"Exactly." he agreed.

The elevator finally arrived and Sam stepped in first. Flack couldn't help but notice the way her hips moved and the dress just hugged her ass perfectly.

I am never going to survive, he thought and followed her inside. Setting all her bags down on the floor, he pressed the button for the underground parking.

"Stop staring at me." Sam scolded him. "You're making me nervous."

"A guy isn't allowed to stare at his wife? His amazingly hot, MILF wife at that."

Sam tried not to snicker at the MILF comment. She'd found it offensive the first time she'd heard it used, and directed at her, by one of the stock clerks at the grocery store they frequented.

"I can't help it." Flack said. "You look fucking amazing. When you said you bought a little black dress, I did not expect it to look like that."

"I figured you'd like it when I saw it." she moved to stand in front of him and placed her hands on his sides. "When I tried it on, Stella said it was guaranteed to blow your mind."

"She was right. Remind me to thank her when I see her. You have no idea how beautiful and sexy you look."

She smiled. "You're just a horny, sex deprived husband." she said, toying with his belt buckle.

"Maybe." he said. "But you're incredible. And you're right. I am horny. All the time. It's what happens when you go from two or three times a day to once a week if you're lucky."

"Oh you poor, poor man." Sam pouted dramatically. "I told you you'd suffer after Kieran was born."

"I am suffering, baby. It's been five days. Five whole days. Might as well be a lifetime."

"Hmmm…..too bad we won't be able to relieve some of your suffering a bit." she hooked her finger in the waist of his pants and yanked him closer to her.

"Just say the word. I'll press stop and relieve my suffering right here. Remember that night after the nine eleven charity thing and we…"

"Yes." she smiled and flushed at that memory of that night over a year ago. "And I think you and I should stand on opposite sides of the elevator and…."

He grabbed her by the hips and pushed her roughly against the wall of the elevator and kissed her. His lips were demanding and hungry, his tongue delving into her warm, moist mouth. She moaned into his mouth as his one hand slid around to her back and then down onto her ass, squeezing and kneading it and pulling her tight against him. His other hand slipped over her hip and down her thigh and underneath the hem of her dress. His fingertips trailed up and along her smooth skin and then travelled around and back, finding her ass.

He broke the kiss and pulled back to look at her. "You're actually wearing a thong?" he asked, the realization turning him on even more.

"It's a tight dress. I couldn't wear granny pants with it. Or would you have rathered I wore no underwear?"

He grinned. "Easier access." he reasoned, then slid his hand around to the front of her.

She shuddered against him as his fingers teased her through the lace of her panties and she grabbed him by his tie and yanked him down for another smouldering kiss. Crying out in both surprise and desire when he pushed the panties aside and he teased her clit with his thumb. A few hard strokes and she was spasming against him as a quick yet completely satisfying orgasm ripped through her body.

He removed his hands from her dress and pulled it down and straightened it for her. He stepped back and looked at her. Her eyes were closed as she leaned back against the wall of the elevator, chest heaving. He glanced up at the numbers above the door. "Only two more floors to go." he said in warning.

Her eyes flickered open and she smiled dreamily at him. "You dirty bastard." she teased.

"You so owe me." Flack told her, picking up her belongings as the elevator reached the parking level.

The doors to the elevator slid open, revealing an elderly couple who now stood, in surprise and embarrassment, at the sight of the young couple's slightly dishevelled clothes and their flushed faces.

"Best elevator ride ever." Sam declared, and Flack grabbed her by the wrist and pulled her towards the exit door. "Especially between the last two floors."

The old husband snickered and watched the young woman in the seductive dress go.

The wife snorted and turned to her husband to offer up a snide comment, and was furious by the lustful look in her husband's eyes.

"Give it a rest, Harold." she said. "You'd die of a heart attack just seeing her naked."

"Maybe." he said with a sigh. "But it would be a hell of a way to go."

Carmen Devine was stressed. It was the night before her wedding to the man of her dreams and all she could think about was what could possibly go wrong. She was narrowing in on Bridezilla territory and was not ashamed to admit it. Everything had to be perfect. She could not accept anything less than that. It was a half an hour before guests started arriving for cocktails prior to the rehearsal dinner. Trattoria Dopo Teatro was a five star Italian restaurant heralded in the Times and praised by food critics all over the country. Located on West 44th Street, they'd rented out the Secret Garden, a private dining room at the bottom of a terracotta stairway and boasted one of New York City's most beautiful interior gardens. As part of her matron of honor duties, Samantha had done an exhaustive on-line search for what she wanted to be the perfect place for her best friend. And seeing as Sam and Flack were footing the entire bill (thanks for Zack's money) as a wedding present, Sam had thrown all the energy she had into her search and tours of the top five places on her lists.

Both women had been in awe at the Secret Garden. Attracted to its stone waterfall and hand painting tiling on the floor and table tops and the intricate designs on the glass paned doors that separated the area from the other adjoining private dining rooms. It hadn't taken any longer than five minutes and Sam was shelling out an impressive amount of money for a deposit. Carmen's wedding and the night before was going to memorable and Sam was going to damn well see to that.

The actual rehearsal for the ceremony had been held a week before because it was the only Friday all parties involved were off in the afternoon or able to sneak away from work for a couple of hours. The only two who hadn't been able to attend was Speed's best man and old friend and colleague from Miami, Eric Delko and the head of the MDPD Crime Lab, Lieutenant Horatio Cane. But they'd called Speed earlier in the day to say that they had arrived safe and sound and couldn't wait to meet his future wife and the beautiful angel they'd brought into the world together.

A beautiful angel in a frilly white dress with pink flowers embroidered on the bodice and lacy white leggings and tiny pink and white shoes that was now feasting on a bottle of formula while being carried around the room by her beaming, proud father. Her hair thick and wavy and the same rich auburn as her mother. She was her mother from head to toe. All she'd inherited from her father was his dark, soulful eyes.

Addison had Tim Speedle wrapped around one tiny little finger. The baby was the light of his life and she and Carmen were his reason for living and getting up day in and day out and doing a stressful, gut wrenching job for a relatively ungrateful city.

Carmen watched them with a soft smile on her lips. Her heart over flowing with love and respect for that amazing man who'd given her the most precious gift she'd ever received. After the disaster with Matthew, she'd never imagined she'd ever get married again, let alone have a family. But now there they were. Her future husband and the child they had created together.

However, her peace and serenity only last a few minutes when the realization that there was so much to do in such a short period of time hit her once again and nearly threw her into a blind panic. Place cards still had to be set out and the tab had to be sorted out before hand with the manager and favors had to be set at every place. And the person solely responsible for the arrangements was absent.

Carmen self consciously fixed the spaghetti straps on her slinky black crepe dress and checked the dainty bracelet style watch on her wrist. "Where the hell is she." She fumed out loud. "She said she'd be here at quarter after six. It's nearly six thirty five."

"She's on her way." Gus assured her, as she finished setting favors – small pewter picture frames with Carmen and Tim's initials engraved at the bottom- and place cards at one of the tables. Gus had barely gotten out of the door in one piece when Adam caught sight of her in her emerald green halter style column dress and her blond hair long and flowing.

"They better not be late because they were off having sex somewhere." Carmen huffed.

"I highly doubt that's the reason." Stella laughed, a vision in her ruby red floor length strapless gown and her curly hair bouncing on her shoulders as she set up another table. As bridesmaids, she and Gus had the duty of helping keep things organized and running smoothly.

"Flack worked later than expected and his mother was stuck in traffic coming from Queens." Gus explained. "She just called and they are on their way. They should be here in ten minutes. Fifteen at the latest."

Carmen sighed heavily and checked her watch again.

"You're going to give yourself a stroke." Speed said, as he came up behind her and pressed a kiss to the back of her head.

"No." she corrected. "Samantha Flack is going to give me a stroke."

"Hey, cut her some slack. Not only did she find this amazing place and do mountains of errands and running around for you, she's also footing the bill. We wouldn't be here if it wasn't for her and Flack. And I mean that in more than one way."

Carmen had to admit he was right. Sam and Flack had been there for her and Speed through thick and thin. Never taking sides but always offering shoulders to cry on and sympathetic advice. And if it wasn't for Flack coming down hard and harsh on her during the days leading up to Matthew's parole hearing, this night probably wouldn't be happening. He'd blasted her for the immature and irrational way she was handling things. His stern, almost cruel assessment of her behaviour had brought her to tears. The truth had hurt and after a couple of days licking her wounds, she'd finally picked up that phone and called Tim.

Now, here they were on the eve of the beginning of the rest of their lives.

And standing there, the comforting arm of the man she loved circling her waist and the feel of his cheek pressed against hers, life had never seemed so perfect. And she managed to calm down and relax and let Gus and Stella do all the work.

The sound of heels clicking down the terracotta stairs captured Carmen's attention and she glanced over as Sam and Flack entered the spacious, elegantly decorated room.

"Damn girl." Carmen exclaimed as her best friend approached her and greeted her with a tight hug and a kiss on the cheek. She held Sam out at arm's length and checked her over from head to toe. "When we agreed on little black dresses, I never dreamed you'd look like that. Christ, can you possibly get any hotter? Flack, do you realize how damn lucky you are that she looks like this after giving birth to your kid not too long ago?"

"I do." He said and kissed Carmen's cheek. "And I show her and tell her how much I appreciate her every single day."

"I damn well hope so." Carmen shook her head. "Seriously Sam. Have you looked in the mirror lately?"

"I'm like a fine wine, Carmen. I get better and better with age. I am thirty-three now, remember? Thirty four in five months."

"You're such an old hag!" Gus yelled from across the room. "And she's right. You look hot."

"So says the woman who looks like a Greek goddess." Sam said. "And look at you Carmen. You're pretty damn sexy yourself tonight. You're nearly making poor Speed cum in his pants."

"It's what happens when we don't see you ladies dressed up to often." Speed said and kissed Sam's cheek in greeting. "Best be keeping an eye on your woman tonight, Flack." he warned. "Especially with Delko here. He's liable to drag her off into a closet somewhere."

"Not before I do." Flack said. "So he can get in line."

"Is that the horn dog of a best man?" Sam asked, prying a dozing Addison from Speed's arms.

"From what Tim's been me about him, he's a total perv." Carmen said. Sam was the one person she felt totally at ease with when it came to caring for Addison. Although Flack had been a natural at daddy-hood from day one and could change a diaper faster than anyone Carmen had ever seen.

"That's okay." Sam laughed. "I can handle that type. I have one of my own at home, remember?"

"I am not that bad." Flack said in defense of himself.

Sam rolled her eyes and Carmen coughed noisily. The cough came out sounding a lot like the word bullshit.

"Oh did I say that out loud?" Sam asked. "I'm sorry, honey. I forgot you were standing right here."

Flack smirked and kissed the side of her head.

"Want to hold her?" Sam asked, slowly swaying from side to side, expertly sending the baby off into a comfortable, peaceful sleep.

"Nope. She's all yours. Knock yourself out."

"Good." Sam said. "'Cause I wasn't on planning to share anyway."

She couldn't get enough of her god-daughter and that soft, fresh scent of baby and the feel of silky virgin skin and the pretty, frilly pink clothes that came with a girl. Although she wouldn't trade her little man at home for anything in the world. Dump trucks and toy cars and jeans and overalls and tiny ball caps and the devil may care attitude that came with a boy. She loved every second of being a mother. Even all the sleepless colicky nights and the trips to the ER for the croup and one nasty case of measles picked up from daycare.

But God, how she missed those infant days. When you could sit and cuddle your baby and not have to fight him to stay for longer than five minutes. Most of all, she missed being pregnant. Despite how badly she had suffered, sometimes she was ready to do it all over again.

Both Carmen and Speed had left to attend to some last minute preparations, leaving Sam to revel in the baby and Flack to stand there watching her, thinking about how damn grateful he was that this beautiful, amazing and loving woman was the mother of his son. And of all the future children they may have.

"What?" she asked, noticing him watching her.

"I was just thinking about how I used to stand in the doorway of the nursery and watch you do that with Kieran when he was tiny."

"Seems like a lifetime ago." Sam said.

Flack nodded. "Other times it seems like just yesterday."

She smiled up at him and he laid his hand on the small of her back and pressed a kiss to her forehead.

"I really want another one, Donnie." she said.

He blinked. That wasn't something he was expecting to hear. Not when Kieran was such a handful and her pregnancy had been so bad. On one hand he was happy to hear it. She wasn't turned off at the thought of having more kids even after things had been so difficult. On the other hand, the seriousness in her voice and eyes scared the shit out of him.

"You're kidding, right?" he asked.

She shook her head.

"You want another baby? Like, right now?"

"You don't?" she asked.

"Not right now." Flack replied. "That's way too soon. Maybe when Kieran is walking and not such a pain in the ass. I was thinking we'd at least give it a couple of years. You can't be serious that you want another so soon."

"I've thought about it." she admitted.

"Sam, I just don't think we're ready to have another one so soon. We're still getting used to having the one we have. Can you wait until he at least turns one? Or a year and a half, even? So you don't have two tiny ones to take care of? That would be a big burden, sweetie."

"I suppose." she said with a sigh and gently kissed the baby's nose. "I just really miss this sometimes."

What scared Flack the most was that most days, he did too.

"How about we get a puppy?" he suggested jokingly. "I hear puppies are good substitutes for babies."

She laughed and leaned into him as he wrapped an arm around her waist. "I've never heard that." she said. "And who would take said puppy for a walk and to the vet for it's shots?"

"Me. The same way I take the damn cat to the vet and clean its litter box. How in the hell I ever agreed to keep that cat is beyond me."

"Because you love me." Sam declared. "And you live to make me happy."

He smiled and drew her close.

No truer words had ever been spoken.