a/n- never try to concentrate on anything when The Food Network's Unwrapped is on the television. This chapter may have some ADD qualities because of it. I apologize. Reviews are my brand of heroin.


Chapter 5

After recent events, I was sure I needed to schedule a CAT scan. Daydreams or hallucinations every four hours, randomly inviting partially clad men to live on my couch, making friends with the animal kingdom, and forgetting to watch So You Think You Can Dance. Yeah, something was seriously wrong with my psyche.

Jacob and I walked the short trek to the cabin, and I knew our timing was awkward. Nory was standing right by the doorway, a huge platter of loaded nachos in her hands, "Hola senorita, welcome to… yo wait." Nory's east coast persona immediately overcame the façade of a Mexican chef. "Did you kidnap the jolly green giant?"

"Goliath… but good guess." I responded, walking up the porch steps, Jacob trailing behind me. "This is Jacob, and he's a homeless puppy dog that needs sustenance." I explained, hoping Nory would understand. She usually got my bleeding heart ways, but even now I knew I was pushing my limits.

She calmly set the platter on the table and looked me in the eye, "Bree, may I have a word with you in the kitchen?" Nory asked, trying to keep her cool. I could hear Jacob chuckle softly behind me, and I quickly cast him a scathing look, hoping to quiet him.

"Make yourself at home, Jacob." Nory continued grabbing my upper arm and dragging me into the kitchen. I sat on the counter and prepared myself for the blow she was ready to throw. "Are you absolutely batshit crazy now, Bree?" She asked, incredulously, "He's a complete stranger you met in the woods. You aren't dumb, Breebear, you've seen Eli Roth's works. He could be a murderer! He could rape us in the middle of the night!" She said in a rushed whisper, looking out into the living room where he stood. Nory cast a prolonged glace at his behind, "Although, I must admit there would be worse things than being raped by him."

"…but you digress?" I interjected, trying to get her focus away from Jacob's rear end.

"I digress!" She shook her head, snapping out of it. "What do you know about him?"

"He's from Washington, his last name is Black, he has experience in handling wolves because of his tribe, and he's really in a spot." I said earnestly, "You know, I just said more than what you knew about your last boyfriend." I hoped my point hit a soft spot with Nory. She gave me a look.

"I met him in New Jersey. I knew what I was getting myself into." I had to let out a small laugh.

"I know what I'm getting myself into. It's not like we're going to do the oompa loompa in the middle of the night while you're trying to sleep. He needs a couch to crash on, and we have a couch. Besides, we need help at the conservatory. He has experience." I sighed, looking out into the living room where he was now sitting on the arm of the couch, apparently having a staring contest with Fred the cat. I had to suppress a grin, both because of the scene in front of me and the fact that I knew I had Nory. She groaned.

"Fine, but he's your responsibility. I'll feed him, but you make sure he stays in line and is productive."

"Aww, it's like our first child together, mama." I grinned cheekily at her and she lightly slapped my shoulder.

"Knock it off. I'm starving." I nodded in agreement and followed her out into the living room. Jacob grinned a grin rivaling the Cheshire Cat's when he saw my positive appearance. He knew he was here to stay.

He turned to Fred, "See, kitty? Told you they like me." I raised an eyebrow, not wanting to know what he was talking about. I walked over to Fred the cat and lifted him, giving him a hug as her purred and curled into a ball in my arms.

"His name's Fred, not kitty." I said to Jacob, "Who in their right mind actually names a cat kitty anyway?" He shrugged in response and I turned my focus to the platter of nachos coming towards us… oh, and Nory was holding them.

"Don't worry; I also have some tacos in the kitchen if we're still hungry after these." I knew there was no way in hell I could finish my fill of those nachos and eat tacos. Jacob apparently was thinking the exact opposite.

"Marry me." He said, and I wasn't sure if the request was directed towards Nory or the nachos.

"Not my type. Although I understand… the food gods love me." She shrugged, sitting down across from her food. Jacob and I followed suit and soon began to dig in.

We sat in silence for around five minutes; the only sounds were of us inhaling the delicious Mexican food in front of us. My downfall came with the fact that I was naturally a slower eater and couldn't keep up with Nory and Jacob. Jacob even soared past Nory, the biggest Mexican food lover I know, in chips eaten per minute.

Nory and I leaned back, defeated, but Jacob still had a grin on his face. "Taco time?" He asked as though he were a hyperactive six year old. Nory and I groaned in response.

"Are you part cow? Is that it? You have a second stomach…." Nory asked incredulously. I nodded in agreement.

"That's probably why I met him; he was in the woods grazing."

"Excuse me." He responded, "I would like to let you know I am quite the carnivore." Jacob grinned, flashing his teeth. I rolled my eyes, slowly getting up.

"Come on, I'll show you where you're sleeping. And if you're a good boy, we'll feed you more." He quickly got up after me, picking up a trot to catch up. I was already at the couch, tucking some sheets into the cushions.

"Aww, you're taking care of me." He said sitting on the arm of the couch.

"My inner philanthropist." He chuckled, tossing a pillow onto the couch.

"Fred was a stray, wasn't he?" I raised an eyebrow in response.

"Yeah, he was… how did you…?"

"You seem like the type to take in strays."

"Good thing Nory's around to keep me in check. Otherwise, I'd totally become a hoarder."

"Can't save them all." He said gently. My look said that I knew, but I wouldn't let it slide.

"I can try." Jacob shook his head, knowing the battle was pointless. My bask in glory was cut short as soon all air was deprived of me and my ribs felt as though they were about to break. Oh, or Jacob was hugging me.

"Thanks, Bree." He said and I tried to choke out a 'you're welcome' but none came. Jacob set me down on the floor before hopping onto the couch. I had to giggle at the site of him sprawled before me, the couch too small for his stature and his feet dangling off the edge.

"Get some sleep. I have to wake you up early to take you to the conservatory. Let's hope you pass the test of morale and get a job." I began to glide out of the room.

"You're the best." He said, his eyes closed and looking peaceful.

"I know."

The next morning I woke up a very ornery Jacob to take him to the conservatory. We treaded along, me always having to trot back a few steps to drag him along. It took longer than my usual twenty minutes to get to the office, so I bounded up the stairs with Jacob behind me.

"Hello Sleeping Beauty," Nicola grinned from behind the counter. She was collecting some file on a few of the hawks we had, "You appear to have… captured a bear?" I raised my eyebrow in response before realizing that Jacob must've walked in.

"Close. Stray puppy." I grinned, "His name's Jacob and he has experience with wolves. I figured he would have to earn his keep somehow…"

"And you don't condone prostitution…"

"Exactly." Jacob looked back and forth between the two of us, a little concerned. Bobby shuffled behind him.

"Get used to it." He muttered, continuing on his way to the lab. Time to get back on track.

"Anyway, where is Judy? You think she'll approve? I mean… there are only six of us."

"And no one is specializing with the wolves. We originally wanted you to take to them, Bree, but today you get to test out big cats." Nicola slid over a file folder with the different cats' information. Lynxes, a few mountain lions, should be fun.

"I love kitties." I joked, walking towards the back doors. I turned back to look at Jacob, "Behave. No mutiny from our puppy friends." He gave me a look as if saying 'who me?' before I shook my head and went back to the big cats.

Five minutes in and I knew I belonged here. Nicola clued me on the fact that I would most likely be a drifter given their lack of help, but my home base was here. The cats were majestic and so trusting of me. The lounged around without a care in the world, internally laughing at me when I tried to motivate them to get up and walk around. Just like Fred, I thought to myself.

A few hours past and my stomach began growling. I scratched behind Vera, a Canadian Lynx's, ear, and told them I would be back after my lunch hour. They seemed pretty passive. Walking down the hall, I decided to peek into the wolves' pen, seeing how Jacob was holding up.

The site I walked in on nearly broke my heart. Jacob sat in the middle of the room, three wolves lying around him, the alpha's head on his lap. From the distance I could feel the sense of calm Jacob was trying to convey to them. I crept in slowly, trying not to disturb them. Jacob looked up, giving me a half smile in greeting.

"Are they getting sick? I know they're in here for injuries but I though they would be recovering by now…" I asked, unsure of how close I should get. Jacob shook his head, petting the one's head.

"They're sad. They want to run, to see the sky. I mean, how would you like to be cooped up in here?" I knew he had a point. Jacob gingerly lifted the wolves head and got up, brushing the fur from his jeans, "They'd feel a lot better if they had a sky to look at. Stars are very comforting to wolves." I absentmindedly clasped my moon pendant, my heart bleeding for the creatures lying in front of me. An idea sprang into my head. "So… I need food. Want to come with?" He asked, towering over me.

I shook my head, my mind obviously elsewhere, "No… not hungry. Actually, I have something to do." Jacob shrugged and waved goodbye. I didn't have time to wave back for I was already sprinting out the door.

An hour later, Jacob walked back into his room and nearly dropped his can of Pepsi. I stood on top of a ladder, covered in sticky putty. A star map lay at my feet, and about half of the ceiling was covered in glow in the dark stars. I was on my tiptoes, trying my best to reach the ceiling and damning my diminutive stature.

"Um?" Jacob said, not sure of how to react.

"I'm tiny…" I pouted, upset that he came back before I was done. I also didn't realize, in hindsight, just how complex the night sky was.

"If I wasn't afraid I'd stick to you forever right now, I'd hug you." He grinned, approaching the bottom of the ladder. Even with the ladder, I was only a head taller than him. I made a mental not to get something taller than a three step ladder next time. "I can't believe you did this for them. It's… is that ursa major?" He asked, pointing to the constellation I was working on. I nodded, a blush mixing in with the freckles on my cheeks. Jacob laughed, picking a piece of putty out of my hair, "You really are made of cupcakes and sunshine, aren't you?"

"No, there are some moonbeams, spider webs, and cheap horror movie props thrown in there as well." I tried not to smirk.

"Well, they're grateful nonetheless. They really like you."

"The feeling is mutual. And besides, I think they'd know if their ceiling wasn't astronomically accurate."

"God, they might never forgive you." He gasped in mock horror. We stood for a second grinning at each other.

"Well, now that even the wolves are feeling awkward, I should get back to my cats." I stepped down, folding up the step ladder.

"Our mortal enemies. Traitor."

"Known Fred longer." I grinned, waving and walking back to the cats.

Did I really just… flirt… with Jacob? Well, you do have a thing for strays. Shut up, Bree. Vera lifted her head as I walked into the room, seemingly knowing how I was feeling. She got up and stretched, slowly walking towards me. I smiled as I scratched her ears, wondering how such a gentle and loving girl could also be vicious. I let the thought pass and got back to work.

The day ended, and Jacob and I left the conservatory for the cabin. His usual grin was on his face as we walked the path back as he listened about my newfound friendship with Vera the Lynx.

"I love the fact that you get excited about a friendship with a mountain lion."

"Lynx. And she gets me… like she can read my mind or something."

"Psychic kitties? Remind me to stay out of that room." I lightly punched his arm although I knew he didn't even feel it. He looked down at me, giving me an odd look.

"What? Do I have something on my face?" I brushed my hand up to wipe whatever it was off, but Jacob shook his head.

"Your necklace… it's glowing…" I breathed a sigh of relief and grinned.

"Yeah, it's moonstone in the middle. It glows when it catches the moon's rays." I explained.

"Does it glow purple?" My eyebrow shot up and I looked down. Sure enough my pendant was now a bright purple, as though energy was radiating from within it, ready to burst.

"Well, that's new."

"And I think I know why…" He said quietly, anxiety apparent in his voice. I looked up to see what his answer was and was greeted by a strong pale man stalking towards us. I gasped, the man's blood red eyes seeming to pierce my soul. He was satanically beautiful, like he used his looks to hypnotize his victims. It was working. My mind flashed back to the old man on the way here: the creatures who live from blood.

Oh shit.

He smirked an evil grin, obviously smelling my fear. I felt a tingle spread all over my body, as though electricity were generating from my heart. I didn't have time to react, though, because the blood man lunged at me, faster than I ever thought any creature could move. I closed my eyes and screamed, my skin crackling with energy, but I never felt his fatal blow.

Instead a huge wolf leaped out from behind me, colliding with the blood man mid air. They fought viciously as my eyes scanned around for Jacob, worried and a little disappointed that he wasn't there anymore. A growl took me back to the fight at hand. The wolf had the blood man around the neck in his jaws, and with a sickening snap, his head was severed.

The scene was too much for me as the world because fuzzy. I felt my legs give out from under me, but couldn't feel the ground as I fell.

The sounds around me were no longer the sounds of the woods. I was lying in the dewy grassy, obviously content, but the voices around me weren't. 'She needs to be safe' they said. They spoke of danger and a dying breed. They spoke of escaping and leading a mortal's life. Mortal? The leaves whistled around me, calming me with their song. I felt movement on my back and was confused until I felt the comfort of a spider web thin blanket wrapping over me, my pendant glowing a faint silver.

The smell of ashes brought me back to reality. At first I was dazed, getting more and more aggravated with the daydreams that now didn't even make sense. The flames not even fifty feet away from me snapped my mind from that thought. What had happened? The wolf was running in quick circles, obviously looking for something. When nothing was found he walked back to the fire, heaving a sigh.

Then, the wolf stood on his hind legs and began to transform right before my eyes. For a second, I thought I would black out again until I saw the familiar long black hair and massive form. He stretched, trying to calm himself down, and turned to me, walking up slowly. The firelight against his bare chest and face truly did make him look like a creature from another world. His eyes dark and soulful, he kneeled down next to me slowly brushing his fingers through my hair. I guess my fear was apparent, but he quickly withdrew his hand, "You shocked me." Jacob said, trying to suppress a surprised grin.

"No… I think the proper thing is for me to say that you shocked me." I responded, my voice shaky. I sat up straight, willing the dots in front of my eyes to go away. "Did that… and you… you… rawr." I held my hands up like claws, "and he…" I hissed, baring my teeth. "Then… dear sweet God." I held my face in my hand and Jacob chuckled, wrapping his arms around me. I think I shocked him at first but the feeling went away.

"That was the best reenactment of a vampire and werewolf fight I have ever seen." He said, ruffling my hair. My head shot up and I stared at him wide eyed.

"Vampire? Werewolf? You're a werewolf… oh…" I tried to keep my calm as best as I could. Jacob got up and lifted me, carrying me as though I were a bride. He silently walked us back to the cabin.

"I have a feeling there's some explaining to be done."