Disclaimer: I do not own anything. This piece of writing is not meant as infringement and LoSH belongs to its respective owners.

Author's Note: If anyone wants to write or draw about my LoSH OCs, I would be really touched. Just PM me the link!



All of the legionnaires gathered into the meeting room.

"Brainy?" Garth said. "Wanna come out now?"

"I am out!" Brainy complained from the front row.

"Not you," Kell put his head in his hands.

Brainy jumped out of the earring. From her tiny size, she grew bigger until she was at full height.

Brainy's eyes widened at the Coluan girl. Not only was she Coluan, she was a Brainiac and she had shrinking powers.

He got up and turned into full robot fighting-mode. Kell smirked.

"Told you," Kell said to his companion.

"Who are you?" Brainy was about to fire at her.

"I am Brainiac 6.2," she snorted. "I can't wait to tell Dad about this!"

"You have shrinking powers?" Violet said confusedly. "Only Imsk have those."

"I'm sure everyone is very curious about us and our origins," Brainy started.

"I don't think this is a very good idea," Garth whispered to her.

"Chill," she told him. Brainy turned towards the very attentive legionnaires. She pushed a few buttons on her gauntlet and a slideshow started.

"Twenty some years in the future, the Legion of Superheroes lives on!" she started. All of the current legionnaires watched the slideshow.

The first picture was a picture of the team. In the center was Phantom Canine, next to her stood Superman XI and Ghost Wolf, next to them stood Brainiac 6.2 and Lightning Lad II. Behind them were many more legionnaires.

As the slideshow continued, Brainy explained the basis of the team and the members of the Legion. She said that after R J Brande passed away the Legion was funded by the United Planets, who were governed by former legionnaire, Tinya Wazzo-Londo.

"All legionnaires inherit their powers from both parents. We are the first intergalactic team of hybrid heroes and we strive to make the universe a better place," she finished.

The lights turned on again and there were bodies on the floor. Brainiac 5.1, Lightning Lad and Timber Wolf had fainted.

"Is everyone okay?" Garth asked.

"Not really," Saturn Girl said nervously. Shrinking Violet looked okay, Phantom Girl looked like she was about to barf, Superman X was looking at Kell suspiciously and Cosmic Boy had left the room, due to another crisis.

"So, you're my kid?" Superman X asked. "Hmm…You've definitely inherited my looks."

"Really, everyone says I look like mom," Kell said innocently. Superman X raised an eyebrow. "Louisa Laine?"

"Yeah," Superman X mumbled confused.

After the guys woke up, Brainy started talking.

"It is imperative that no one knows we're your children. One little thing-" she started.

"Can cause a ripple effect and wipe you kids off the universe," her father finished. "It's going to be confusing if we're both called Brainy."

"That's okay, Dad. I'll go by my real name, Carol." Brainy looked like he was about to hurl.

"Dad?" he squeaked out. He still wasn't used to his daughter being in this time.

"Sorry!" she apologized.

"We don't have time to waste! We have to find them!" Kell said hurriedly. Everyone went to the bridge and started working.


"Well," Dr. Londo said evilly. "Look who finally woke up!"

"Who are you?" Tina demanded. "Where's my sister?"

"One question at a time, dear. Your father never told you girls about me? I'm Grandpa Mar," Dr. Londo chuckled.

Tina's eyes widened. "You're deranged!"

"Maybe," he sighed. "But, I found the perfect specimen. Btzglians have such high resistance and you and your sister have some genetic mutations already. This will be a most productive experiment."

"You're a monster," Brianna spat from the shadows.

"Are you okay?" Tina asked her sister.

"I've been better," Brianna leaped out, revealing that she was no longer a girl. She was a wolf, body, head, everything. She had fur, claws and ears, just like their dad.

"Oh my god!" Tina screamed. Tears started flooding from her eyes.

"You see child, those headaches you've been having are a sign that your transmutation is ripening. Your sister's anger helped her reach her true form and now, yours will too," he took a syringe and injected it into her arm.

"AH!" Tina screamed. Slowly, fur grew where her peachy skin was before. Her hands became paws and her fingers became claws. Her ears elongated, her face turned to one of a wolf's and her ebony eyes turned amber, permanently.

"Come," Dr. Londo ordered. The girls struggled against his orders, but in the end they're instincts took them over and they obeyed his every wish.


"I think we have a lead," Brainy said as he looked at a map of Braal.

"Why would he be on Braal?" Carol asked.

"It must the vast quantities of crystal that allow him to conduct his experiments," Brainy answered.

"He's going to pay," Phantom Girl cracked her knuckles. "No one messes with my kids and gets away with it," she said menacingly.

Timber Wolf snarled in agreement. Once they landed, they got off the ship and split up. Garth, Kell, Carol, Phantom Girl and Timber Wolf went in one direction and Lightning Lad, Saturn Girl, Superman X, Shrinking Violet and Brainy went in the other.

Timber Wolf took a sniff in, "He's that way," he said angrily. Garth mind-swept the area for any traps, but surprisingly, they weren't any.

"It's like he wants us to come," Garth said.

"We'll just have to keep our guard up," Phantom Girl phased through the building, unlocked the door and let the others in. They snuck around, looking for some sort of clue, but came up with nothing.

"I was expecting you," Dr. Londo said ominously. The remaining legionnaires joined.

"It's not much of a fight," Kell started. "It's ten against one. Just give us back the girls and maybe we won't pound your face in!"

"I agree, it's hardly a fight," Dr. Londo whistled. About fifty robots came out and the two wolf-girls followed in suit. They snarled at the Legion and attacked.

"What's happened to them?" Garth asked as he fought off a robot.

"Just as I feared. They gave into the transmutation, with the help of Dr. Londo speeding it up," Carol said sadly. Garth and Kell looked at her.

"Why didn't you say something before?" they asked simultaneously.

"I was hoping we could stop it," Carol said darkly.

"Is there anything we can do now?" Phantom Girl asked as she smashed three robots together.

"This might subdue-" Carol was thrown against the wall by Brianna. She went after Kell and cornered him. Tina cornered Garth.

"You don't want to do this," Kell said unsurely. She growled in response. She attacked, attempting to bite Kell. He dodged her attack.

"I don't want to hurt you, Brianna," Kell said forcefully.

She jumped onto him and started to claw his face.

"Kell!" Carol was knocked down again, but managed to toss the formula to Kell. He caught it and immediately used it on Brianna.

"I'm sorry," he whispered as she cried out in pain and fell to the floor, unconscious. Slowly, her beautiful features came back. Her ears turned normal, her face returned to how lovely it was before, her hands were hands again, her peachy skin was visible after the fur disappeared and her eyes were charcoal, yet again.

Kell lifted her lifeless body bridal style and put her head to his. "I promised I'd always protected. I failed, I'm sorry," he said softly.

Garth injected Tina while she was distracted and the same transformation that her sister went through occurred again.

"Ohh," she said softly. "Where am I?"

"You're safe," Garth engulfed her in a hug. "I thought I lost you. I didn't even get a chance to say how I really feel."

"You guys," Kell rushed over to them. "Where's Dr. Londo?"

"Over there!" Ghost Wolf said weakly. She fell to floor, unconscious.

Timber Wolf was fighting his father. "It wasn't bad enough you messed me up, you wanted to do that to my kids?" he punched him.

"It was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, Brin," Dr. Londo pleaded.

"How did you know they were here in the first place?" Timber Wolf lifted him off of the ground and held him up by the collar.

"Why son, I brought them here. I went to the future and had them sent to the present. Their friends weren't supposed to come though," Dr. Londo said maliciously.

Timber Wolf was choking his father, Dr. Londo was gasping for air.

"Don't do it, Brin!" Phantom Girl called. "We have Brianna and Tina, now!"

Timber Wolf threw him into the wall and walked away, angrily.


Tina had just gotten up. "Garth?" she realized he was the only one in the room.

"Tina! You're okay. You had me so worried," Garth hugged her tight.

"Uh, I won't be okay if you keep hugging me like that!" she said jokingly. She turned serious. "What did you want to tell me before?"

Garth turned away, shy. "Come on, tell me!" she pleaded.

"I was going to say that, I-I'm in love with you, Tina," Garth told her. He quickly added. "It's okay if you don't feel the same way."

Tina rolled her eyes and pulled him towards her. They locked lips until Carol walked in.

"Was I interrupting something?" Carol laughed/snorted.

"Nah," Garth smiled.

"How am I doing doc?" Tina asked.

"You're doing well. The treatment we've given you will allow you to tap into wolf form," Carol sighed. "You can still become invisible, but you lost the ability to become intangible."

"No," Tina whispered.

"You'll make a full recovery-"

"Where's Brianna?" Tina asked worriedly.

"She's, how do I say this? She's in the ICU," Garth said slowly.

Tina jumped off of the bed and ran to the ICU. Phantom Girl was standing by the window with tears in her eyes while Timber Wolf held her close. Kell was inside the room, holding Brianna's hand tight.

"Wake up, sis!" Tina called out to her hysterically. She banged on the door and fell to the floor.

Garth helped her up and took her to her room. Timber Wolf and Phantom Girl looked at them with worry in their eyes.

It took two weeks for Brianna to get up.

"Kell," she whispered.

"You're up. You're up," he kissed her impulsively.

"What the sprock was that?" she asked after she broke away.

"Uh-" she kissed him again.

"I have the worst timing," Carol muttered to herself as she walked in. Kell and Brianna broke away from each other and Tina rushed into the room, giving a bear hug to her sister.

"We thought you wouldn't make it," Phantom Girl joined the group hug.

"What the heck?" Timber Wolf joined too.

After everyone said their hellos, it was time to say good bye.

The five heroes from the future gathered whatever stuff they had and they went to the bridge. Carol had plenty of time to work on warp key in the past two weeks, so it was completed.

"It was nice meeting you guys," Phantom Girl hugged her daughters.

"Yeah," Timber Wolf did the same.

"Thanks for all of your help," Brainy waved.

"It was a pleasure," Lightning Lad shook their hands.

"Your almost as good as me kid," Kell told his son.

"Bye," Saturn Girl gave a sad smile.

"See ya in the future!" Shrinking Violet laughed.

"Forgive us," Carol said softly as she erased their memory of the past few weeks. The five heroes walked into the portal, without turning back.

"That was kinda fun," Ghost Wolf told her sister.

"I still can't believe Mom was a kid," Phantom Canine admitted.

"At least one good thing came from this," Garth said.

"And what's that?" Kell raised an eyebrow.

"I got a girlfriend," Garth smiled. The other legionnaires rolled their eyes.

Well, that's it! I hope you liked it. Thanks to my reader and thanks to my reviewers! Special thanks go out to those that have done both! Please leave a review!