Undeniable Love


Warning: Story may contain low level coarse language and low level sexual references.

Undeniable Love


Chapter 1 Return Home

It had been five years since Ash Ketchum had parted ways with May in Hoenn and started his journey in Sinnoh. In that time he had collected all eight Sinnoh badges and came in the top eight in the Sinnoh League Championships. Now 20 years old he has decided to take some time off from Pokémon training and gym battles and is making his way back to the land of Hoenn.

Our story starts with Ash travelling through an open field with the sun shinning brightly and as always, accompanied by his ever faithful Pikachu. (Brock and Dawn parted ways with Ash after the Sinnoh League Championships).

"What a beautiful day, ay Pikachu?" asked Ash.

"Pika," replied the electric mouse with a smile.

"I can't wait to get home and see mom and Prof. Oak," said Ash.

"Pi Pikachu, (me to)," said Pikachu.

Suddenly a grumbling noise interrupted their conversation.

"I'm getting hungry as well," said Ash holding his stomach. "Let's find somewhere to sit and eat".

Ash and Pikachu walked for another hour before reaching a little lake.

"Hay, look Pikachu, let's go relax over there," said Ash.

"Pika, (yeah)," agreed Pikachu.

"I think I'll let the others have some exercise as well, come on out guys," said Ash as he threw five poke balls into the air and out came a Charizard, Sceptile, Feraligator, Espeon, and Pidgeot.

"Where gonna rest here for an hour before continuing on to Pallet Town. You guys can run around but don't go off to far," instructed Ash.

The Pokémon all made their respective sounds in agreement.

An hour later Ash recalled his Pokémon and started off again for Pallet Town.

It was well after dark when Ash saw the familiar houses of Pallet Town. It had been 5 years since he was last home and he wondered what had happened in that time.

When Ash arrived at his house he was about to knock on the door but was stopped short when it opened suddenly and was caught in a crushing hug by someone in a pink, fluffy bath robe.

"Oh my Ashys home at last, I missed you so much," said the women in the bathrobe.

"Hi mom, it's good to see you too but do you mind if I was able to breath," replied Ash struggling for breath.

"Oh I'm sorry honey, I'm just so happy to see you again," said Delia.

"Yeah, me to. It's been a while. So what's been happening since I was away?" asked Ash wanting to know everything.

"Come inside and I'll tell you over some dinner," replied Delia.

"Thanks mom, we're starving, right Pikachu?" said Ash.

"Pika," replied the yellow mouse.

Ash followed his mom inside and sat down at the dinner table. Pikachu jumped off of Ash's shoulder and ran to his little comfy couch and hacked into a bottle of catsup.

"Looks like Pikachu's happy to be home," stated Delia while smiling as the little yellow mouse was chugging down the red sauce.

"Yeah, he's missed this place so much, so have I," replied Ash. "So am I gonna get to know what's been happening or do I have to wait in suspense?"

Delia smile at her son while placing his meal in front of him.

"Well first I suppose I better tell you that Prof. Oak and I have started dating," said Delia.

"WHAT?!" stated Ash in surprise. "When did this happen?"

"About a month now," replied Delia.

"Wow. So are youse gonna get married?" asked Ash.

"I don't know. I hope so. He makes me happy," replied Delia.

"Yeah, he's cool. So, anything else been happening?" asked Ash.

"Na not really," replied Delia.

"Ok. Well I think I'll go to bed now. I'm heading out for Hoenn tomorrow," said Ash.

"Going to go see a special someone," teased Delia.

"Stop it mom. Goodnight," retorted Ash.

"Goodnight dear." said Delia.

"Man, can she read me like a story book," Ash though to himself as he climbed the stairs to his room but smiled at remembering what she was talking about. Delia Ketchum was right of course; her son was going to Hoenn to see someone special.

When Ash reached his room he didn't bother changing clothes, he just collapsed on his bed and went to sleep.

In the morning Ash packed his bags, said goodbye to his mom, said hello to Prof. Oak and set out for Hoenn.

"I think we'll fly to Vermillion and catch a ferry. What do say Pikachu?" asked Ash.

"Pika," said Pikachu in agreement.

"Alright then. I choose you, Charizard," said Ash releasing his Red dragon Pokémon.

Charizard let out a roar and Ash and Pikachu hopped on his back.

"To Vermillion city Charizard," ordered Ash.

Charizard roared in agreement and took off into the air. The thrill of flying through the air was the best feeling Ash had ever experienced.

It took an hour to get to Vermillion. When they got their Ash returned his Charizard and thanked him for the ride.

"Alright Pikachu, we haven't missed the ferry. It must be our lucky day," said Ash.

"Not so fast twerp," said three all too familiar voices.
"Arrgh. Not now. Can't you three find something else to do? I'm tired of kicking your asses all the time," said Ash.

"Wish we could but we have over 1000 beatings to get revenge for," said Jesse.

"Well, I don't have time. Pikachu, Thunder bolt," said Ash starting to feel really pissed off at how inconvenient Team Rocket always is.

"Pika-Chu," said Pikachu and a bolt of lightning shot from its body and hit Team Rocket.

"Looks like we're flying off again," said Team Rocket as they flew through the air.

"They never learn," said Ash while shaking his head. "Let's get to the ferry."

So Ash and Pikachu ran from the peer and made it to the boat just in time.

"There it is Pikachu, Littleroot Town," said Ash with a big smile. "Next stop Petalburg City, and May."

Ash and Pikachu then debarked from the ferry and started off for Petalburg City.

Two days later they saw the outskirts of the city.

"We made it Pikachu," said Ash very enthusiastically. "Now let's get to the May's house."

And with that he started sprinting as fast as he could run.

"It's been five years since I've seen her. I wonder how much she's changed," Ash thought to himself as he was running.

He ran until he came to a stop in front of a two storied, red bricked house.

"Well, here goes," said Ash.

Ash started walking to the door.

"I hope she hasn't forgotten me," he thought as he was struggling to walk with his legs feeling like lead from being so nervous.

As if it took ages, it was really 30 seconds, Ash finally made it to the front door and knocked three times. A girl of about 18 with brown hair and blue eyes opened the door.

"Hi May," said Ash.

"Ash?" May asked in surprise.

To be continued……..

End of part 1. If you have any comments I'd like to hear them. This is my first story so any comments would be helpful. Thanks, hope you enjoyed part 1.