Sorry to inform you, but this is the last chapter! Hopefully it satisfies any needs and doesn't leave you hanging. I'm always iffy about my endings, but..

Anywhoo, next Monday I'll be updating my newest story! More will be explained when the first chappie is posted.

Until then people...adios!


Perhaps the light breathing of the figure now resting was the only thing that kept him sane.

The worst was over Sasuke hoped, now sitting Indian style near the futon where Naruto lay, who was currently passed out from exhaustion and, most likely, pain. The botanist just hoped it was mostly the former that had to do with it. Dark circles were beneath the boy's eyes, clearly expressing the stress he had gone through.

That the raven felt he had caused somehow.

Leaning his head into his hands, he breathed out quietly, staring at the tile floor and trembling slightly, glancing up at the now wrapped up bloody stumps that used to be those curious little vines. He felt guilt wash over him again, and he sighed out deeply. The only positive thing was that Naruto was most likely not going to be sick anymore. Sasuke had been very careful and made sure no stray infected area was left on. That's what he prayed for.


The Uchiha lifted his head, glancing over at the tired blue eyes. His stomach clenched instantly at the weak state of the plant boy. Nevertheless, he smiled gently and reached a hand over to gently cup a light green one. "How are you feeling?"

Those eyes traveled around the room briefly, taking it in for a few seconds. "Hurts...and Naruto feels spinny..."

Sasuke nodded, understanding. "You mean dizzy...that'll wear off in a while. I just need you to rest now...ok?" He couldn't do this. He couldn't sit there and pretend to be okay with what he did. He couldn't face his lover and pretend that he was okay with what occurred. He was about to turn and go, but the hand he had cupped instantly grasped around his wrist. The grip was weak, but Sasuke dare not to try and move from it.

"I love Sasuke."

The raven immediately tensed up at the words, turning around to stare wide eyed at the figure below him, unable to believe what he just heard. Surely..."What did you say?"

Naruto stared up at him, looking weak but smiling nonetheless. "Naruto can tell that Sasuke is sad because you had to hurt me. But I am glad. Because I love you, Sasuke. And I don't want to die. I want to live with Sasuke forever."

"...Sasuke loves Naruto too," the human murmured back, subconsciously steeping forward closer to the bed. "So very much..."

"Then don't be sad anymore. And would.." the plant blushed a bit, "would you lay with me for a while?"

And Sasuke did, because he could never deny anything to his blond lover.


A week passed since the procedure was done, and that time was spent well by Naruto recuperating and healing. Sasuke was like his private nurse, helping him and getting him whatever he wanted. He even gave the boy some treats like ice cream and chocolate, which went over quite well considering the plant had never had such delicacies.

Today, the botanist decided to check on the wounds and see how they were healing. In the middle of the week he had to change the dirty bandages, but there still wasn't enough healing done on it.

"I'm not hurting you, am I?" He quietly asked as the bandages were peeling away from the dry blood and skin. Naruto shook his head in response, watching as well. Sasuke exhaled sharply as the last of the material fell away, exposing the area. The tissue was starting to heal well, but they both could see that wasn't the major part of their problem.

The dark tips of Naruto's stubby vines said otherwise.

Sasuke couldn't peel his eyes away from the obviously infected area, his blood slowly turning cold. God damnit, the root rot wasn't gone. Somehow Naruto was still infected.

They were silent for a long time, evaluating the situation. It was Naruto who lifted his gaze and stared quietly at the other. "Sasuke, should...should we-"

"No." He already knew what was going to be asked. "I'm not...doing it again. I can't."

There was a tense silence. "I..understand, Sasuke." Shuddering, the plant boy took a breath, laying against the pillow once more. There was nothing more to be said. Shortly, the human climbed onto him, pressing tender nips to the light green throat exposed. The blond tilted his head and shared a kiss, exploring that very familiar mouth he had grown to love. How he would miss it if things were to...

Suddenly, something wet landed on his cheek. Opening his eyes, he watched quietly as the raven was..crying. For him? Did he really mean that much? That alone made him cheer up a bit, made him press a kiss to the upset man.

"It will be alright, Sasuke."

The young botanist shook his head, not able to say with words the doubt he had. But Naruto chose to ignore that, rather taking the time to soothe him, pressing closely to the other and curling up on their bed. While the Uchiha lay there in his chest, the plant boy's mind wandered. He would most likely die very soon. And right after life had just begun for him. He had wanted to spend so much time with Sasuke, doing things couples did and living a life with him. Though the plant didn't know how long he himself lived. Perhaps he was only destined to live for a year longer, maybe less. But even at least one more day would have meant something. Meant the world to him.

' not want to die,' Naruto thought quietly to himself, gently caressing the dark locks resting on his shoulder now, the human slowly being lulled to sleep by his lover's breathing. 'Not now. Not like this. Can't with Sasuke forever? That's all I want.."

Though Sasuke had succumbed to sleep, for Naruto it couldn't come. He laid there in bed, enjoying the feel of skin pressed to his own, or how the man next to him smelled very good. He wondered about life if he could live longer, and thought about things they could have done. He liked this warm feeling that bubbled in his chest. Love. He wanted to feel it more. Experience it more.

But then there was something else, something else he could feel. It was the dark feeling of knowing death was about to come. The sickness inside him could almost be felt like a live animal, slowly creeping up to engulf him and smother the fire of his life out.

It was already beginning.


The sunlight pried its way between Sasuke's closed eyes, helping him rouse from sleep. He shifted, wanting to press closer into the bed and his lover, not ready to wake up yet. But then as his mind caught up slowly, he realized something. Pulling his head up for a second, he glanced at the empty side of the bed. Breath caught in his throat, he glanced over at the other strange thing.

Naruto's pot was there, not no sign of the plant. Most of the dirt was now on the floor, and some trailed off towards the door.

Where was Naruto?

"N-Naru??" He called out, immediately awake and pushing himself out of bed. Something dark gripped his chest as he ran out of the greenhouse and outside, eyes not able to catch any distinguishable dirt from the grass. Fuck. Where had he gone?

Suddenly he heard something. Someone...laughing? Quietly he made his way to the front yard, heading towards the source. When he rounded the corner of his house, he could see what was going on.

There in the middle of the lawn sat Naruto, grinning from ear to ear and leaning back onto his arms to catch some early morning rays. But something was amiss. Next to the boy was his long, snake body. But it looked no more than an empty snake skin, the boy no longer connected to it at all. Rather below his very nude waist was two long tan legs. In fact, his whole skin was flushed with a healthy cinnamon color.

And suddenly it hit the other male.


The nude boy turned towards him, flashing him a beautiful rosy smile. "Sasuke!" The happy boy chirped, getting up and not seeming to care he was bare for all the world to see. "Look! Sasuke!"

Suddenly the raven had an armful of birthday suit boyfriend, causing him to fall on his back, the body above him laughing with joy. He could feel those strong legs pressed up against him, and it suddenly made him laugh as well, cupping the boy's head and pressing them together.

"''re human." The raven haired male pressed a kiss to a golden temple, feeling yet another tear slip out. But that was shed for happiness, and Naruto was there, alive him him, happy to wipe it away and press closer, to reassure that this was real and it was eternity.
