
AN: Wow! Guys, I honestly didn't expect you to be so enthusiastic about the first part. Very well. Due to popular demand… here is the sequel

Disclaimer: The usual stuff. I own nothing except my own ideas.

He was just as he was

All those years ago

Sardonic smile

The mocking angle of his head

That arrogant pose

The name falls from her lips

Like breaking glass

Ironic since he favors crystal

"Jareth," says she and that seals her fate

There will be no escaping him now

And she knows

She knows that if he touches her,

He will control every aspect

Her very identity will be ripped from the world

How is it possible?

She banished him

And again she repeats those words

"You have no power over me!"

He makes a chiding noise

She is drawn to his features

Platinum-blonde flyaway hair

A sharp regal nose

Strong cheekbones of a ruler

And a thin mouth to go

His eyes bore through her

As though he knows her mind

"But you want me to have such a power"

His tone mocks her

But oh how she craves him

Even as in the same breath she reasons why she must never approach him

How many nights for the whole of five years

Has he haunted her

Those eyes of his

One light and one dark

Forever holding her captive in dreams

She gasps now

She feels his touch

How she longs to feel him

Last she saw, she was a child

But no more!

Nay! Now she was a woman fully grown

A woman who knew her mind

Then why did her mind whisper sense

While her entire being wished to court danger?

His hands clench in his black leather gloves

and she wants the hands below to hold her

his legs to support her

his mouth to bruise hers

Oh why! Why must she entertain such sinful thoughts?

Then just like that, he offers his hand

She can hold no longer

He catches her and doesn't disappoint

She doesn't want to forget,

But what can she do?

Her whole body a mass of embers

That took to flame as soon as she heard his voice

Then the only thing she is conscious of is him.

Her enemy

Her torturer

Her King

Her… Jareth.

AN: Is you're wondering. This whole thing happened within the span of 3-5 minutes or shorter. If you don't understand, you have to read the first part as this is the sequel. It took me 5 minutes to write this. So how was it? Please be honest, or my work will never improve. BTW there might be a surprise that happens after this. So watch out, but probably not for another 4 months or so.