Chapter two: Pranking Mark

Maureen dialed the number to the loft and put it on speaker phone.

"Hello?" Mark greeted into the phone.

"Seven days." Maureen creepily whispered into the reciever.

Mark scrunched up his nose and narrowed his eyebrows. "Excuse me?"



"Until you die fool!" Joanne piped in, annoyed that the film maker wasn't catching on; they should have known, Mark can't sit threw a horror movie to save his life.

Mark's face dropped a colour tone. "Why am I dying in seven days?"

Both girls tried to resist from laughing at how adorably gullible Mark was.

"Because you watched that tape, Mark. You shouldn't have watched that tape." Maureen replied, still using the creepy voice.

Mark swallowed hard. How'd they know about that?!

"Um...I don't...uh, know what you're talking about." He studard, causing the girls to look at eachother with curious faces.

Maureen held the phone out in front of her, so Mark couldn't hear.

"Do you think..." Maureen whispered.

"...Oh yeah. He totally watched that porno Roger had that Mimi wouldn't let him watch."

"Oh. This is gunna be goooood!" Maureen snorted, putting the phone back inbetween them.

"I think you do. You know God doesn't approve of things like that, Mark. You're doomed to hell. Without your camera!"

Mark clenched his chest and plopped down on the couch. "No camera?" He squeaked, looking over at it sympathetically.

"No camera." Maureen confirmed.

"No scarf either." Joanne added.

"No scarfy?!" Mark squeaked again.

"No scarfy." Joanne confirmed.

"But...but, I really didn't watch a tape." Mark lied, hopeing that would somehow redeem him from burning in the pits of hell...without his beloved camera and scarf.

Maureen had to give Joanne the phone because she started laughing and couldn't stop. She couldn't believe how gullible Mark was.

Joanne cleared her throat and lowered her voice.

"Lying only makes things worse, Mark. Now you only have five days."

"WHAT?!" Mark panicked. "Does that mean I'm dying next Monday?" He wandered.

Joanne and Maureen looked at eachother.

"Is he catching on?" Maureen managed to whisper.

Joanne shrugged. "I guess we're about to find out."

"Yes. No. Wait. Monday? That would be five business days. This is five days starting now."

"So, five days to this very hour, I'm going to die?" Mark asked.

Joanne was getting irritated.

"Forget hours, it's five days from NOW!"

"But there's a holiday coming up. Do you count holidays?"

Joanne was about fed up at this point. Meanwhile, Maureen was thrashing around on the floor.

"I'm giving you five friggin' business days. I can come over now and kill the shit out of you if you'd rather have that!"

Maureen snorted.

"So we're not counting the weekends, correct?"

Joanne sighed. "Bye, Mark."

"By Joanne. Oh, and tell Maureen that she needs to be more quiet when trying to prank call someone."


Joanne tossed the phone to Maureen, who was basically seizuring on the floor. After a few moments, she reclaimed her normality and sat up.

"He actually had US going for a while."

Joanne laughed. "How about Roger now?"

"Oh, that'll be interesting."

Okay, so. I had something totally different written, and it was A LOT more funny. But then I broke my laptop and I lost it. So, I came up with this. I wish it were funnier, but I'm just drawing blanks here. Not writing for over a year really screws you up. And yes, I stole a few lines from SM3. Haha...anyway, review if you want. If I get more than 5 reviews I'll do the next one. If you have any idea's on how to prank Roger, lemme know! Thanks for dealing with my shitty writting! Haha.