H2O: Just Adds Problems

H2O: Just Adds Problems

Chap. 1

It was a beautiful day on the gold coast, where Rikki, Cleo and Lewis were chatting at the Juicenet Café. Emma, an employee at the outrageously busy location, sat down with her friends, since it was her lunch break.

"So guys, tonight's the full moon" Emma stated. "Really? Noooo…" Rikki said sarcastically. Emma shot her a look. "Okay, girls, that's enough. We'll just do the usual. I mean, most of the time it works, right?" Cleo said, trying to look at the positive side of the situation.

"Well, you girls won't have to worry a bit, because tonight I'm staying with you and you can't do anything about it." Lewis piped in.

"Me too!" Ash said as he broke his cover. He doesn't usually eavesdrop, but this time it was necessary. He grabbed a seat next to Emma, joining in on the conversation.

"Look, Ash…" Cleo started. It has already been a month since he found out about there secret and he has been very supportive towards the girls. "We really appreciate what you're trying to do… And we would love to have you come… But I'm positive My dad wont let any boys at our sleepover… You know how he gets…" Cleo reminded.

"You guys can come stay at my house!" Emma decided. "My parents are on a business trip for another three days, and Eliotts at a friends house. Besides, they wouldn't mind as long as the boys slept in a separate room."

"Great!" Everyone exclaimed. Just then Zane entered the Juicenet Café, and it was decided he could join too. After all the plans were made, Ash and Emma were back to work, and Lewis and Cleo went to the marine park, (A. N. Cleo was off work, she only works week days.) leaving Rikki and Zane alone finishing there juices.

"I'm really glad I could help, you know." Zane said. Rikki leaned in, giving him a small kiss on the lips. "Thanks." They both laughed and joked until they decided to go see a movie.


"Ugh, how can he be in to HER??" Miriam said disgusted. "You're too good for him anyway, if he likes Rikki." Replied Miriam's humble servant Tiffany. "There's something funny about her anyway… I'm not sure but I'll find out…" replied Miriam, determined to get Zane back.


A while later, Ash, Zane, Lewis, Emma, Rikki and Cleo were at Emma's house getting ready. The boys just finished taping up the windows when the girls walked in with there PJ's on.

Emma was wearing a baby blue spaghetti strap top with grey shorts, Cleo had on a green t-shirt with navy blue shorts, and Rikki had on white tang top with dark purple Capri's. "Alright, everyone ready for the first movie?" Lewis asked. It was horror. "Midnight snack" was what it was called. The guys had discussed earlier that it would make the girls scared and hang on to there guys, but at least Zane was proved wrong.

"Sounds cheesy… But its better than nothing." Rikki said dryly. Zane smiled. He had seen this movie before, he had almost pissed his pants. It made him proud to see her so confident, though.


Half way through the movie, Emma was holding on to Ash, Cleo on Lewis, and Rikki on Zane. "I wish full moons came more often!" The boys thought.

Then the doorbell rang. It was Miriam. "How did she find out we were here?? And what does she want??" Said Lewis after pausing the movie and looking out the crack in the door. "Trust me, she knows what goes on around here, she has her ways…" Said Zane, but he stopped after seeing the look on Rikki's face. He knew she despised Miriam, and it made more sense why she freaked out with the locket incident after he found out her secret. "I won't answer it." Lewis said. But Miriam just yelled "I know you're in there… I just want to talk to Zane."

Zane sighed and glanced at Rikki, who was staring right back at him. As if she read his mind, she spoke. "One minute, only one minute!" The girls and boys went upstairs to avoid the moon, but Rikki refused, and hid around the corner, listening carefully.

"Hi there Zane… Before you say anything, I want to ask you something. Come back to me. We were the ultimate couple. And now you suddenly care for that poor girl!" Rikki was taken back by this horrible comment, but she realized it was only what she could expect. "Miriam! Shut up! You're just jealous that I like someone other than you! You're not going to make me change my mind so…"

Silence. Afraid, Rikki ran around the corner only to see the doors closed, but Miriam inside, kissing Zane. She was happy to see that he was not kissing back, but… not fighting back… "Zane!" Cried Rikki ripping them apart. "Rikki…" Before he had a chance to finish Miriam continued. "Sorry Rikki… Were getting back together. Zane and I are in love… Right, darling?"

Zane looked at Rikki with an expression she could not read. Then he returned his gaze to Miriam, be answering with the most hesitation he could possibly have. "Y-yes. U-um…" He couldn't continue. Miriam decided to take over. "Well we better get going, see you around, Rikki." She spat.

With that the "couple" went out the door, leaving Rikki speechless.


Outside, Zane was fighting Miriam. "I cannot believe you, Miriam. Give it to me, or I'm calling the police." Zane said, lifting his cell phone for proof.


"Hi there Zane… Before you say anything, I want to ask you something. Come back to me. We were the ultimate couple. And now you suddenly care for that poor girl!" Zane felt offended on Rikki's behalf. "Miriam! Shut up! You're just jealous that I like someone other than you! You're not going to make me change my mind so…" Miriam held out a knife, pretending to slice her throat. With that she mouthed the words "Obey me, or Rikki goes." Zane held the most horrible expression, like he was ready to strangle her. She suddenly pulled him into a kiss, when Rikki appeared around the corner.

End flashback.

Okay, that's one chapter. I was writing more to this one but I decided to leave it at a cliffy:P don't worry I've got nothing to do all summer… I will update fast. R&R!!
