

All The Steps


After Troy and Sharpay got together, everything changed. With Troy getting frustrated with their long distance relationship…. Sharpay's job just made it worst. TS.



Author's Note:

Haha. A new story from me :) I Don't know where this story is going to go. Because every time I have something in mind, I end up changing it. So let's hope it goes good. (Oh I own nothing but the plot that I somehow came up with)…I wasn't going to post this story until after I finished In Her Eyes, but then after chatting with Yeshi on yahoo (which I still am by the way, we're talking about how we're someday going to stalk Zac Efron)….but I wanted her to read this xD So Yeshi this is basically dedicated to you since it's your fault that I can't get my story straight. You gave me way too many ideas. :P You evil person. Now there are all these possibilities and I don't know which one to go with. See how hard she makes this for me? And you're very helpful with titles. -- BABIES BABIES. Haha. But I still love you :3

Anyway, enjoy guys. I would really appreciate some feeds backs, so I know you don't think I'm writing a stupid insane story. :P

And just to let you guys know. I will not be able to update this story until next week. Hopefully next Tuesday or something.


Ten years after she stepped out of the dramatic school of East High and left all the faces she could careless about, she was about to face them all again. In her opinion, it was ridiculous. She did not give a care about this.

Sharpay groaned as she saw many familiar faces smiling at her. Even if the room was slightly dim, everyone still flashed her a smile and she wanted to turn back around and forget all of this.

The first faces she saw were Chad and Taylor.

"Oh it's so nice to see you!" Sharpay cried giving Taylor a hug and a smile.

Deep down she was cursing inside, dreading to be in the place.

"How have you been?" Taylor asked as Chad stood by her side, placing a well-believed smile on his face for Sharpay.

Sharpay knew he was just covering himself up. He never liked her. She never liked him. No needs to play pretend, but of course, this was not high school anymore. They all had to eventually grow up, even if Chad still looked and seemed immature to Sharpay.

Suddenly, the music started to fill the room.

"It's been so long." Taylor gave her one more hug before being dragged to the dance floor my Chad.

After reuniting with Kelsi and Jason, she was finally able to find time alone by the barstool.

Sharpay took a sip of her wine, carefully trying not to smear her lipstick on the clear glass. She looked around the room, filled with her graduating class, chatting around, dancing, and reuniting. Some high school reunion this was. It was hard to believe that she had actually canceled a trip just to reunite with the people she could careless about. Sure, it was nice to see some familiar faces. She had been so busy, traveling from country to country, getting her fashion designs to be well known that she had gone quiet a while without seeing her own twin brother. He was one of the reasons she ended up at the reunion—he ordered her to come. And so far, she wanted to smack him for eagerly suggesting that attending it would be best. Boy ten years went by fast. And yet, she still thought the high school reunion could have waited a little longer. By now she could have been in Paris, vacationing and promoting her newest designs.

"My, my…" A loud voice caught her attention. "The one and only Sharpay Evans."

She rolled her eyes. "Bolton." She spat.

Troy grinned proudly and took the sit next to her, waving the bartender for a drink. He looked the same, just a bit grown up. His hair was in its usual shaggy style and his eyes as crystal blue as ever. Though he wore formal clothes today, suitable for the reunion. Everyone had something formal, a good way to put an impression on the classmates you had not seen in years.

Sharpay eyed him up and down and smirked.

"I see you haven't changed much." She spoke holding her glass firmly.

"Neither have you." He stared at her, his eyes wandering her thin lilac strapless dress. "You look nice." He commented. 'And gorgeous.' He wanted to add, but it sounded rather cheesy.

Sharpay felt herself blush lightly. She was about to throw on a completely shock look as she had never blushed by that comment before. Usually she just giggled and knew it was true.

"Thanks." She smiled at him.

She turned to the bartender that had given Troy his drink, hinting for more wine. She was about to consume her third glass for the night, and somehow she felt no worries. The hotel was right across the street, she would be able to walk her drunken self there and hopefully be sober enough to fly back to New York by the afternoon. It would have been better if she were able to somehow catch a plane now…

"Attitude is still the same. Icy." He chuckled. "Shows how much ten years is nothing."

Sharpay scolded at him.

"And you're still criticizing me." She tapped the glass in front of her. "How lovely." She sent him a smirk.

"This is going to best interesting." Troy mumbled eyeing his drink down.

"High school was interesting having you around." Sharpay spoke with a bittersweet tone.

Troy sent her a boyish grin. Boy was he in for a long conversation with her. He could tell she had so much to say, and he had so much to say. Even if Sharpay was the last person he talked to in school, things could change. He needed someone to talk to anyway, Chad seemed to be busy with his wife somewhere and he already chatted with everyone else. Sharpay just caught his attention. She was sitting alone by the bar, looking rather bored. He figured he could get a good laugh out of her. She was always the drama queen.

"Keep staring, Bolton." Sharpay frowned noticing Troy's eyes focused on her face.

He shook his head and smiled awkwardly.

"So…How's life? Haven't talked to you in ten years…." Troy spoke drinking from his glass. "Married? Kids?" He narrowed his eyes, suddenly interested.

Sharpay laughed. She was having a difficult time trying to put the pieces together, all through high school, she and Troy passed by each other with a 'hello' and nothing else…and now they were chatting and drinking, possibly the only ones not on the dance floor. But like she really wanted to dance anyway. This was not a place she wished to catch up with everyone. Actually, she rather not talk to anymore. But seeing as Troy was sitting next to her, looking interested in whatever she was up to…she was willing to chat.

"Nope. Don't have time." She shook her head, finally answering the question. "Had to end my last relationship, couldn't keep the guy waiting you know? I travel too much." She explained setting her drink down.

Troy gave her an understanding look.

"You?" She asked as the bartender placed some chips and dips in between them.

Troy smiled. "Four kids. Married. "

Sharpay's eyes grew wide. That was a shocker.

"I'm kidding." He chuckled. "I was in a long relationship. But she ended up choosing drugs over me and started fucking around with drug addicts." He said briskly in a much more serious tone. "She fooled me. I thought I knew her. But I never ended up marrying her anyway." He shrugged putting chips in his mouth.

Sharpay's face-harden. She had been so caught up with her life that she had forgotten her relationship and finally managed to end it with the guy before she gave him anymore-wrong signals and ended up hurting him. Looking around, everyone seemed to have settled down since she last saw them. Ryan and Gabriella found love and got married, and now have two smart-ass little twin girls. Taylor and Chad, Jason and Kelsi…. there were many to list.

"Plus being single is pretty nice." Troy smirked.

Sharpay nodded in agreement. The reason why she could not maintain a relationship was because she felt like the guy was always getting in the way; she did not have time for anyone but herself. At least no one was there to get in her way or make her feel worried all the time. All she had to care about was to not worry with herself and promote her fashion designs.

"Where do you live now?" Troy questioned, rubbing the back of his neck with his hand. "In the area of somewhere else?"

"New York. I have a condo there. Though I'm hardly ever home." She spoke, wiping off the crumbs on her lap.

"Wow." Troy said in amazement. "New York." He repeated. "I'm going there next week actually, play offs." He sent her a boyish grin. "You going to be around next week? Maybe I could drop by?" He hoped she would be.

"Hmm next week…. Yeah I don't think I'll be out of town." She said, meeting his blue eyes. "I'll make an effort to stay in town." She added, not knowing why.

"Shar!" Sharpay turned around to see her twin brother with Gabriella by his side.

She frowned. "What?"

She had already talked to her brother for the night and might she add that she had a long conversation with him on the phone a couple days ago about how she really did not want to attend this so-called high school reunion. Even if she had exactly talked to him all night—or Gabriella, she did say hi and give them a hug. That was enough for now. She knew she would see them again soon, Ryan is part of her family—and apparently, Gabriella is too.

Ryan approached her and sent Troy a bewildered look. Gabriella did the same.

"Are we interrupting something?" Ryan questioned looking from Troy to Sharpay.

Sharpay scoffed. "Actually you are." She rolled her eyes. "We were talking."

Gabriella smiled. "Sorry to bother you two did." She blushed. "Let's go Ryan."

Troy and Sharpay looked at each other and laughed.

For a good amount of time, they ended up catching up on what has happened over the past years. Sharpay had a lot to talk about the places visited and the interesting people she met. Troy talked about the steps it had taken him to become a professional basketball player and how he had wanted to do a few traveling himself out of the country but never got to due to basketball practice and other certain life crises. They had many to talk about, and oddly, Sharpay was starting to not regret coming to the reunion after all. At least she got to chat with Troy and actually enjoy his company. Looks like she made a new friend.

"Want to dance?" Troy offered his hand to her, as the music in the background started to finally become clear to him.

For a good hour Troy and Sharpay both shut out the music and any other noise in the background. They were too dedicated to listening to each other. So much to talk about and all the funny memories crossed their mind as they chatted about high school, the musicals, the basketball games…and just about everything.

Sharpay looked at the crowded dance floor and smiled.

"Sure." She took Troy's hand.

They made their way to the dance floor and danced to the music that seemed to be moving everyone at the same pace. Sharpay found it nice to relax for a while. All this time she had been focused on work and nothing else. Right now she was having fun just goofing around with Troy and being friends. At least something good came out of this pathetic reunion.

Troy gently placed his hand on her hips as the music switched to a much slower tune. Sharpay's arms wrapped around his neck, making her feel slightly awkward, but she managed to shrug it off. This would be the first time she had gotten close to a guy in a couple of years.

"You still sing and all that?" Troy asked in a soft tone.

Sharpay nodded.

"Of course." She smirked. "You still play basketball don't you?" She raised her eyebrows at him. "Why would I stop my singing and dancing?" Her expression became confuse.

Troy shrugged. "You said you were busy with fashion and designing and all that, don't see how you have time for anything else." He stated moving his left hand to her back.

Sharpay just smiled. "I will always have time for performing. I just do it on my spare time anyway. Nothing big." She spoke as she moved with the soft music in the background.

They danced for some time, getting carried away by the music. Everyone seemed to be on the dance floor by this point, all hugging and dancing slowly.

Sharpay felt good, being able to feel comfortable, she had no idea she had been so stress out. All night she was worried she would have to deal with immature people. Luckily, she never did—aside from Ryan, but she was willing to let that go. Troy occupied her throughout the night and she never recalled anyone bothering them. Everyone must have figured to leave them alone. After all, they were in a deep conversation.

"I'm not going to lie." Sharpay spoke after their silence. "I believed to have a horrible time tonight." She met Troy's crystal blue eyes. "But I ended up having a nice time. Thanks to you." She giggled.

"You're the best person I've talked to all night." Troy sent her one of his famous smiles. "That I can say for sure."
