I'm not updating, sorry.
Never will update again probably.
So sorry. Truly.
I was sitting at my computer thinking (again), listening to the Glee cast version of Don't Stop Believing and I had an epiphany.
I've had the notion for quite a while that I was no longer into Twilight. It just got too crazy for me, I guess.
Anyway, I realized that leading you all on for so long was cruel, and so I've issued this edict of sorts. (Well, it looks like I've deluded myself into thinking that I'm some world leader that gets to issue edicts constantly, or maybe I've been playing Children of the Nile too much, I don't really know.)
EDICT: Twilight is no longer for me.
Three reasons:
I've realized what fanatical obsession can do to people. Recently my friend became obsessed with the Jonas Brothers (what was she thinking? I have no idea) and she almost tried to shoplift a poster from some store of them. Yeah, I know. But honestly, I love her to death.
I've discovered the world of Shakespeare and Jane Austen and I've realized that those two authors will do more for me intellectually than Stephenie Meyer ever could. I'm going to a really expensive high school and the only way I can go to college afterwards is if I get a full ride there. Twilight won't get me there.
I just stopped caring. It was really weird actually, one day I was checking the fansites everyday, then I deleted HisGoldenEyes from my favorites list.
Now, you may be wondering why Don't Stop Believing gave me this epiphany. Well, the lyrics in the chorus were technically telling me to hang on to my feelings for God knows what. But no matter what I do, I can't bring myself to care about Twilight anymore.
But don't think you've gotten rid of me just yet. You may still see me lurking on the Jane Austen or Jane Eyre archives.
Though, at the same time, I think obsession is good. It gives you something to think about, and I know for fact that stupid thinking is better than not thinking at all. A part of my mind, no matter how minute, will always dwell on Twilight. Other parts will dwell on The Crown and the Crucible, Russia, forensics, and other dead obsessions.
After all, the course of true love, whether it is for a man or even a book, never did run smooth. My course has come to a close.
Now, all I have left to say is: Have a Shakespearean, Jane Austenian, Scrubsian, Jane Eyrian, Charles Dickensian, and last, but certainly not least, a Twilightian, life.
Tess a.k.a. the real Anna, Tess, and Fantine