I can't believe this is it, she thought whilst taking a deep breath. She tried to steady her slightly sweaty palms, which had started to shake every so slightly. Even with a long cloak over her form-fitting floorlength dress, she felt a slight chill on her skin.

The moment everyone has been waiting for. What Father has planned for so long. What you've wanted for quite some time now. She kept the breath deep inside her, for as long as she could keep it in her lungs. She closed her eyes, and exhaled slowly.

Reiyka took a step forward into the elevated portion of the floor. When she opened her eyes, it took several moments before her eyes focused on her reflections before her for she had shut her eyes quite tightly. Now, the great mirrors in the Rulers' Hall found inside the towering structure that of the Glass Spire show a somewhat flustered lady, twenty years of age. While she looked young, she felt as if the past two years had been a blur leading up to this very moment.

She knew she only had about ten minutes to go before she has to ride the special elevators which will take her up into the outdoor courtyard situated in the upper wings of her home, the Glass Spire, where the coronation will take place. The Spire is home all those who ruled the Hidden Village of Glass, serving as both memorial to the illustrious families and rulers who walked its corridors and lived in its rooms.

Reiyka had spent most of her childhood within these walls, with the exception of the past few years, wherein she had traveled and gathered more knowledge which would be beneficial to her reign. She knew that after this coronation, which she felt to be actually nothing more than a formality, she would be back on the road for diplomatic journeys – only this time, she would have the title of Lady Reiyka of the Glass.

She looked back again at the mirrors before her which stood from the smooth glass and tile floors up to the high-ceilings. Inspecting herself, Reiyka could hardly believe it. It seemed impossible that she would be up there, about to lead the village. There was so much in store not just for her, but for the world. And lots would be at stake, which she would pay for with her life. At that thought, she felt a sudden ease wash over her like warm water on skin. Yes, I would offer my life for Glass.

Just as he would, she suddenly heard herself whisper. Then she stopped herself.

Reiyka had not thought about Gaara for several months. She tried not to indulge her subconscious with thoughts of the Sand Kazekage right now. Not when she had succeeded in repressing her memories of him, and of the brief time theyhad spent together. But she couldn't help but give a small smile. That would be allshe could give at this moment.

As if on cue, Nikita came into view amongst Reiyka's reflections. The Hagensas' faithful servant was accompanied by several Glass Guards, the sides of their faces adorned with small, artful glass headpieces that concealed communication devices.

"My dear, it's the five minute mark. We've got to get you to the elevator."

"Of course."

They strode past the huge doors and towards the Grand Lobby, where Reiyka found her bestfriend Van going towards the golden elevators. He reached the elevator buttons at the same time Reiyka and the others did.

"Reiyka," he smiled. He had taken to sporting facial stubble that accentuated his lean now wore his hair long down to his shoulders, and his intensive military training ever since he became the young commander of the Glass shinobi built up his physique and made him sturdier and deadlier than before. Reiyka felt a twinge of sadness that they hadn't spent that much time bonding together anymore, with Van taking the dual duty of commander and bodyguard role leaving no room for whatever they had before. They were still platonic alright, but there wasa definite shift in the role.

"Van," she responded with warm grace. Like before, Reiyka thought, we would have greeted each other with a hug. Now, we must all be professional - at least, not with the Guards present. The platonic playfulness can come later after the ceremony.

"After you, my Lady." Van said a tad too cheerfully, stepping aside as the elevator doors opened. Reiyka couldn't help but grin as she stepped inside and was followed by Nikita, and then Van, and then the Guards. The doors closed silently, and then without a sound the spacious golden elevator sped upwards to the courtyard.

"Nervous?" Van whispered so only Reiyka (well, and Nikita) could hear. Nikita smiled confidently at Reiyka and squeezed her hand.

"Oh Van, I'm really waiting for the feast that comes afterward." said Reiyka.

"Think they'll serve lots of ice cream this year?"

"Are youallowed ice cream in the military?"

"Only in my R&R time."

Reiyka looked at Van. He was looking at her with a grin and a devilish glint in his eyes. She rolled her eyes at him, and then his grin softened into a warm smile.

"Look who's a Lady now,"Van said softly. "You'll be great, you always were. You'll lead us to greatness."

"Oh, not now Van," said Reiyka quickly, as the elevator doors opened. The guards started to march out and Nikita strode out of the elevator behind them. Reiyka had a habit of crying over every little thing before, a habit she had successfully squashed out.

"I'm serious," he said with a pull on her hand. It was as if he was imploring at her to believe him, but it felt like he was trying to tell her something else. Reiyka's heart started to beat faster, and she felt uncomfortable looking at Van. She had just opened her mouth to say something when she heard familiar footsteps coming towards them.

"There she is," came her father's voice. Asagani strode over to them, his lined face breaking into a bright smile, his long vestments swinging slightly. He pulled Reiyka into a quick hug and then held her shoulders so he could look at her properly. Van promptly disappeared from Reiyka's side, off to make sure the security measures are tight. "I'm sure your mother is watching over us right now. She is very, very proud of you."

"I know, Father." said Reiyka, feeling shy. "Thank you, for everything that you have taught me."

"It's time we go to the courtyard," Asagani said, clapping her shoulders a little too cheerfully. Then someone cleared his throat. The two of them turned around and Reiyka saw Xavier now standing behind Asagani. "Oh right, make it quick boy, my daughter's about to be Lady!" Then Asagani started to walk towards the tall glass windows which would lead right into the courtyard. Reiyka tried not to look too hard, but she knew the delegates were out there already, gathered upon an elaborate outdoor set-up built especially for the occasion.

"Xavier," Reiyka said in greeting to her suitor. But instead, he pulled her into an embrace. He had the habit of doing that. Reiyka had gotten used to it but kept herself in a polite manner around him. He held her hands and gave them a reassuring squeeze.

"You are so beautiful and I'd just like to say I'm incredibly proud of you right now." His dark blonde hair was slicked back and he wore a crisp white long sleeved shirt over straightly cut pants dark brown pants and leather boots made with a thin yet sturdy material.

"Thank you, Xavier, I appreciate it."

"Well, I won't keep you for long. Everyone's ready for you."

"Yes," said Reiyka, straightening up. Xavier was looking expectantly at her, but did not push it. He bowed, and walked away to exit through a different side door to the courtyard. She looked at him as he did so, and then sighed before walking towards her father, who was waiting by the glass windows.

"This is it," said Asagani, as Reiyka stopped at his left side, just like they practiced just a week ago.

"This is it." The doors opened to drums being beat mercilessly, and glass xylophones being expertly struck by master musicians of the Village. The crowd was chanting "Lady Reiyka!", and the foreign delegates stood up to show respect to the father and daughter stepping out onto the courtyard.

Reiyka's face automatically broke out into a smile and she raised her right hand, waving softly to the audience. The outdoor setup was like an open, outdoor glass stadium which offered the guests protection from the fierce desert winds. From the glass doors, soft domed glass rose to envelope the courtyard, like an elongated spiral seashell that rose to the top – so that those at the highest part could still have a good view of the stage. Of course, seated at the front and nearest to the stage were the foreign delegates from other Villages.

Strangely enough, Reiyka wasn't nervous. She thought her father must think sofor he had taken hold of her hand as they walked to the elaborate podium a couple of steps away, but she wasn't. She continued to smile and wave, looking at each of the delegates directly, like what her mentors had taught her. Do not show fear even if you are scared shitless.

Okay, there's the Iwagakure delegates and the Tsuchikage, looks a bit young. There's Kumogakure and the Raikage, hmmm he doesn't look too formal… okay if I'm not mistaken that's Kirigakure, even their Mizukage looks young. They wouldn't be so intimidating then. Maybe the only one will be hard to crack will be the famous Tsunade! The only, well - older Kage in the bunch. No disrespect there, none really… well that leaves…

And then Reiyka sees the red hair, and her mind strangely goes still and silent. She could see Temari and Kankurou, the two of them looking at her, cheering excitedly. She gives waves at them, and Kankurou whistles. Reiyka quickly takes a glance at Gaara. He's smiling! That's… a relief.

The father and daughter reached the podium, and Asagani raised his hands to call for silence.

Reiyka looked away from Gaara as the crowd fell silent.

Then, Asagani started to speak.