Hey!! I'm back with a new chapter! Thanks to my very good friend Schizophrenic Sama for reviewing and being my beta on this chapter. Also, another humongo thanks to Reader Ninja for being my first review ever! You can both have a cookie! Anyways, here's the next chapter and I hope you enjoy!

The ninja path part 2

"GRRR! We've been waiting forever! Where is our teacher?" Naruto screamed.

"Naruto," I said, not looking up from my book, "You need to be patient. He'll be here soon enough."

"Soon enough my foot," Naruto grumbled.

We, meaning Naruto, Sakura, Sasuke, and myself, had been waiting for our sensei for 3 hours now. Naruto was running back in forth, making sudden, loud outbursts about our sensei, Sakura was going all obsessive fan girl over Sasuke, Sasuke was ignoring her, that impassive scowl clear on his face, and I was reading Twilight for the seventeenth time. A random thought shot through my mind about if someone were to take our picture, it would be a great Christmas card. I was about to get a camera, when I realized exactly how stupid I would sound asking my team to hold their position. That's how bored I was. Of course, Naruto was far worse on the boredom scale than I was, so I wasn't exactly shocked at the silly prank he set up next.

"Naruto! What are you doing?" Sakura screeched. She had just noticed he had place a dusty chalk board eraser so that it would fall on whoever opened the door next, which would hopefully be our sensei.

"That'll teach him not to be late again," Naruto muttered conspiratorially.

"Naruto, are you so completely stupid that you think an experienced-" Sakura's sentence was cut short by the opening of the door and the appearance of a strange looking shinobi with a scowl on his face and an eraser on his gravity defying-gray hair.

"First impressions are very important. My first impression of you four… not so good," our apparent sensei said, while I was trying my hardest not to laugh.


"We are going to introduce ourselves. Tell us your name, likes and dislikes, and ambitions." the gray-haired man said.

"Shouldn't you go first, so we know who you are and what to do?" I asked, with a hint of annoyance and boredom in my voice. I couldn't believe that we had waited for this man for over three hours, just so we could "introduce ourselves."

"I suppose I should," our sensei said. "Alright, my name is Hatake Kakashi, you have no need to know my likes and dislikes, and my ambitions are none of your concern."

I leaned over and whispered to Naruto, "Wow, we know everything about him now. What a great explanation!" Naruto and I silently laughed, Naruto's a little more pronounced than mine, which earned us a glare from Sakura. That caused me to laugh even more. She was going to be so easy to torment.

Kakashi noticed Naruto and me laughing, and pointed to me. "How about you going first?" he asked.

"Okay," I replied. "My name is Sato Mika. I like music, especially metal, and I dislike people who are so completely obsessed over one thing or person, that they lose sight of everything else." At this last part, I glared pointedly at Sakura. I don't know why I hated her as much as I did. Sure she was mean to me, but so was everyone else. Maybe it was because she was what I classified as a stalker, or maybe it was because she had a happy family life. Hell, it could have been her hair color for all I knew! I just didn't like her.

"My dream," I continued, "Is to be able to live a life in which I fight for Kohona and die protecting it." I smirked a bit when I said this. I couldn't help it. Whenever I talked of my dream or my village, I got an overwhelming sense of pride. Naruto and I were alike in this aspect. Even though we have both been fiercely mistreated by our village, we both were extremely devoted to it and all its people. I've always felt this way. Kohona was my home, and it would always have my loyalty. Naruto looked smug, too. He knew how much I loved to tell people my dream. In fact, I think he was about to say something about it, but was interrupted by Kakashi telling Sakura to go next.

"Okay… Um, my name is Haruno Sakura. I like… um…" At this she blushed and looked at Sasuke, who pretended not to notice. "I dislike…" Here she shot a glance at me. Hmm. I guess our hate is mutual. Sakura continued, "And my dream…" She trailed off yet again and looked at Sasuke.

"Okay," Kakashi said. "Your next." He then pointed at Naruto.

"DATTABOY!!" Naruto shouted. "I'm Uzamaki Naruto! I love ramen and hanging out with Mika-chan! I hate Sasuke-teme because he thinks he's so great, and my dream is to become Hokage! BELIEVE IT!!" I smiled hugely at this. He was still as sure of himself as he was the day I first met him.

Kakashi turned to Sasuke. "Your turn," he said.

Sasuke began, "My name is Uchiha Sasuke. There are very few things I like and many things I don't. My goal is to kill a certain man and avenge my clan."

"Okaaay," Kakashi sighed. 'I probably have the weirdest team ever!' he thought desperately. 'Why does Kami hate me so?'

"Tomorrow we will begin your training. Make sure not to eat breakfast." With that, Kakashi disappeared in a puff of smoke.

'Well," I thought, "This sure is going to be interesting.'