Chapter 7, finally up... this is part tow of chapter 6...

Thanks to everyone who reads this far into the story...

I hope I can keep making decent cliffhangers for the chapters to come... please review and let me know what you think...

This chapter is dedicated to Sasuke and Itachi Fan, Dar1us, Beelzleboss, and Mephiles...

Hope everyone enjoys this....

Chapter 7 the Horrors (Part 2)

Her love was lying on the ground centimeters out of her reach, both of them were dying. Anemone had not been this worried since she was falling to her death during the final fight with Dewy, and as fate would have it, the situation was very similar in both cases.
"Dominic please… please open your eyes… say something… I need you…" she was crying and praying something would help her reach him physically and mentally.

I battlefield lay in ruins seven figures lay on the ground exhausted, all had been searching the debris for survivors or remains. Only the eighth member remained active, his bright blue eyes focused on the wreckage, were slowly turning red, his pupils becoming slits. The Demon Fox Chakra was enveloping Naruto, he was rapidly losing control.
"I will find them, I must find them. I will not let anyone down again. I do not want to see Sakura cry in sadness ever again!"
The fifth tail started to grow.

Sakura felt an evil malice and saw what was happening to Naruto: in her fatigued state she could not stop him. She tried to stand, but fell to her knees from the power the fox was oozing out.
"Naruto! Stop now! Everyone run!"

The others had started to react to the screaming and saw what had happened to Naruto. The five Mews were not used to such power or evil and were frozen in place. Kerza was able to react in time to avoid a large chunk of debris, "What has happened to him?"
"I'll explain later, now we need to evacuate."
"Allow me." Kerza opened a portal and Sakura helped the others to get through.
"Sakura you must leave as well."
"He is my friend I will not leave him."
"You are no friend of the current Naruto; he will kill you in an instant. Leave now, the other two are dead, I cannot sense any other living beings besides us, Naruto and the monster controlling him."
"No! I will stop him and they must be alive!"
"Forgive me." He pushed her through the portal and closed it behind her.

"Dominic, I can't live without you, I need you. You are my one and only. So please wake up." The crying form of Anemone said with her life flashing before her eyes for the third time since being forced into this contest. She felt something grab her hand, her eyes shot open and prayed with all her might that it was Dominic; she blinked away the tears and saw…

Kerza stared at the colossal power that the Mini-Kyuubi formerly known as Naruto was exuding. He summoned all of his powers and launched them towards the demon. The Kyuubi sensed this and avoided it, his attention now fully on the new foe. Kerza changed the energy from a sphere into a net trap and caught the demon fox. He increased the power of the bindings and approached the Kyuubi.
"Such power, you must have done a lot of harm to others."
The Kyuubi let lose a deafening roar that sent Kerza flying onto a large chunk of what once was a wall. The Kyuubi escaped the netting and approached the dazed form of Kerza.

Anemone saw a sight that warmed her heart; Gulliver had pulled the two lovers closer together, just as he did during the falling incident. The moment Anemone and Dominic touched he drew a sharp breath and his eyes started to dart around.
"Anemone? … Are we in heaven, because I can see an angel."
"Oh Dominic! I love you, I'm so happy you are alive!"
"Where are we?"
"That's your first response! You are supposed to say that you love me as well and that you're also happy that I'm alive!"
"I thought you already knew how I felt about you."
"You are still supposed to remind me each chance you get!"
"I said I loved you just before I passed out."
"Say it!"
"I love you." He pulled her closer to him and hugged her.

The Kyuubi raised its head and started to gather Chakra, it was going to destroy this new foe. Kerza opened up a portal and phased through, leaving the demon in an otherwise lifeless world. He was now with the Mews and Sakura in the checkpoint room. The portal started to close.
"Where is Naruto?"
"He is too powerful now, but we can stop him if we-" A huge blast of pure evil Chakra came from the almost fully closed portal, sending the group flying into the nearby wall, inflicting mortal wounds to all.

At the same time, Anemone and Dominic failed to notice the dark energy rapidly approaching their embraced forms.

Thanks for reading... please review and let me know if you want me to add something, or just let me know what you think...
The next update will be in a long time (unless I get enough reviews to destroy my urge to work my other stories first...)