Disclaimer: tears of sadness over the fact that I do not own the beautiful characters in this story.


I was running blindly through the forest laughing wildly he was never going to catch me. " Oh mike" I called " cant catch me." I could hear his close chuckle he was gaining on me. We had tried to take a hike but ended up getting lost in the woods I had been worried until Mike had assured me that he had a compass. Now we were running though them playing tag, I had tripped a few times but made up for it because Mike was a slow runner.

I quickly hid behind a tree and tried to slow my breathing. Right as he passed me I jumped out and scared him.

"Shoot Bella don't do that!" Mike laughed, "I'll have a heart attack."

I laughed and wrapped my arms around his neck and reached up to kiss him, and he leaned down to kiss me harder as he pushed me against the tree I had just hid behind.

"Your so hot," he murmured against my throat.

I sighed. I hated how he always called me things like hot or sexy. I wanted to be told how beautiful I was or something like that not just "hot." He looked at me oddly wondering why I had sighed.

"Its nothing" I told his questioning gaze I kissed him trying to distract him. It worked he started kissing my neck again moving down my collarbone and then down the line of my v-neck sweater I shivered agreeably, But as his hands started to lift my shirt up I stopped him.

"Not now and definitely not here." I said sternly

"But Bella" he said, "I'm ready and I want to."

"Here?" I asked, he looked around

"Well maybe not here let's find a dry spot."

"Oh Mike," I sighed, "I'm just not ready, and I sure as hell don't want my first time to be in the woods." I looked at him square in the eye.

"Just give me a little more time. Okay?"

"Alright," he said, "bet you can't catch me." I mocked and started running he followed quickly calling out to me. I ran for a few more minutes and got a good distance from Mike before I practically burst from the tree cover to a perfectly round meadow.

I looked around in shock. What was this place? I walked to the center so I could look around. Suddenly I heard a very near by Mike.

"Bella," he called, "Where did you go?"

I turned to got get him when I ran into a very solid chest. I fell backwards and let out a shriek. Looking up I found the most beautiful green eyes staring at me. Actually it wasn't just his eyes that were mesmerizing; it was this strange boy in his entirety. His bronze hair was tousled and he had a beautiful half grin. I was spooked from my reverie by Mikes all to close calls.

"I'm coming." I yelled back

"Who are you?" I asked more quietly he held his fingers to his lips as he backed away. once he got to the edge of the meadow he turned his head abruptly in the direction Mike was coming from. I turned my head and when I looked back he was gone.