Title: Ambivalence

Rating: I dunno yet, I will go with T for now lol

Pairing: Trish Stratus/Mickie James

Disclaimer: I don't own them and if I did… … … never mind lol I just don't own them…

Summary: Trish finds herself in a rather strange situation with Mickie…

Trish sighed groggily, pulling her sheets more firmly over her body. Man was she glad she had nothing to do for the first portion of her day. She was tired and sore and frankly, if she didn't have to go to work tonight then she probably wouldn't… not after what happened last night.

Last night was probably the worst Wrestlemania of her life… not only had she lost her title, but she had lost her title to Mickie James of all people and honestly, she didn't want to have to deal with Mickie on RAW later… in fact she didn't want to have to deal with Mickie James period. It was like Mickie was trying to make her life a living hell, and well…. She was certainly succeeding.

Trish yawned snuggling closer to her pillow. It took her a second to realize her pillow for some odd reason had the lingering scent of…. Well… Mickie James… and then another second to wonder how the hell she even knew what Mickie James even smelled like. One more lingering second and she quickly realized that it definitely wasn't her pillow she was snuggling against. Her eyes shot open almost instantly and she hopped out of the bed, hugging her sheets to her, what she soon realized was, very nude, body.

Holy Fuck….

"Mickie… what the hell are you doing in my bed?!" Trish shouted, loud enough to wake the slumbering women's champion from her sleep. It hadn't slipped past Trish that Mickie was also naked…

She knew she had a bit to drink last night after the show but she had certainly not had enough to be considered 'drunk', so this obviously couldn't be what it looked like.

"Trish I-" Mickie began but Trish quickly cut her off.

"You know what Mickie… just get out…" She said attempting to remain calm but finding it increasingly difficult. She honestly didn't want to hear Mickie's explanation, she didn't want any explanation, she just wanted to pretend this never ever happened. .

"But Trish..." Mickie protested.

"Get out Mickie…" Trish said firmly, trying to keep her eyes locked on Mickie's face and not… well… the rest of her.

"Fine Trish…"Mickie, agreed, getting out of the bed and making it even more difficult for Trish to keep her focused on her face. "Do you have a shirt I can borrow Trish?" Mickie asked, gathering her discarded clothes which were scattered over the hotel room floor.

"Why?" Trish asked suspiciously.

"Well… you kinda got over-excited last night and… needless to say, this really isn't wearable anymore…" Mickie said with a smug grin, holding up her shirt that looked like it had quite possibly been torn right from her body.

Trish covered her face with her hands, the implications of what had happened last night really sinking in. This couldn't be happening… this just really… couldn't be happening.

"You know what… never mind… my room is just down the hall, I can get there unseen…." Mickie said happily.

Trish sat on the bed, her eyes following Mickie as she quickly got dressed. She had to make sense of the situation… this couldn't be what it seemed like.

"Mickie…" She said suddenly, as the younger woman made her way to the door. "I swear, if word gets out about this…"

"It'll be our little secret, I swear…" Mickie said, dashing out of the room.

Trish took a deep breath, staring at the closed door Mickie had just exited out of. There just had to be some kinda logical explanation for what had just happened...

TBC… Another story that I'm just gonna kinda wing my way through lol Read and Review please