Maybe one thing leads to another and nothing can be done about it. Like with school. It comes at you like a flying ninja, and you don't realize it until you have a ninja star thing in your throat, and you see the cloudy gates of heaven or the chard fence of hell--you know, the one with demons and dead people climbing up it in attempt to get out.

Yo! I'm back. I've been and am still grounded, so I wont be updating much. I'm sorry to those of you who hate me for not writing, but... yeeah.


I couldn't believe Jacob--I mean, I know he had issues with the souls, but Wanderer hadn't done anything to him--and she probably never could. Ian had a pretty good hold on her at all times, and, well, Jared glares at her enough, even when she's asleep and unable to hurt anyone. He's always watching her every move. Melanie glared at him for glaring at Wanda, but he didn't seem to notice.

I asked Mel about it one night when we were on watch for parasites. We were sitting close together next to a fire. I was this close to phasing to keep warm. Not that I was really cold, but she was. She also tried desperately to hide it. But I knew.

"Why is Jared all ways watching Wanda like a dog that pissed inside?" Yeah. Those were the words I used when I asked Mel.

She chuckled lowly. "Because he hates her. He thinks she's everything bad in the world, and more. He thinks she got into my brain, made me soft. I was the one who found her." Mel stared into the fire, and poked at it with a stick. "We didn't know she was there, and she found me when I was raiding the upstairs bathroom for necessities." A slight blush. "She told me that she wanted to come with us when we left. Said she was looking for someone she had met--a human someone."

"Ian?" I asked. I had caught the chemistry between them. It was pretty obvious.

"Yeah. Ian. We were debating on whither to take her with us or kill her, and Ian started pounding on the door." Her eyes darted to where Ian slept with Wanda curled against his chest. I looked too, and smiled.

"They look cute together." And they did. Ian was pretty bulky, and Wanda's host reminded me of and angel. They conflicted so much, but it just looked right. Ian had a nice face, the kind every girl flocked over in high school. The kind I would have only been able to look at. The kind Jacob had had when we were both human. The kind Edward had probably had as a human, back in 1917 or so. A nice face, over all. Wanda was just gorgeous. Her body was probably 16 going on 17, instead of 17 going on 18 like she says--she probably says it because Ian is nearly 30--24 at youngest.

"They do look cute together. You know they met when she disappeared. He took care of her. Actually, in the place we're headed. They took her there, and kept her until they let her go, in fear of getting discovered."

"I think it's pretty cool how she can lie. I mean, she was with them for how long, you know? And when she left, and was found by the Seekers, she was just like, 'I got lost'. It's crazy. Souls can't lie!"

"Well," Mel shrugged. "She was with lying, violent humans for a while. They probably rubbed off on her." She chuckled again, and I joined in.

It was quiet for a while, but for the sounds of people sleeping, Edward pretending to sleep, and Jacobs light snore. The fire crackled away, and I knew that Edward was listening to Mels thoughts, ready to tell me everything when we were walking

I wondered, again, what would happen if I put my hand in the fire, and tried not to, remembering how Edward said that the only way to kill a vampire was to shred him to pieces and burn them all. I tried to remember what fire felt like when I was human, but couldn't. All I could remember was pain, ice, and pain again. I remembered crying when I was showering and my burn got wet.

The wind blew, and Mel shivered. My hair swept infront of my face, and I brushed it away with my fingers. I inched closer to Mel, knowing that the heat from my half wolf body would make her feel better.

"Why are you always so warm?" She asked me.

I took a deep breath and looked at Edward and Jacob. Well, it was the end of the world. Why not tell? Who would kill me? The Volturi? Ha! "I'm half wolf." I told Mel. She sucking in a breath. "Jacob is a werewolf."

"Wow." She was silent for a moment. "What about Edward?"

"Vampire. I'm half. From before." Her eyes widened and she started to move away. "We don't kill people. We kill animals. Jacob and I eat food too." I paused, and reached for my backpack. "Do you like Cheetos?" I asked her, handing her a zip-lock of Cheetos. She smiled widely, and looked like it was the best moment of her life--which, in her book, it probably was.

"Thank you. So much." She said through a mouthful of Cheetos. "I haven't had Cheetos for a long time. How did you get them?"

"Edward walked into the store and 'bought' some." I laughed. "Jacob and I were waiting outside the store the whole time, completely on edge. When he came back out, he waved at the man behind the counter. Turns out, the man had wondered why we were just waiting. Edward had told him that we didn't want to re-adjust to the temperature, and decided to just stay outside. The man had nodded and laughed, saying that he felt the same."

"Wait!" Mel said. She swallowed her food. "He just, like, walked in?"

"He had an ability to change his appearance, and, in some cases, the appearance of others. He made it look like he was a soul."

"Do you have an ability like that?"

It was then that I decided to tell her everything. Not just tell her, but tell Jamie, Jared, Wanda, and Ian. They deserved to know--so did everyone in the place we were headed. I would tell everyone everything. Just not now. Once we were all awake and ready to walk.

"Doesn't any of this scare you? Isn't it... I don't know, weird?" I asked.

She shrugged. "I've heard weirder things, I guess." She paused and looked away again. "The whole invasion was something weird. I guess nothing can be weirder than the reality." She shrugged again.

"Yeah." I said. "Your right."

It was silent again. I stared into the fire, like before, but thought about all the weird things that had happened since the invasion a few years back. Edwards powers, Jacobs 'insertion', Wanderers disappearance, Wanderer being found and returned home safely, us trying to find Wanderer, us finding Wanda, as well as us finding Melanie, Jamie, Jared, Ian, and a place to stay safe. Not that we couldn't stay safe out here, but this was more a place we might call home--despite the fact that Ian said it was a cave underground. There were a lot of interesting things since the invasion. Somethings that would have been weird before, but weren't now. I knew that, for Mel, meeting a vampire before would have been scary--she was probably only fourteen or so when in happened. Before, I had met Edward and had become involved with vampires and werewolves, and it had, of course, been sort of weird. I think that my human mind had never really processed what was really going on. Edwards vampire mind probably couldn't either. I knew that we were both pretty irrational back then, still a bit now.

"What are you thinking about?" I asked Melanie.

"I was wondering what Jared will think about you guys once he knows." She chuckled a bit, but there was no real humor. She was just being strong. Then her expression changed into an emotion I couldn't place. "You know, Jared and I met when I was 17." She said, staring into the flames, and poking at them with the stick again. "He was nearly 30. Before, I probably would have thought of him as a more father figure than a potential lover slash boyfriend slash whatever-we-are. I'm 21 now, and I don't really know what to think of him. I'm in love with him, but... I don't know. He's Jamie's role-model, and I'm more like Jamie's mother. Our mother didn't make it, neither did our father. Dad came after us before we knew Jared, and, well, we never heard of Mom again."

"Do you ever have hope that she might have survived?" I asked. "Your Mom?"

"Not really," She sighed. "Mom was with Dad, and she was never a really fast runner, or driver. She was a fast thinker, fast speaker, but... I don't think that either of those would have helped her get away."

"I'm sorry." I told her after a few seconds. "My parents died to. Renee and Charlie both came after me. I...I had to kill them both." I shuddered at the memory. Edward and I had tied them up in the middle of a forest clearing, and burned them. I had cried, and Edward had sobbed by my side. Neither of us had wanted to kill them, but we knew that it was what we needed to do. Jacob had been lucky. Billy had been killed in a freak accident a few months before the invasion. He cried though. A lot.

"I'm sorry, Bella. I can't even imagine what that must have been like."

We were both silent. After a while, Melanie yawned, and so did I. She layed down, and I followed. The sun was just rising, heat along with it, so I got back up, and shook Mel, realizing that was already asleep.

Ten minutes later, we were all up and walking again, Ian and Wanda in front, Jared behind them, Melanie holding Jamie's hand, e holding Edwards, and Jacob in the back, walking slowly, scanning the desert for something to eat, though we had plenty in our packs. I guess he preferred to hunt than eat, though desert food always tasted funny.

The sun was setting when we set up camp again. Ian said that we were nearly there, and decided to go and look for the entrance, taking Wanda with him. Ideally, this was the time that I would have told the humans, and Wanda, about us. However, with one human, and Wanda, gone, could I still tell? I'd never liked repeating myself, and I would be the one speaking most of the time, since Jacob hated talking about what we all were, and Edward thought that it would only cause trouble for us. How would I even start the whole thing? I hated explanatory foreplay, and had never been good with talking anyways.

I ate while I thought. Our bags were filled with nothing but food, since that was, really all we needed. Edward had some blood with him, disguised to look like juice for his 'pills', which no one ever questioned, though I'm sure they had their suspicions. Especially Melanie, since she now knew the secret. Jacob ate more than I did, more than he used to, since he was walking through the desert on 2 feet instead of 4, which, I knew, took more energy. I ate a bit less than he had before, and everyone else just, well, ate like humans.

Jamie started the fire before he started eating. It was flaming quickly, and I wondered it Jamie had been taught before the invasion, or if he had learned because he had to to survive. I knew how to start a fire, but Jacob had taken up that when we were alone, because he knew that it could easily kill both Edward and me. I had always wondered if Edward could build a fire, but had always decided not to ask him. I don't know why.

We had all finished eating, and ready to fall asleep when Ian and Wanda came into view. Melanie left her spot between Jared and Jamie, and sat by me where I stared at the fire beside Jacob, who left when he saw her get up.

"Are you okay, Bella?" She asked.

"I'm fine. You?"

"I'm worried. I hope we aren't too far from the caves."

"Yeah. But Ian and Wanda will tell us. They weren't gone too long, so I'm sure they found it."

"Let's hope."

Several minutes later, I realized that Ian and Wanda weren't alone. They had, gosh, 3 others with them. With my sight, I could tell that two were old, a man and a woman, and the third was a younger man with a broken nose and muscles bulkier than Ian and Jared. Wanda was staring at her feet, and I could tell that she was scared. Ian looked, well, pissed, actually. The other three looked mad, and the older man look exited. The woman looked suspicious.

After a few more minutes, Melanie sprang up and ran toward Jamie. "It's Jeb and Maggie!" She told him. They ran toward the group.

Wow. Family reunion in the middle of a desert. How touching.

Sorry that it takes so fricking long to get back into the swing of things. I think i did pretty good, but... i dont know. rate and review, but nothing about how long it takes or i will send u evil messages in the clouds ^.^

Flys Through Water