Well, with all this yaoi over the Shaman King characters, I think it might finally be time we sat down (peacefully) and talked over every one. People running around and starting to turn me into a yaoi crazed fan (with mankinfan not helping), I decided to, what-the-heck, start acknowledging these...interesting...pairings. (wince) I cannot believe I just said that...

Well, read and beg that I won't puke while I'm writing this...

Yoh: Wow. The authoress seems to be taking this a bit hard...

Lucky: Tell me about it...

(shocked silence)

Ren: ...Out of all the nicknames you could make out of your pen name, you had to go with 'Lucky'?!

Lucky: (shrug)

Horo: Dude, I do feel bad about it. So let's start off with the couple that is rather...normal.


Yoh: Why? What's wrong with it?

Ren: Well, the thing is, no matter how cute you two look together, they probably simply don't understand why you even put up with her.

Horo: Yeah, I was kind of wondering that myself.

Yoh: ...I really don't know.


Lucky: So you let someone boss you around your own house, nearly kill you with training sessions, force you to join the Shaman Fight, and torture your friends. While not even knowing why you consider keeping her there.

Yoh: ...Well, yeah.

Horo: Did you ever even think about getting rid of Anna?

Yoh: Hell no. Then she'd gather people who feel sorry for her and they'd kill me.

Lucky: Or all of the YohxAnna crazed rabid fans would come and scold you to death.

Yoh: (shrug) Same thing.

Ren: Did you ever think about murdering her and then pretending to mourn her, making those fans satisfied?

Yoh: NO. I'm a shaman, remember? She'd come back from the dead to haunt me. And unlike in those movies, I'd actually be able to SEE her.

Ren: Good point...

Yoh: But I guess...deep down...deep, deep, DEEP down...I guess I like her.


Lucky: How many would that be in inches?

Yoh: I dunno...a hundred, maybe...

Ren, Horo, and Lucky: O.O

Lucky: Hmm...let's get Anna on live...

(Lucky pushes a couple of buttons in the booth that they were sitting in, and suddenly, Anna's irritiable voice is heard on the other end.)

Anna: Who. The. Crap. Calls. This. Early. In. The. Morning?!

Lucky: (squeaks and dropps the phone in terror)

Yoh: (laughs nervously) Ehehe...sorry, should've warned you about her early morning temper...

Ren: Just pick up the damn phone.

Horo: O.O Wow, Ren cussed...

Lucky: Get used to it, BoroBoro. There's going to be a lot of it here.

Horo: (glare at Lucky)

Yoh: -.-; (picks up phone) H-H-Hey, Anna!

Ren: Look, he sounds terrified.

Lucky: Scared of his own wife...sad...

Horo: Yeah...I'd be more scared of my mother-in-law...

Ren: How do you even know about those things when you're not even married?!

Horo: (shrug) I hear my dad complaining about his all the time.

Ren and Lucky: -.-;

Yoh: (was talking with Anna when the rest weren't paying attention) Okay, bye!

Horo: Huh?

Yoh: Ehhehe...sorry guys, I've got to go. Anna needs her breakfast.

Lucky: WHAT?! B-B-But this chapter just started!

Ren: Oh well. Looks like we'll be only getting one couple this first chapter.

Horo: (looks over what Lucky has planned) Oh god...one couple a chapter would be enough to drive you up the wall after you look at what we have to deal with...

Lucky: (guilty look) Ehehe...

Ah, so the first chapter draws to an end. Oh well. Feel free to comment on which couples you want mentioned! Ciao!