Years later...

Ginny breathed in deep before letting it out. She was nervous and she had every right to be. It was her wedding day. She was getting married to Harry James Potter. The door to the room opened and her mother walked in. She gasped in delight seeing Ginny her gown. "Oh, Ginny, you look beautiful," she said. Ginny smiled as she turned to face her mother. They had traveled to London with Hermione, Fleur and Lily to pick out the dress. "I can't believe it. My little girl is getting married," she cried.

"Mum, don't cry. You'll make me cry and I just got my makeup done."

"Sorry. Okay, no crying," Molly said. "You look absolutely beautiful, Ginny," she said.

"Thank you, Mum."

"Harry's Uncle and Aunts just arrived," Molly said. "If Lily hadn't pointed them out, I wouldn't have known who they were. They look different."

"Well, Harry's Aunt Marge is his Uncle Vernon's sister, but Petunia is his mum's sister. Is his cousin here too?"

"Dudley, yes, he's here," she said.

"So, all of Harry's family is here already?"

"Don't worry dear. We'll put people on both sides to fill it out." The door opened and in walked Lily Potter, her soon to be mother in law.

"Oh, Ginny, you look beautiful," she said.

"Thank you, Lily."

"The girls are getting antsy. They want to walk down the aisle," she said speaking of Harry's twins sister, Holly and Ivy. "Are we ready?"

"I'm ready," she said.

"I'll get your father," Molly said before heading to find her husband for his sole duty of getting their daughter down the aisle. Lily smiled as her daughter in law.

"I'm so happy that you're marrying my son," she said.

"Oh, not you too. My make up." Lily laughed as Ginny began fanning her face to keep her make up from running. Arthur came into the room to find them like that and he chuckled.

"Are we ready, or do we need some time to redo makeup?" he asked.

"No, I'm good," she said.

"Ron will walk you back to your seat, Lily," Arthur said and she left the room. Arthur stood there looking at his little girl.

"Don't you dare get sentiment on me, dad," she said.

"I'm not. I'm just disappointed that I only have one daughter. I'll only get to walk you down the aisle once," Arthur said.

"That's the idea, dad," she said. "One time only deal here." Arthur chuckled as she got her bouquet of roses and lilies. "Okay, let's do this," she said. Arthur extended his arm and Ginny took it with a smile to walk down the aisle with her father to the man she loved.

Harry took a deep breath before letting it out. Standing by his side was Ron. Over the years, the two became good friends and Ron barely saw Draco, only during soccer practice and matches. Harry took over the role of best friend in Ron's mind. "You're nervous," Ron said.

"Thanks for stating the obvious, Ron," Harry said.

"Relax and breath," he said, "and if you even think of running, I'll trip you and tie you to a chair."

"Thanks, Ron."

"Sure thing," he said clasping Harry on the back. "I mean, you're only marrying my baby sister. If you run out on her, I'll kill you, after my other five brothers have had a shot at you."

"Would you stop it?" Harry asked and Ron chuckled. "I'm not going to run out on her."

"I know," Ron said. "Draco called me again," he said. "Wanted to know for sure that Ginny was actually marrying you today."

"What did you tell him?"

"I said positively," Ron said. "He seemed disappointed."

"Isn't he married to Pansy now?"

"Yeah, but from what I heard, the marriage isn't all that great. She cheated on him with Blaise."

"No," Harry gasped. "I did not see that coming. Oh, wait, yes I did." Ron chuckled at Harry's jab at Draco and Pansy's marriage. "Is it almost time?"

"It's almost time," he said. Just as Ron said that, the bridal processional music began and everyone stood up. Harry stood up straighter as he waited for Ginny to get down the aisle. Ron had to turn him around towards the altar because he was facing the wrong way. "Can't see her until she gets down by your side, mate," he said and Harry groaned. Ron faced towards the back of the church to watch his father walk his sister down the aisle. She wore a full length ivory champagne ball gown. It was sleeveless with a sweetheart neckline made of satin, sheer lace and her bodice was beaded. A satin waistband went around her waist to complete the look. She had her red hair in an up so style and her veil came down to her back.

Ron had a big grin on his face when Harry saw him out of the corner of his eye. "She looks beautiful, mate," he said and Harry let out a nervous sigh. Ginny and her father made it up to him and he glanced over to see her. He was speechless for once in his life.

"Wow, Ginny, you look beautiful," he said and she smiled over at her dad. Arthur kissed his daughter on the cheek and handed her off to Harry. They shook hands and Arthur took his seat by Molly. Ginny handed off her bouquet to Hermione and joined her hands with Harry's.

"Hi," she said.

"Hi," he said back. "I like the dress."

"Thanks," she said. The minister began the ceremony. It was short and simple. Harry and Ginny wrote their own vows, making both of them cry as they said them. The rings were blessed and exchanged.

"By the power vested in my by God and the Commonwealth of England, I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss your bride, Harry," the minister said. Harry leaned forward and cupped Ginny;s face gently before planting a kiss on her lips. They lingered a long time and everyone cheered and applauded.

Photographs were taken by their professional photographer and other family members. Wedding party, bride's family, groom's family. Soon they were heading to The Three Broomsticks for the reception. Rosemerta had offered her restaurant for the wedding reception, but Ginny respectfully declined. The Three Broomsticks had a ballroom just for weddings and at the time, they were available, so she jumped on it.

Ginny and Harry had their first dance, followed by Ginny and Arthur for the father daughter dance and then Harry and Lily for the mother son dance. Soon the whole place was rocking as the wedding guests filled the dance floor after the dinner. Harry even dragged his grandmother onto the floor and his Aunt Marge who rarely danced.

The bouquet toss was fixed according to Ron. He caught the garter belt, only after Hermione caught the bouquet, which seemed to float in her direction no matter how many times she protested to Ginny when she glanced back over her shoulder to see where her maid of honor was standing.

As the evening wound down, Harry and Ginny glanced at each other from across the room. It was soon time to head on out and spend their first night together as husband and wife. The guests began to file out of the ballroom and soon, Harry and Ginny had to say good night to some guests still there. They had the honeymoon suite of The Leaky Cauldron Inn reserved for the wedding night before they jetted off to Italy for their two week honeymoon.

Ginny giggled as Harry carried across the threshold of the hotel suite. She turned on the light as he closed the door with his foot and he carefully placed her onto the floor. "Well, we're here," he said.

"Finally," she said with a sigh. She picked up the skirt of her dress and headed to the bedroom. "I cannot wait to get out of this dress," she said and she chuckled. She turned her back to him and she glanced over her shoulder. "Could you unbutton me?" she asked. Harry walked over to his wife and carefully unbuttoned the several buttons at the back of the dress.

"It's cool that you didn't go with the traditional white," he said.

"Well, it would have been redundant to go with all virginal white, seeing as I'm not a virgin," she said and he chuckled. Ginny had sneaked into his dorm room one evening and spent the night. They made love for the first time since becoming a couple, but told no one. As far as they knew, Ginny was still a virgin. They would tell everyone after the honeymoon.

Ginny went into the bathroom of their suite and closed the door behind her. "I can't watch?" Harry asked taking off his jacket.

"I have a surprise for you!" she shouted from inside.

"Oh, I love surprises," he said and Ginny laughed. Harry took off his shoes and tie before flopping down on the bed. He turned the TV on, only to get yelled at by Ginny.

"You turn that TV off, Mr. Potter!" she shouted and he shut off the TV.

"Sorry, Mrs. Potter," he said. Five agonizing minutes went by and the bathroom door opened up and he looked up to see her walk in with a champagne colored nightie on. "Wow."

"Do you like it?" she asked.

"I love it," he said and she giggled. Harry took off his pants and shirt to be some what even with her in the clothing department and she climbed onto the bed. She straddled Harry's waist and sat down on his lap. He let out a soft moan and she chuckled feeling him twitch underneath her.

"Hmm, someone's excited," she said and before he could retort, she kissed him. He moaned into her mouth and wrapped his arms around her. "Harry," she moaned as he kissed down her neck.

"Ginny," he moaned into her ear. He flipped them over to be on top and she pulled him into another kiss.

Harry made love to his wife and the next morning, they flew out to Italy for their honeymoon.

"Wow," Ginny said as she looked out at the view from their hotel room. "This is so awesome. Two weeks in Vienna, where Romeo and Juliet took place. I love it already," she said and Harry chuckled.

"You are so beautiful," he said taking her into his arms. "I love you."

"I love you, too," she said.

"You ready to begin a new life as Mrs. Potter?"

"I thought I made that pretty clear on our wedding night, Mr. Potter," she said and he chuckled.

"You made it very clear that night. I didn't know you could be so flexible," he said.

"Well, it's not like I couldn't do that on your dorm bed," she said. She squealed as he lifted her up and took her over to the bed.

"Here's to our new life."

"To our new life," she said before sealing her statement with a kiss.

The End

Thanks for reading!