Emma's POV:
I sat in my room the tears flowing freely down my face. I didn't bother to mask the volume of my voice. There was no one home in the apartment to worry about me. How could I have been so stupid to believe all the lies, my father had told. He said he was going to come back soon, that he had to run to the store for some milk and beer. Yeah I know what an odd combination.
He had left three days ago. Now unless he was buying those items in China, I think he should be home by now. How could he leave his 17 year old daughter? I thought he had said I'll always be here for you no matter what kiddio. It's me and you against the world. Another lie I had believed. Where had he been when I had started using weed? Where had he been when I was nearly raped at the party last month? I'll tell you where he had been, he had been at the bar over on Taylor street getting hammered. That is exactly where he had been. That selfish bastard.
I stood up and walked slowly towards my bathroom. The knife I had placed there earlier was practically calling my name. Very carefully I set my letter down on the ledge of the bathtub. Hopefully I wouldn't splatter blood on the note. I looked at myself in the mirror. My eye's were a dull lifeless baby blue, my long brown hair had lost it's shinny luster. I had lost at least ten pounds ever since my mother's death nearly a year ago. In fact I think I died along with her. My body had just refused to follow right away.
"Goodbye Emma."
I said to myself, as I made the first deep cut on my left wrist. The pain was intense , and I cried out once again. Vaguely I thought that I should have just done the job with pills, that might have done the trick faster. I silently cursed my own stupidity on the subject. I really was just a stupid girl after all. I cringed again and slid the knife over to my other hand. Quickly before I could back out , I sliced that wrist as well. I began to fell woozy as the blood left my body forming a rather interesting pattern on the ground. I slummed against the sink, ready for oblivion to take over. It didn't matter if I went to hell. I felt like I was already there. I closed my eyes and waited for the darkness to take over.
Simon's POV
I waved to my friends as their car drove away, after they had dropped me off in front of my building. It was nearing sun up, and unless I wanted to fry to a crisp I knew I better get my ass into my nice safe apartment. Being a vampire while it has it's perks, also has it's down side. I hurriedly pushed the button and the elevator opened. I jabbed the button and waited patiently as it descend upwards. The annoying music in the elevator made me want to beat my head against the wall, but somehow I managed to curb the impulse. Finally, the doors opened onto my floor. As soon as it did the smell hit me like a ton of bricks. While it would have been no existent to a human, to my kind the scent was singing. It was the familiar smell of blood and death.
I lost all control of my demon, he took over and ran to the door the smell was coming from. Without much thought he kicked in the door and ran towards the bathroom. Somewhere in the back of my mind the real me realized that this apartment belonged to Mr. Evans and his daughter. While I had never really made contact with either one of them, I still felt a twig or remorse for what I was about to do. I felt my demon scoop up the body of the young girl, her heart beat was faint and I could hear that it was going to stop. My demon sunk it's fangs into her neck and began to drink what little blood was left.
Her eye's fluttered open, obviously surprising both of us.
"What's going on?" She rasped out, almost making my demon chuckle. She seemed pissed that someone had interrupted her suicide. I think that's what had redeemed her to my demon. She seemed a little feisty.
"Nothing little one. Just close your eye's. I'm going to give you something that you never even realized that you wanted."
I watched on in horror, as my fangs ripped into my own arm, the blood now flowing. My demon lowered the gushing arm to her mouth. The demon waited for her to start drinking and he chuckled evilly once she did. I wanted to stop this right now, but once I lost control like this, my body was under his command. It's a lot like having a split personitly. The demon removed her mouth from my body deciding he had given her enough blood. He cradled her close and slipped out of the apartment heading to our's. He gently shuffled her over, so he could unlock the door. Quickly before any of the neighbors could see he slipped into the apartment and shut the door. Thankfully no one had seen, or else the demon would have killed them. Carefully, we set her down on the bed and watched her transformation take place.
He body arched in extreme pain. Hissing sounds came from her as her bone's cracked and popped. They were forming to be stronger, which would allow her to run faster and be stronger . One perk of being a vampire. Her hair which had been dull, became shiny and healthy looking. He skin which had been pale before, became even whiter. I watched and listened as her heart stopped all together, the final stage of death. This was a rather quick process, that never lasted long.
Once again her eye's opened, the part that had once been white was now a stunning bright red. This was normal in our kind, all newborn's eye's were like this. It usually lasted about half a year and would fade over time. It was like having a really bad case of pink eye.
"What happened?" she looked down at her wrist, shocked to see them completely healed. I smiled at her and waved from my spot next to the bed.
"Hello my dear and welcome to eternity."
AN: Okay read and review to let me know if I should continue this or not. No flames though, that's just mean. J Also if anyone wants to beta this I really would appreciate it. I suck at grammar and stuff :)