Drabblish series. AU--the kids are in college-ish. No promises about direction, updates, or conclusions. Will be sporadic, somewhat eclectic, maybe non-linear, and different from my normal stuff. (Although, knowing me, there will probably be some NaruSaku.) Hopefully it will not always be this angsty. ;)


A fight for you is all I've ever known

Come Home, One Republic

There were dark circles under Sasuke's eyes, but Naruto wasn't surprised because there were always dark circles under Sasuke's eyes these days.

However, he was surprised at the state of Sasuke's apartment. The air was musty with scents Naruto didn't recognize, and he had a sinking feeling that he just didn't want to know. All the windows were closed and shuttered, and there was no light.

It was the first time Naruto had seen this place since Sasuke had left the apartment he used to share with Naruto.

"What do you want?" Sasuke questioned testily. It wasn't the old annoyance, but something newer and harsher. Naruto didn't quite know how to respond, and Sasuke made it clear that he didn't appreciate Naruto's staring by starting to close the door on his face.

"Come on," Naruto complained. He pushed back at the door with his forearm and stuck a foot in the space between the door and the door frame. And then suddenly Naruto was tripping through the open door because Sasuke had backed away, letting Naruto's forward velocity push the door open. Naruto caught himself from falling, and when he looked up, Sasuke was walking away, past the small kitchen that looked unused and back towards what Naruto assumed was the bathroom and bedroom.

"You can't keep doing this, Sasuke," Naruto called after him. Sasuke whirled around, and there was a kind of smoldering anger hidden in the tilt of his head and the tautness of his shoulders.

"I don't see how it's any of your business," Sasuke threw back, and Naruto noted that his lips were bloodless—pale and grey like the lips of something dead.

"It could be, if you'd let it," Naruto responded, fighting an urge to punch Sasuke in the nose. He couldn't believe Sasuke could be so stupid, so stubborn.

Sasuke grunted before turning back around in the direction of the little hall he had been heading for earlier.

"What about Sakura? Don't think she doesn't know what's going on."

Sasuke paused without turning around, and Naruto took that as an invitation to continue.

"She'd give up everything for you! And you. . . you're such an idiot that all you do is hurt her! Couldn't you at least pretend you care?"

Naruto watched as Sasuke forcibly relaxed his shoulders while still facing his hallway.

"I don't expect you to understand," Sasuke said calmly.

"What's that supposed to mean?" Naruto yelled back, all traces of patience gone. "I think you mean you don't want me to understand. You don't want Sakura to, either, or anyone else." Naruto took a deep breath. He was going to say it, even though he knew he was pushing Sasuke too hard, but he was tired of Sasuke pretending like nothing mattered to him. Naruto was going to force something beyond annoyance out of Sasuke.

"You just want to be left alone with Itachi's ghost."

It seemed that Naruto endured an eternity while Sasuke slowly twisted to face him. The smallest tinge of color had crept into Sasuke's cheeks. His eyes were no longer hiding his anger, but he was letting is spill over until it filled the entire hall with cold fury. Naruto resisted the urge to bite his lip, to shove his hands in his pockets, to scuffle his feet. He knew he shouldn't have said it, but he wouldn't back down now.

"Get out," Sasuke commanded.

"We're not done," Naruto protested.

"I. Said. Get. Out."

Naruto didn't move; he just stared at Sasuke. Sasuke stared back, coolly defiant. His black eyes didn't flinch once, and despite himself, Naruto felt his anger draining away, leaving confusion in its place.

"Fine," Naruto responded as last. "You know where to find me," he added after a moment.

Sasuke gave no indication that he'd heard; instead, he turned around and walked away.

Naruto watched him go, wishing he knew the right thing to say, the thing that would make Sasuke stay, that thing that would put everything back together. He sighed and let himself out.