Chapter One – Those Who Are Loyal

It was nearly the end of term at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Almost everyone was happy that exams were now over and that the Umbridge hag was gone for good. Not to mention all her silly decrees had been removed. In fact, unless your name was Harry Potter there wasn't much to worry about.

Not only was Harry mired in the guilt of getting his godfather killed for no reason, as he saw it, he now couldn't trust his so-called mentor anymore, and was worried about his O.W.L. results, but on top of it all his two best friends, Ron and Hermione, had abandoned him. They blamed him for their injuries, as did the others who went to the Ministry with him. It was the end of his friendship with all of them they had said.

So Harry did the one thing he could, he disappeared. With his fathers' invisibility cloak and the Marauder's Map, he managed to completely remove himself from the rest of the school for most of the week leading up to the holidays. Having his own hide away, he was glad no one was around to see him finally break down. He was glad no one could see what he was thinking, about how he wished he could just leave the wizarding world behind, run away or even publicly kill himself.

Not watching the map as he sat there crying he never noticed he wasn't alone anymore. He was totally caught off guard when Hannah Abbot, in his year but a Hufflepuff, pulled the cloak off him and gasped. He just sat there looking at her as she looked back at him. He had thought the rather neglected, and completely empty, classroom in a wing of the castle that usually remained devoid of life would be his sanctuary, a good place where no one would find him.

'Guess I was wrong' he thought bitterly.

However, she didn't laugh at him or run off to tell others about Harry Potter the weak, blubbering girl. She sat next to him and put an arm around his shoulders.

"What's wrong Harry?" She asked softly.

Harry blinked. 'Was that real concern in her voice? Surely not' he thought. Harry looked into her bright blue eyes and knew instinctively he could trust her as though they had been close for years.

"Ron and Hermione told me they no longer consider me their friend. So did Neville, Ginny and Luna. No one in Gryffindor will even speak to me. Dumbledore told me two days ago that I have to be the one to kill the Dark Tosser, and I managed to get my godfather, the closest thing I have ever had to a real caring family, killed for no reason." Harry looked back at the floor again. She was going to leave. Who would want to be around him after hearing all that anyway? It was probably best if he was alone, at least then no one else would be targeted by Voldemort just to get at Harry.

Hannah blinked. 'Wow. That's a lot for one person to take in three days' she thought.

The blond girl didn't even hesitate. "How can I help?" she asked him again in her soft voice. He really liked that softness, made him feel warm inside. 'No. I can't let her in she'll just get hurt' he thought.

He looked up. The surprise in his eyes went hand in hand with fear and confusion. "Get out of my life while you're still in one piece. I have a habit of those close to me getting hurt or killed." His voice was filled with pain as he said it.

"Not an option Harry Potter. I got a chance to see the real you in the DA this year and just again now and I like it. I like you." She shot back.

Harry regarded her for a few seconds and stood up, threw the cloak back on and said "All the more reason for you to run. I like you too Hannah and I can't let them hurt you."

"Harry!" It was not a request but a command. His feet stopped of their own accord at the voice. He turned back as he removed the cloak.

"I can't let them hurt you Hannah."

The pain in his voice was clear to them both. His shoulders slumped and he buried his face into her shoulder as she hugged him. She could feel his tears soaking her shoulder as they held each other but didn't care. Eventually she put a hand on his chin and lifted his face up to look in his eyes. Harry couldn't help but wonder if her lips were as fantastically soft as her hands. A second later he found out they were much softer than her hands as she gently kissed him. They broke apart and Harry saw a new fire in her eyes.

"I'm not going anywhere. No one is safe and personally I can't think of a safer place than by your side." She said quietly.

The kiss coupled with her determination fired something in Harry's chest, and whatever it was, he liked it. With a squeak from her, he wrapped his arms around her and kissed her again. The difference between kissing Cho and kissing Hannah was incredible. Like comparing reading about a Quidditch match and playing in it. Harry decided he liked kissing Hannah. Not to mention holding her in his arms made him feel invincible.

The couple broke apart again, panting slightly from lack of air, and looked at each other.

"Does this mean we are going out?" Hannah asked him with a smirk.

Harry grinned. "Sure if you want."

"Good. I'm glad I could get a smile back on your dial." She said saucily with a wink.

Harry laughed. His first true laugh in days if not weeks.

"Let's go surprise some people shall we dear?" he said pocketing the cloak and map.

"Sure." Hannah replied.

They exited the room, arms around one another. Walking slowly and talking quietly. Asking questions like "What's your favourite food?" and "When's your birthday?" Filing the knowledge away for future reference.

Harry suddenly stopped on the first floor, looking at one door in particular.

"What?" Hannah asked.

"I'll see you at lunch alright hun? I need to talk to McGonagall." He said slowly.

"What about?" Hannah pressed.

"I'll tell you after." He gave her a quick kiss and knocked on the door.

"Enter" Came the stern voice from within.

Harry opened the door and went in quickly, closing the door quietly after himself. He walked up to the desk and waited for her to look up.

She didn't. "What do you want?"

"Professor…" he began.

She looked up suddenly at his voice. "Harry?" she said confused.

"That's my name." Harry said with a grin.

"Ohh you. Just like your damned father. Where have you been! No one has been able to find you unless you were asleep. We were all so worried." She demanded.

"That's part of what I'm here about. I no longer feel that I am safe in the Gryffindor dorms and I wish to be re-sorted. People have tried to curse me a total of 18 times in the last three days while I was asleep and 6 times when I was in the shower. Hence why I avoided everyone else whenever I could." He couldn't believe he got all that out in one breath.

McGonagall gapped at him for a second then resumed her normal calm appearance. "Unfortunately it is not that easy Mr. Potter." She began but he interrupted her.

"Yes it is. I read the school rules on the subject. The student in question has the right to be re-sorted but only once in their time at Hogwarts. They must abide by the hat's second decision."

'He has done his research' she thought. Instead, she said, "Well if interrupting me doesn't prove you have the courage of a Gryffindor nothing does Mr. Potter."

"True but how many Gryffindor's, apart from Hermione, would have read something on the topic before coming here?" he asked.

McGonagall smiled. "Follow me."

They left her office and proceeded up to the second floor and into the Headmasters office. After knocking on the door they entered to see the aging headmaster sitting behind his desk.

"Albus, Mr. Potter has just come to me with a very strange request. However, it seems that his request cannot be denied. He has asked to be re-sorted." McGonagall said.

Whatever the old man was expecting it wasn't that. His eyes stopped twinkling and he sat up straighter. "Why?" was all he said.

"Because I am no longer safe in Gryffindor. The students have tried attacking me whenever they see me, hence why I have been locating myself away from them the past few days." Harry replied.

Dumbledore sat there thinking hard for a few seconds. "I'm afraid I will have to turn down your request Harry. I'm sure that it can't be as bad as you seem to think." He said with a smile.

"According to the school rules you can't turn down my request. And if you do I will lodge a formal complaint with the board and the Ministry." Harry said standing up straight and setting his face into a determined scowl.

Dumbledore looked at Harry for a few long drawn out seconds before sighing. "All right. It seems I have no choice. Although I do believe that the hat will place you back in Gryffindor." His twinkle returned.

"Don't you dare try and fiddle the hat old man!" Harry shouted.

"Harry!" McGonagall gasped.

"No professor. I trust him less than I trust Snape lately. He always meddles with my life. I am not a chess piece Dumbledore. I make my own choices. The tighter you try and hold me the more I'm going to fight you." Harry spat angrily.

The aging wizard sighed. This was going to be harder than he had thought.

Harry stalked over, grabbed the hat gently and stuck it on his head.

'Ah Mr. Potter. You're back.' The hat said in his mind.

'Yeah I'm back. Ever re-sorted someone?' Harry thought back

'Yes in fact I have. Only twice in history though.' The hat replied.

'Then lets get on with it. Though we both know where you have to put me.' Harry thought bitterly.

'Indeed. I never thought of you as a Hufflepuff Mr. Potter but I can see how loyal you are to those who care about you. Hufflepuff it is. Consider this a favour Harry. And maybe one day I will call you up on it'. The hat said merrily.

"Hufflepuff" the hat cried. Harry pulled the hat off and set it back down gently. He looked down and saw that his robes had automatically changed to the appropriate house.

"Dobby" Harry called out.

With a crack, the house elf appeared before him. "The great Harry Potter has need of Dobby?"

"Yes. I have been re-sorted. Can you please move my things to the fifth year Hufflepuff boys' dorm and add a bed in there for me." Harry asked the elf.

"Of course Harry Potter sir!" the elf cried happily. With another loud crack, he was gone.

"At least you still have Gryffindor traits of courage and taking charge of the situation." McGonagall sniffed. "I will inform your new Head of House. Good day Mr. Potter." And she strode from the room.

"I believe I shall accompany you to the Great Hall for lunch Harry. This requires an announcement. You are the only one in history that I know of to have done such a thing." The headmaster said with amusement.

"That's funny. The hat said I was the third." Harry said looking away from the old man as the descended the stairs.

"Hmm, I wonder what else our sorting hat knows of the schools history that is not known to us. Well maybe that will be a conversation for this afternoon. Have a good lunch Harry." And they separated. Dumbledore going ahead to the staff table and Harry locating a seat between Hannah and Susan Bones at the Hufflepuff table.

"Harry, why are you wearing our house colours?" asked a very confused Susan.

Harry looked at Hannah and realised that she knew what he had done, judging by the gaping hole that was her mouth and the wide open eyes staring at him. He laughed quietly.

"You'll see in a minute." Harry said slyly looking up at where Dumbledore was now standing.

The hall suddenly went quiet when people noticed him there. Dumbledore never came to lunch with the students.

"I have an announcement. One of the students has presented a case to us of being harassed in his dormitory and asked, as is his right, to be re-sorted. The re-sorting happened a few minutes ago in my office and I can now inform you all that Harry Potter is now a member of Hufflepuff house. Congratulations Hufflepuff house." Dumbledore promptly strode out of the hall leaving behind a large number of very confused, and a small number of angry, students.

Hannah just kissed his cheek. "This should make things interesting." She said with a grin.

Harry laughed quietly again. "Indeed." He looked up and down the table. "Anyone feel like having a small party?" Harry looked around at the others. He felt Hannah's arm go around him and he leaned into her.

"Alright Potter. But where do we get the food and drink from?" one of the older students asked.

"I can take care of that. Oh and if anyone has a muggle stereo then I know how to charm the batteries and make it run on magic. In other words I can make it work here." Harry said with a big grin.

"I think that can be arranged." One of the prefects chuckled.

Lunch finished soon after but before Harry, Hannah and Susan could leave the hall they found some angry Gryffindor's standing in front of them, blocking the way out.

"Thought you could get away from justice eh Potty?" Ron snarled.

Harry drew his wand and stepped in front of Hannah and Susan. "Ron I don't see why you blame me? Dumbledore is the one at fault. Had he told us these things earlier then we would never have gone. Or did you not listen when I yelled that at you?"

"Stop making up lies Potty. Professor Dumbledore is the Headmaster and a responsible adult. It's not his fault you got your precious godfather killed." Hermione spat.

Harry visibly recoiled at that last part. Hannah and Susan pulled their wands as well and drew up beside Harry.

"How dare you talk that way Grainger!" Hannah said with quiet venom, pointing her wand at the startled Gryffindor.

Ginny, Neville and Ron just laughed as Hermione scowled. "Got to have girls do your fighting eh Potty? Can't even fight your own battles anymore? I would expect no better from a useless Hufflepuff." Ginny spat.

Several seventh year Puff's heard this and came to stand by Harry and the girls. "Really? Think you brave Gryffindor's can take on even numbers?" one of them said icily.

Harry stood tall again. "I'm not afraid to take on all four of you myself. But I have better things to do than consort with traitors and malcontents. Now get out of our way Weasel and Weaselette or I'll take a leaf out of the fake Moody's book and bounce you around the Great Hall."

Both Ron and Ginny went totally red at this but when even more Hufflepuff's came over they backed down.

"Another time Potty." Ron growled.

"I'll look forward to it Weasel." Harry grinned.

The Gryffindor's took one last look around and walked off. The Hufflepuff Prefect from before slung his arm round Harry's shoulders and started walking down to the Hufflepuff Common Room entrance. "I think you're gonna fit in nicely Harry." He said with a wink. Harry could hear Hannah and Susan giggling about something as they followed. No doubt they were talking about Hannah and Harry going out now.

They drew up to the painting that was the entrance to the Hufflepuff Common Room and the Prefect said "Steadfast" and the Portrait opened to reveal his new home. Hannah's arm snaked around his waist as she drew up to Harry's side and whispered in his ear "Welcome Home".

A/N: The section in italics is Harry and the hat communicating via thought. No one else can read Harry's mind during this process. I'm not sure yet but this may come into play later in the story. Or maybe even in a sequel. Also don't worry all you Hermoine fans. Things are not always as they appear.