hey there! this is my first fanfic so i hope you all like it! first chapter's kinda short... its more like a teaser sorry...

anyway please R&R i can use all the feedback that i can get and ill even accept flames... they dont really bother me as long as you can tell me why you dont like it or whatever

disclaimer: yeah... i don't own Yu Yu Hakusho or any of its characters or even its freakin' amazing plot and whatnot i only own my OC and my plotline (its up to you to decide if its amazing)

Facing Your Inner Demons

Ch 1: Short Reunion

Yusuke and Keiko walked down the street hand in hand talking quietly. Anyone could tell they were happy; it was in their expressions, their gestures, their walk, everything.

It had been a year since Yusuke had returned from the Makai. He and Keiko had spent almost everyday together, trying to make up for lost time. Everyday it was just the two of them together, or maybe Kuwabara, Yukina, or Kurama would tag along. Besides those three and Genkai, there was almost no evidence that Yusuke had lived a once very dangerous life and had, at one time, been a King.

But of course, a peaceful life for the ex-Spirit Detective was non-existent.

The couple had strolled lazily into the park in the center of the city and decided to sit down on a bench on the far side of the park. Yusuke looked around, still holding Keiko's hand, when suddenly he heard his name being called.

"Yusuke!" called a voice from above. Wait… above?

Both Yusuke and Keiko looked up and jumped from the bench. Coming at them at an alarmingly high speed was Botan on her oar. Her blue hair flew out behind her and her pink cotton candy eyes shone with excitement.

"Oh, Kami. It's Botan!" Yusuke shouted. He pulled Keiko and ran a few feet away. No less than two seconds later, Botan crashed landed on the bench.

"Oowww," Botan whimpered, rubbing her head. She slowly got up, wiped off her pink kimono of all the dirt it had accumulated from her crash and looked over at the pair who were still standing a few feet away. "You know, you could have helped me up," she whined to them.

Keiko recovered from the shock first. "Oh, Botan! I'm sorry! Are you okay?" Keiko asked, running over to Botan."

Botan giggled and nodded her head. She suddenly burst into tears, crushed Keiko into a big hug and cried, "Oh Keiko, I've missed you so much! A year is much too long! How are you? You look wonderful! Oh, this is so great!"

Yusuke laughed at Keiko's frazzled look and walked over to greet his old friend. "Botan, you'll talk Keiko's ear off if you continue to ask questions. Why don't you let her answer at least one of them, huh?"

"Right, sorry!" Botan said with a sheepish grin on her face. "It's just, I've missed you all so much." Her eyes teared up and she hugged Yusuke lightly.

Yusuke stiffened at first, but he couldn't deny that he had missed the ferry girl as well. He loosened up and hugged her back. "Yeah, I know. I've missed you too," he told her. He let go of her and looked her in the eyes and said, "But I know that you're here for a reason, Botan. Koenma wouldn't just let you come see us for a reunion."

Botan's eyes saddened and she nodded. She suddenly became very interested in the ground where she kicked at the grass with her feet. "You always were one who liked to get straight to the point," she said with a sad smile. "So much for my happy reunion." She paused and finally looked up at Yusuke. "You have one last mission as Spirit Detective. I'm sorry Yusuke, but we need your power and we need it now."