At last, I can write! Now, time to document my strategies to defeat these vile opponents.

- From the files of Dr. Angelus

Subject 1: Lelouch

Ah, Lelouch. Our not-so-beloved main man. Shall we spead the pain?

1. Stab his left eye.

(No more Geass for you, arrg!)

2. Lock him in a room full of fangirls after stabbing his eyes

(Slightly self explanatory.)

3. Tell him you pushed Suzaku off a cliff.

(The command, 'Live' will counteract the pushing motion, thus causing Lelouch to ponder on his Geass, thus making his brain explode.)

4. Toss dirt in his face.

(Two words: bishonen rampage.)

5. Give him a Rubix cube with swtched stickers.

(See number 3.)