Update! Update!

Sakura woke up in the morning with a wide grin plastered on her face. In a few days, she would be known as Mrs. Uchiha. Sakura stood up from her bed then proceeded to the bathroom.

After taking a quick bath, she took some bites for breakfast then headed towards the hospital while admiring her beautiful ring. Sakura entered the hospital and everyone had their eyebrows raised at her.

"My, my, Sakura-san, you're pretty cheerful today." A nurse said as she passed by.

"Just happy." Sakura smiled then entered her room.

Sakura closed the door behind her then sat behind her desk.

She started humming to herself as she started some paperwork Tsunade had piled during god-knows-when on top of her neat desk.

Sakura tried to focus on her job but she would always be distracted by her mind, imagining her wedding. Especially their honeymoon.

Sakura blushed at the thought of honeymoon.

Sakura giggled for the hundredth time then went back to her paperwork.

After a few hours of but-numbing paperwork, Sakura stood up then sighed. She stared outside the only window in her room. The sun was high up and the day was wonderful.

Sakura decided to take a walk.

She left the hospital then walked around the village. She headed at the place where Sasuke had proposed to her; in front of the Haunted Park.

Sakura smiled at the memory of Sasuke proposing even though it was only last night. Sasuke walked her back home and kissed her tenderly.

Sakura blushed at the memory.

She looked up at the sky then smiled. "Things are getting better."

Sakura was about to turn around and head back to the hospital when someone called her name. She glanced at her back and saw Ten-Ten and Ino running towards her.

"Hi guys." She smiled as she waved.

"So it's true!" Ten-Ten grabbed Sakura's hand and gazed at the ring.

"Oh that..." Sakura blushed.

"How dare you!" Ino crossed her arms then narrowed her eyes at Sakura jokingly.

"Tell us every detail!" Ten-Ten nudged.

Sakura rolled her eyes. "It happened so fast. You know, he just asked me and that's it." Sakura admitted.

"No romantic acts?" Ino asked disappointment plastered on her face.

Sakura shook her head. "I mean, Sasuke saying that he loves me is romantic enough for me."

Ino rolled her eyes. "Ooh... Sakura's getting married!"

"Shut up Ino!" Sakura giggled.

"When is the big date?" Ten-Ten asked.

"I don't know. But Sasuke told me that our engagement won't take more than a month."

"Hasty isn't he?" Ino nodded.

Ten-Ten agreed. "Yeah, he wants you badly. I could tell."

Sakura blushed. "W-What do you mean, 'want me'?"

Ten-Ten and Ino chuckled.

"Come on Sakura! Can't you see it by the way he looks at you?" Ten-Ten waved a hand in front of Sakura's face.

"You mean he wants to-"

"Yes! For the love of ramen!" Ino sighed. "You are still too innocent for your own good."

"Hey!" Sakura whined.

"Sasuke wants to taste you Sakura." Ino winked at her.

Sakura blushed harder. "Stop it guys. I mean, sure we'll get to... you know."

Ino laughed. "You're as red as a tomato!"

Ten-Ten joined in.

"Stop messing with my bride."

The three gasped. Sakura felt an arm slide through her shoulders.

"Hey Sasuke." Ten-Ten smiled.

"Hi Sasuke-kun!" Ino giggled.

Sasuke raised an eyebrow. He looked at the two snickering girls in front of them then at Sakura.

Sasuke sighed then smiled, a rare thing to see.

"Congrats Sasuke!" Ten-Ten spoke.

"Hn. Thanks."

"Yeah, don't make her cry got it?" Ino said hard but her face softened in a split second.

"Don't worry. I'll take good care of her." Sasuke tightened his arm around Sakura.

Sakura stood there frozen.

"Well, see you guys later." Ten-Ten disappeared in a puff of smoke.

"See yah!" Ino disappeared as well.

Sasuke sighed. "What did they tell you that has gotten you so red as a tomato I want to eat you up?"

Sakura got out of her trance like state then faced Sasuke.

"N-Nothing. They were just... um... teasing me. That's all." Sakura chuckled.

Sasuke raised an eyebrow. "You're still blushing."

Sakura placed her hands on her cheeks and felt them. They were hot.

"Um... I... don't know. You make me blush... I guess." She said.

Sasuke chuckled. "I make you blush?"

Sakura nodded. Sasuke rolled her eyes then grabbed her by the waist. Sakura gasped and blushed another shade of red, if her face could be red enough.

"What do you say, we go somewhere a bit... private." Sasuke whispered in her ear, seductively.

Sakura's mind was blown away. She couldn't think straight.

"I... um... have work?" It went out as a question instead of a statement.

"Work could wait you know..." He whispered against her neck.

"Um... I... um..." Sakura was at loss of words.

Sasuke chuckled in her skin then he went back up to her ear. "Let's play a game." He whispered.

Sakura looked around for people, good thing, no one was there. Sasuke was so turned on.

"A-A-A g-game? Wh-What kind of game?" She asked, tensed.

"You seem tensed, loosen up a bit."

Then suddenly, they disappeared in a puff of smoke. Sakura opened her unconsciously closed eyes and gasped.

They were no longer outside, they were inside a bedroom. Sakura gazed around and saw a dresser, a cabinet, a mirror and a King sized bed. She saw a shirt lying on the ground.

Sasuke's room.

Sasuke was behind her and his arms were around her waist.

"Sasuke-kun what..." Her sentence was cut off when unconsciously a moan escaped from her lips as Sasuke was kissing her neck.

"You don't know how much you turn me on." He whispered as he kissed her jaw down to the base of her neck to her shoulders.

Sakura didn't know how to respond. She was about to say something but the next thing she knew was that she was pushed against the wall while Sasuke attacked her lips.

Sakura was shocked.

"Sasuke..." She tried to get off Sasuke's grip but the kiss was making Sakura weak. Sasuke continued kissing her and in a few more seconds, Sakura gave in.

Sakura's hand ruffled his raven locks while his hands were around her waist pulling her closer to him as if they could be anymore close.

Sasuke darted his tongue inside Sakura's mouth and he was in heaven. She tasted just the way he imagined. She was sweet like strawberries and vanilla.

"Sasuke..." She moaned out.

They continued their make-out session while Sasuke pulled Sakura towards the bed. Sasuke let go then pushed her gently on the bed.

Sakura stared at Sasuke's hungry expression. He was turned on completely.

"What did I do anyways?" Sakura asked herself.

Sasuke crawled on top of her then kissed her full on the lips again. Sasuke's hand was under Sakura's head, pressing her face closer to his while his other hand unzipped her shirt.

Sakura's hands were snaked around his neck as he undid her zipper. When the zipper was done, Sasuke took her shirt off and his afterwards.

"Why do women have so much to wear?" He chuckled then kissed her neck. Sakura moaned as he sucked her skin going lower and lower until he was kissing the valley in between her breasts.

Sasuke ripped of her bra and started kissing her breasts.

"You are so beautiful, love." He said before kissing her on the lips again.

Sakura moaned as he bit her lip.

Sakura was limp below him. She let Sasuke do whatever he wants to do. Sasuke got her message. As he continued kissing her, one of his hands trailed down to her skirt.

Sakura was already undoing the button and zipper of his shorts.

Within seconds, Sakura's skirt flew towards the floor leaving her in her peach-colored panties.

Sasuke took off his shorts and he was left only with boxers.

He didn't leave Sakura's mouth. His hands did the work.

One hand was beside her head, supporting his weight while the other went down inside her panties. Sasuke could feel her wetness.

He rubbed her slowly, teasing her.

He gained another sweet moan from her. He removed his hand then ripped her panties off. His lips traveled down. Sasuke parted her legs then ducked his head. He flicked out his tongue and started licking her. Sakura made moan after moan making Sasuke harder.

Sasuke continued licking her.

"Sasuke..." She moaned.

Sasuke was going crazy. He inserted his tongue inside her making Sakura moan louder.

"Sasuke please..." She pleaded.

"Nuh uh... I'm still having fun." Sasuke said as he crawled back up and kissed her hungrily. Letting her taste her juices.

"You're naughty." Sakura giggled under his kiss.

"Am I?" He chuckled.

He stopped kissing her then stared at her for awhile. She was panting, both of them actually.

"What, you're tired already?" Sakura teased.

Sasuke raised an eyebrow. "Not even close."

Sasuke kissed her again but this time, Sakura had to be naughty as well. She slid down her hands inside his boxers and rubbed his throbbing member.

"God Sakura..." He groaned.

Sakura smiled under his kiss. She felt a bit happy that he likes what she's doing; that she's pleasing him.

Sakura continued on teasing his member until Sasuke couldn't take it anymore. He took off his boxers and smirked at Sakura.

Sakura smirked back at him. "Time for me to be naughty as well, Sasuke-kun."

Sakura flipped them over so Sasuke was under her. She traveled down to his hard cock and held it. Sasuke watched her as she licked it. Sasuke grabbed the bedsheets. He was getting crazy.

Sakura pushed his member towards her mouth and sucked. Sasuke couldn't stop a few moans himself.

Sasuke cummed into her mouth and Sakura swallowed it. "Sasuke-kun, should I stay naughty or is it your turn?" Sakura winked at Sasuke.

Sasuke nodded then grabbed her bridal style. Sasuke made her sit on top of his dresser. He spread out her legs and licked her again and entered her with his tongue.

"Sasuke... ahh..." Sakura moaned as he watched Sasuke's head moving. She spread her legs wider for his to gain better access.

Sasuke's arms were around Sakura as his head stayed in its position. She moaned ever so loud that it made Sasuke decide to do 'it'.

He carried her again and made her face the headboard. Sakura was on her knees as her hands held the headboard. Without warning, Sasuke inserted his hard cock inside her from behind.

Sakura tried to stop her scream and she replaced it with moans. Sasuke started slowly until Sakura got to his pace.

"Sasuke... ahhh... f-faster..."

Sasuke obliged.

"Harder! Ahhh... Sasuke... harder..."

Sasuke obliged.

The whole day, they did nothing but taste each other and be naughty. Sakura felt sore in between her legs but Sasuke wanted to have fun so she continued playing with him.

The next day finally came...

Sakura woke up with Sasuke's arms around her.

She tried to move her legs and the pain in between was worse but tolerable. She sat up and yawned.

"Morning." Sasuke greeted as she woke up as well.

"Morning." she smiled.

Sasuke kissed her tenderly unaware that three mysterious people were waiting for them.

Too steamy, right? Anyway, review people!