New story. OOC. Not mine except the plot.


Sakura was playing in the lake after a heavy day at the hospital. Ino and Ten-ten was with her and they were having a picnic. Hinata was at a mission.

"Is this relaxing, or what?" Sakura breathe out as she swam up the water.

"You know Sakura, we haven't got missions for three weeks now. We've been relaxed to the max! You're the only one who's becoming a workaholic." Ino said as she took a bite from a veggie sandwich.

Sakura grinned then went out of the water. She wrapped a towel around her, she was wearing short shorts and a spaghetti top. She sat beside Ino and Ten-ten was across her.

"Why don't you ask Tsunade-sama to lighten your work a bit?" Ten-ten suggested.

"Yeah, you do missions, train with your team, study, work at the hospital and still have time to look good! How the hell do you do that?" Ino was staring at her in amazement.

No doubt, Sakura was gorgeous despite all her work.

"Well, I try to enjoy everything I do." Sakura smiled.

"Yep, that's right. Enjoy everything!" Ten-ten nodded.

"Yeah, especially you Ino. You have Shikamaru, your flower shop is booming, and you've won Konoha's Spring Pageant." Sakura said.

Ten-Ten chuckled. "I never imagined Ino singing in front of an audience..."

"What's wrong with that?!" Ino placed both of her hands on her waist while she stared at Ten-Ten.

The three if us laughed. Then we noticed that the sky was orange and it was time to go. I stood up then changed my clothes while Ino and Ten-Ten fixed our picnic.

When I went back, Ino and Ten-Ten were already done.

"All done!" I smiled then we walked towards the street. The dark caught up on us and we're still at least a few kilometers from town.

"It's getting cold." Ino shivered.

"We should hurry." Sakura suggested, feeling that something is gonna happen to them.

"Y-Yeah." Ten-Ten chuckled her fear away.

As they were walking down the street, lesser people were seen until it came to the point that the streets were deserted.

"Okay, this place creeps me out!" Ten-Ten admitted.

"Well, you suggested this place in the first place!" Ino whispered in Ten-Ten's ear.

"Y-Yeah, b-but I didn't know it was like this in the night."

"Come on guys. Just think of this as a mission and we're heading back." Sakura smiled. The two nodded.

But as they continued walking, they heard footsteps behind them.

"Did you hear that?" Ten-Ten hugged Sakura's arm.

"Yeah." Sakura sounded so calm.

"Why are you so calm?!" Ino asked.

"Because, it's just footsteps and for crying out loud, we're ninjas." Sakura rolled her eyes.

Ten-Ten and Ino nodded. "You're right! We've faced scarier things than this!"

Sakura nodded.

They continued their walk and the footsteps were nearer.

"What the fuck, will you show yourselves already?!" Sakura stopped and looked back.

Three figures came out from the shadows. They were tall and looked like they were angry.

"Okay?" Sakura raised an eyebrow.

"Ino, Sakura, Ten-Ten, let's go."

"Neji?" Ten-Ten recognized the voice.

The three went out of the shadows.

"Neji, Shikamaru, Sasuke?" Sakura was surprised at the least expected person she thought would come.

"Shikamaru's getting paranoid and pulled us to find you." Neji blushed at the embarrassment.

"Really? You were worried?" Ino fluttered her eyelashes and hugged Shikamaru's arm.

Shikamaru sighed then they disappeared in a puff of smoke. Ten-Ten and Neji disappeared too leaving Sakura and Sasuke.

"Wow, thanks." Sakura smiled.

Sasuke nodded then they started walking. "Don't you wanna just teleport so you can go home? Not that I don't want you here... er..." Sakura covered her mouth before more words spill out.

Sasuke smirked then quickly went near Sakura. His left hand caught her right and Sakura was shocked. She looked at their hands then at Sasuke who seemed oblivious of their hands.

Sakura blushed and they continued walking.

Ever since Sasuke came back years ago, he's been talking to her more often but not more than the usual.

"So... um, how's your mission yesterday?" Sakura tried to remove the block of ice between them. She had no problem talking to anyone, even if it was Orochimaru or some stranger or the devil himself but when it comes to Sasuke... it's a whole different story.

"It was fine. Though it would be more easy if you were there." Sasuke admitted. He didn't spare her a glance but Sakura felt that Sasuke was beginning to accept her.

"M-Me? What would I be of any help?" Sakura was so in denial.

"You're a medic." Sasuke answered.

"Oh. Right."

Sakura haven't notice it, but they were already in Konoha.

Sakura was thinking that Sasuke's gonna leave now, now that they're in Konoha and everything's safer now. But instead, he kept on holding her hand and walking with her towards her apartment.

"Don't go there anymore." Sasuke suddenly said.

Sakura looked at him. "Huh? Where? The lake?"

Sasuke nodded. "It's not safe. Trust me."

Sakura couldn't help but blush at Sasuke's concern. When they arrived at her apartment, Sasuke let go of her hand and opened the door for her.

"Thanks, Sasuke." Sakura smiled. "Wanna come in first?"

"Sure." Sasuke nodded.

Sakura led Sasuke towards the living room and made him sit on the sofa.

"Want some tea? Coffee? Or... water?" Sakura asked.

"I'm fine." Sasuke said.

"Oh, I'll just get dressed okay?" Sakura said as she headed upstairs to her room.

Sakura dressed fast into some pink long-sleeved shirt and pink sweatpants. She wore her panda slippers then removed all her accessories. She headed back downstairs and saw Sasuke staring at the center table.

"Sorry to keep you waiting." Sakura smiled as she sat beside Sasuke.


"You sure you don't want some tea?" Sakura asked him.

Sasuke shook his head. Sakura smiled then was about to say something when she was pinned down the sofa and Sasuke was kissing her.

Sakura was shocked and her eyes were wide but when she saw Sasuke's eyes closed and he was really kissing her, she closed her eyes and gave in to the kiss.

Sakura's arm snaked on his neck while Sasuke's hands memorized her face.

When the need of air began, Sasuke pulled away and stared at Sakura's pink, luscious lips.

"Um... wow." Sakura giggled while she blushed.

"Yeah, wow." Sasuke made a crooked smile then they sat back up. Sasuke rested his back on the arm rest while he pulled Sakura towards him. Sakura rested her head on his chest while his arms were around her waist.

"Sasuke-kun?" Sakura closed her eyes.


"Nothing." She shook her head then made herself comfortable in his arms.

"Maybe I should go now. It's late. You need to sleep." Sasuke sighed.

"Oh..." Sakura sounded sad but she did have to rest. She has work tomorrow.

Sakura pulled away and the two stood up. Sakura led him to the door but before she could open it, Sasuke's lips were crashed into hers again. Sasuke pushed her into the wall and claimed her lips. He bit her lip and she moaned making her lips part. Sasuke took the advantage and slipped his tongue in.

Sasuke's tongue explored her mouth. Tasting her sweet mouth. His hands ruffled her hair while Sakura's hands were around his neck pulling him closer.

"Sasuke...kun..." Sakura moaned as he kissed her deeper.

"Mmm..." He was enjoying himself and the idea of ending the kiss never crossed his mind.

But when he realized Sakura was short of air, he pulled away from her mouth and trailed down to her neck. Sakura moaned making him hungry for more. But he didn't wanna rush things between them.

Sasuke went back to her lips and kissed her tenderly. When he pulled away, Sakura was redder than ever.

"Good night." And with that he disappeared in a puff of smoke.

Sakura smiled. She was the happiest person in the world right now.

As she went to bed, she didn't notice three pairs of eyes staring at her.

"How dare she kiss MY Sasuke like that?!"

Cliff Hanger. Bwahahaha.