"Finally! A Gatlin sign."

"Yaay!" Noah cheered.

Minutes passed before she finally brought up the subject.

"So Noah, what are you going to say when you meet this "Isaac" guy?

'Oh hey, I had a dream and you were in it. Hi, I'm Noah Whylie, at your service."

Noah laughed.

"Funny, but, no. I don't know what I'll say. I haven't really thought of it."

She smiled.

"Well you better think quick 'cause we're here."

Soon enough they entered Gatlin. They looked out their windows. There were no cars, no people around. Just cornstalks everywhere.

"Seems like a hoppin' place."

Hannah said sarcastically.

Noah looked around confused.

"I wonder where everyone is."

All of a sudden, what looked like a girl of 16-17, ran out in front of the car.


Hannah mumbled loud enough for Noah to hear. He glanced at her and then back to the front of the car.

She pulled the car to a screeching halt, and got out. The girl was now running down the street.

"Nice crossing, retard!"

Hannah yelled.

Hannah turned around, just in time to find a teenager holding a schythe to Noah's throat.

"What the hell are you doing! Let my brother go you red headed freckled freak."

"You are outlanders amongst us. And outlanders are to be dealt with by Isaac." The red headed teen spoke.

Hannah was now being dragged along with her brother to a house, in the middle of Gatlin. They were shoved inside and up to a bedroom, where a short teen...I'm sorry..boy..stood playing with the flame of a candle that had been lit by the window.

"You have brought them to me, Malachi?"

He then spun around to face Malachi and the outlanders.

"Yes, Isaac. I found them in town."

"Ah." Isaac said, a bit amused.

Noah was frightened. Hannah was beyond pissed off.

"What are your names, my children?"

Isaac asked now standing directly in front of Hannah.

"My what?!" Hannah said angrily. "We are not your children, and do not call us that again."

Isaac was intrigued.

"What are your names?"

Hannah rolled her eyes,

" I'm Hannah, we came here..."

Hannah then looked to her brother.

"Do you want to tell him or would you like me to?"

Noah was too frightened to speak.

She gave him a look of pity.

"I'll tell him."

She looked to Isaac.

"We came here because my brother Noah, here, had a dream about you a couple nights ago. He felt he was urged to come here. Therefore, that is the reason for our being here."

Isaac grinned deviously at Hannah. She was not looking, she peering around the room. Her eyes stopped on the red headed, freckled teen who had dragged them here.

"Oh and, Isaac, put a leash on that dude over there."

His smile faded.

"Little one, while you are staying in my little town of Gatlin, you are under my rules and my command. You are to listen to me and 'He Who Walks Behind The Rows' and you are not to tell me what to do. Understood?"

She glared at him. Then grinned. He grinned back.

"Yes. Oh and while Noah and I are staying here in your humble abode, I have only one rule for you."

"Oh, and what would that be, Hannah?" He asked still grinning.

She got up in his face and mumbled,

"You touch my brother, and your dead."

She then spoke a bit louder, loud enough that Malachi, who was standing in the doorway with a smirk on his face, could hear.


Isaac smiled.


She grinned.


Isaac then looked over to Malachi, and motioned for him to come closer.

"Malachi, show Hannah and Noah where they will be staying."

He agreed, "Ok."

They left.