Disclaimer: It isn't mine, and it never will be. All recognizable characters and places belong to Tamora Pierce, not me.

A/N: What do you know, Lioness has another new fic to post! First off, this is a three-shot. Both of the other parts are already written, so you'll only have to wait for me to post it. It is inspired by (and named after) a song called 'The Call' from The Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian. It got stuck in my head and this joined it after listening to the song a couple of times. So, enjoy and don't forget to leave me a review!

He packed his things silently – only the essentials, only the things he truly thought he needed. It was early in the morning, too early for anyone to be up without meaning to be. That was the time Rosto the Piper had chosen to pack. He was leaving Corus for a time, but he did not want to. There was a war brewing, a war between Rogues. Tusaine had made an unprovoked attack to one of the cities close to the border, and killed the Rogue there.

Now, Rosto had to go fix this problem. He didn't have a choice. If he didn't, then it would turn into an all-out war, and both Tortall and Tusaine would lose a great deal. Even more likely, he would lose everything he loved, because he would be the main target – the Rogue who wouldn't come out of his hidey-hole.

Once done, he put his pack outside his door, which was propped open, and sat down at his desk. He would leave Phelan to watch over his throne, but make sure that the rushers and other Rats left behind knew that Phelan was not to be challenged, as Phelan was not the Rogue, Rosto still was. And only a challenge to Rosto would hold any validity. Since Aniki was coming with him, Kora would take the place of Queen of the Ladies of the Rogue if need be. All the loose ends were tied. Except for one: he had yet to tell Beka that he, and Aniki, were leaving. There were a number of ways he could tell her – in a note pinned to her door, in person, or have Kora tell her after they had left. As much as he wanted to leave as soon as possible, he knew his best alternative was to tell Beka in person. Besides, he had something to give to her. And he wanted to tell her in person – he didn't want to leave without saying goodbye to her. Rosto knew that there was a very great chance that he wouldn't come back from this alive. Sometimes even the strongest and the best rushers didn't come back from brawls, or, in this case, battles.

Sighing, Rosto pulled out a quill, dipped it in ink, and started a note to Phelan, telling him of the tasks that he wanted completed in his absence. By the time he was done with that, and the other notes and letters he needed to write before leaving were as well, the sun had risen. He put everything away, made sure he had all of his daggers, and placed his sword outside the door with his pack. He leaned against the railing, looking down at the first floor of the boarding house. There was movement upstairs and he knew that either Aniki or Beka – probably the latter, since the noise sounded closer to his room – was up as well. It wouldn't be long until breakfast.

Silently, Rosto moved back into his room and sat down on his bed. For a while, he pondered what his future could hold, should he return from this battle alive. Thoughts drifted to the front of his mind; ones he found disturbing: what it might be like if he didn't. That idea did not please the young Scanran in the least. In particular because of his throne, and, well, it wasn't like the second reason was really going to allow herself to be one of his reasons. Beka had, in fact, punched him the last time he'd kissed her. Even so, that bruise had been worth it.

"Rosto. Rosto, are you coming?" He looked up to see that Kora had appeared in the doorway. He nodded and got to his feet, glancing in the mirror to make sure his pale blond horsetail wasn't messed up.

"Of course. I wouldn't miss breakfast with my friends for what could be the last time in a very long time," he said. Rosto followed her up the stairs, his mind still wandering. When he entered the room, Beka, Aniki, Phelan, and Ersken were laughing at something. He paid little attention to them until Beka tapped him on the shoulder.

"You're awfully quiet today, Master the Piper," she said, still grinning from whatever had been so funny. Rosto smiled slightly.

"Yes, I am. I've been thinking…I need to talk to you. In private. Please, Beka?" He asked. She nodded, and followed him out of the room. They went down the steps and stopped outside of his room. "Aniki and I are leaving in a little while," he told her. Beka looked shocked for a moment, then she frowned at him. He hadn't told her about this, nor had he told he about the Rogue war.

"My Court is at war with the Tusaine Rogue's. There is most likely going to be a battle. Aniki and I have to be there when it happens, or the Tusaine Rogue will continue to destroy towns and maybe even start on fiefs. He issued a challenge of sorts to me. If I show, and we win, he won't attack us anymore. If I don't show, or we lose, he will continue this war with my successor." He stopped and waited for her response. She looked stunned for a moment, then nodded.

"Oh. You'll be away for a long time, won't you?" She asked. He nodded sadly.

"It looks like it, but I can't be sure," he replied. Slowly, without taking his eyes from hers, he raised a hand and brushed a few strands of dark blond hair from her face, running his finger tenderly across her cheek as he drew it away. "You know I care for you, Beka," he said, pausing for just a moment. "I have something for you." He slipped his hand onto his pocket and pulled a chain from it. The pendant was a simple clear crystal that glittered in the light streaming from the window visible through his still open door. Beka reached to touch it, her eyes wide.

"It's beautiful…" she said. She glanced up at him, narrowing her eyes. "Did you steal this, Rosto?" He grinned.

"No, you silly gixie, I bought it. I can even show you the receipt if you're going to be picky," he told her matter-of-factly. "But don't you even think about trying to pay me back. It's a gift." Rosto watched as she nodded, examining the pendant. After a moment, she looked up again, curious this time. For some reason, she had the feeling that Rosto hadn't just bought it for her because it was pretty.

"Why? Why did you get this for me?" She asked. Rosto's grin grew wider.

"I thought you would like it. And I had it charmed by a mage. If you need me, anytime, just whisper my name into it, and I'll hear," he paused to pull a chain from his own shirt. The pendant was similar, but still very different. It was a disk of crystal with a pewter crow in flight imprinted on it. "The charm will only work once, so use it carefully," he said. Beka nodded and turned to go when he caught her, pulling her to him.

"Don't think you're going to get away without thanking me," he said, a mischievous twinkle in his dark eyes. She stared at him for a moment, completely confused, until he pressed his lips lightly to hers. Much to his pleasure, this time, Beka didn't slug him. Instead, she kissed him back. When they pulled apart for breath, he smiled at her. It wasn't an arrogant smile, just a content one; and his eyes glittered happily.

"Remember, just call when you need me. I'll come. I promise, I'll always come," he whispered. She nodded, and he gave her a last squeeze and a kiss on the forehead as Aniki came down the stairs. He picked up his pack and sword, and walked down the second flight of stairs, giving her a last look over his shoulder. She smiled faintly as she watched his retreating back. She ran back upstairs and watched as he and Aniki mounted their horses and turned them to the street. Rosto glanced up to her window and raised a hand in farewell when he saw her watching him.

Then he nudged his horse and they were off. Beka watched them go, hoping that it wasn't the last time she was ever going to see them. If Rosto ever came back, then she would give him the chance he seemed to want to desperately. She only hoped that he did come back. The Lower City just wouldn't be the same without him.

A/N: Since I'm off to Michigan tomorrow, I'll update this in about two weeks, so you can look forward to an update then...anyway, review, please!