You-Know-Who's Angels
(Are You Watchin' Channel X?)

Chapter 4
Song of Choice

The masses of Muggles swayed and chanted, their minds and souls so close to being entirely his. So close to being a Deatheater victory... He was quite pleased, even if those blasted girls had almost screwed everything up- again. A few more minutes of the Imperius Curse and not even the Ministry of Magic would be able to stop his army of Deatheaters and dispensable Muggles.

But wait. What was happening? The girls were back, and with their instruments, no less. Venessa and Vivian both carried their guitars, and Vallory her fiddle. Fortunately, the crowd hardly seemed to notice, they were still falling even deeper. Just a bit longer and it would be sealed forever.

But then the music completely stopped. The Beaters had become unplugged from the sound board. He looked at the screen in his hideout that showed the view of the sound board to see his Deatheater techman lying unconscious on the ground, and Harry Potter with his two pathetic friends next to him. He couldn't let them screw this up, but knowing Malfoy, he would know what to do.

Lucius Malfoy pointed his wand towards his throat and said, The other two followed his lead, and they continued chanting with their magnified voices even though they could no longer use their instruments to cover up their hideous singing voices. It didn't matter to the brainwashed Muggles, of course.

A young female voice broke the steady, droning chant over the microphone. He recognized it immediately as little Vallory's. Listen, everybody! she cried, you can't let yourself give into this! Please! You must realize that you can make choices! The Muggles hardly seemed to notice Vallory, the little traitor. There was nothing the Angels could do at this point anyway, even with microphones. They weren't nearly powerful enough or quick enough in comparison to his Deatheaters. Nevertheless, she continued hopefully, saying, Perhaps I can't change your minds and make you see the truth, but I know Venessa and Vivian would love to! Now she began to turn on her little performer's charm, and gain a very little amount of the Muggles' attention, as she finished her little speech, saying, Let's give it up for the ladies of UK W's Angels in their brand new hit entitled Song of Choice!'

The entire crowd raised their voices in a timid cheer, still being strongly influenced by the never-ending chant of from the Beaters, but the guitars of the two Angels quickly covered up that monotonous noise, as they began to sing their Song of Choice:

Ven & Viv:
Early every year the seeds are growing.
Unseen, unheard, they lie beneath the ground.
Would you know before the leaves are showing
That with weeds all your garden will abound?

If you close your eyes, stop your ears,
Close your mouth, how can you know?
The seeds you cannot see may not be there.
The seeds you cannot hear may never grow.

In January you've still got the choice.
You can cut the weeds before they start to bud.
If you leave them to grow higher they'll silence your voice,
And in December you may pay with your blood.

So close your eyes, stop your ears,
Close your mouth and take it slow.
Let others take the lead and you bring up the rear
And later you can say you didn't know.

Everyday another vulture takes flight.
There's another danger born every morning.
In the darkness of your blindness the beast will learn to bite.
How can you fight if you can't recognise a warning?

So close your eyes, stop your ears,
Close your mouth. How can you know?
Let others take the lead and you bring up the rear,
And later you can say you didn't know.

Today you may earn a living wage,
Tomorrow you may be on the dole.
Though there's millions going hungry you needn't disengage,
For it's them, not you, that's fallen in the hole.

Instrumental break with Vallory jammin' on her fiddle

It's alright for you if you run with the pack.
It's alright if you agree with all they do.
If the fascist's party's slowly climbing back
It's not here yet so what's it got to do with you?

The weeds are all around us and they're growing.
It will soon be too late for the knife.
If you leave them on the wind that around the world is blowing,
You may pay for your silence with your life.

So close your eyes, stop your ears,
Close your mouth, they're never there.
And if it happens here they'll never come for you,
Because they know you really didn't care.
~ * ~ * ~ * ~

The Beaters had been beat, there was no doubt of that. The Muggles paid them no mind as they only cheered loudly for their guardian angels. Besides all that, the Deatheaters were needing quite a quick getaway, for the Ministry was already near after realizing what was going on, and supposedly Dumbledore was with them.

((Yay for Solas lyrics! Everyone needs to hear this song! ^_^ ))

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