Title: Kingdom Wing
Author: Black-Haired Girl
Gundam Wing x Kingdom Hearts II crossover.
(I know. I know. I am crazy. I needed something fun to write for a little bit.)
Chapter One:
Part One: Deep, Dark Sleep
Alarms blared and beeped from every monitor face. Heero grit his teeth and pulled frantically at the unresponsive steering mechanism and stomped hard on the reverse thrust to try and correct the passenger shuttle he had commandeered, but it was no use. Half of the flight systems had been damaged and what little power he had left just wasn't enough.
So his plan had been foiled. He thought that stealing an empty passenger shuttle and going to the Lunar Base was going to be a piece of cake. Once there he could pick up his mobile suit and continue mission 00192. However, on route to his destination, some OZ lookouts noticed his shuttle and once he failed to hail them over the radio they had successfully managed to damage the shuttle but had failed to kill him. Now, in his escape behind the moon, he was suffering from the results of their attack.
The radar screen blipped before revealing a large elliptical outline.
"A meteor…" The Japanese boy said under his breath. He flicked on an external camera and zoomed. The image of an enormous, jagged gray meteor appeared on screen. It was nearly as large as Earth's moon and, in the condition this shuttle was in, there would be no way to maneuver around it. Heero knew the possibilities of coming out of this predicament alive were slim to none, but he wasn't a quitter. Not by a long shot!
So he hopped up from the main control seat, pushed off the back of the counter with a foot and floated towards the main cabin of the shuttle. The damaged vessel shook and quaked as it careened through space towards its final destination.
If I can detonate the central fuel line I might be able to turn this thing around… he began calculating the possibilities. But then I would just blow myself up in the process.
"Damn…" He muttered as he picked his way through the passenger cabin towards the rear of the shuttle. "I'll just have to evacuate…" He ripped open a narrow locker and began pulling on a large, loose-fitting space suit made specifically for shuttle evacuation. I just hope I don't end up floating through space forever… the thought was a frightening one. He had heard of people drifting off into space. Many times before the war there were reports of colony exterior maintenance men being lost in space, only to be found years later as bags of frozen solid gray matter caught in Earth's orbit.
I just can't sit here and wait to die… he reflected as he pulled the helmet over his head. He turned on the attached oxygen tank and began walking towards the emergency hatch. With a rough yank he pulled the red lever up and the hatch hissed open. As it did the vacuum of space sucked him out. When he exited the ship he began to spin head over heels. The vacuum effect had given him some forward momentum and he was floating fast away from the shuttle which continued towards the meteor. As Heero spun away he caught occasional glimpses of the shuttle as it plummeted towards the giant mass of rock.
It crashed head-on into the meteor and exploded into a bright golden shower of electricity, oxygen and fuel.
Debris shot out of the explosion and began rushing towards him. He could do nothing to dodge the onslaught of warped metal as it slid past. A massive chunk of the former shuttle slid by. He reached out and grabbed it with the tips of his fingers. Then he pulled himself closer to it and began using its speed from the explosion to propel forward.
Once settled on the chunk of debris he began searching the surrounding darkness of space for anything he could approach and board. If I can find another ship, or a colony, or even a mobile suit… but he could see nothing. His previous mission had brought him far away from the main orbit of Earth. He had traveled past the moon and towards Mars. Very few ships ventured this far.
And now, to his dismay, his body was floating helplessly away from Earth.
He looked down at the shoulder of his suit. A little gauge reported that he had only 3 hours of oxygen left on the tank. He tried to flex his arms and legs but the cold of space had begun to freeze the thick padded fabric of the suit. A deep chill began to set in through the suit, causing his skin to pucker and quiver in attempt to warm his tired body.
So this is how I am supposed to die… He closed his eyes and frowned. Not in a magnificent battle. Not destroying my enemies. Just floating here… helpless. A tight knot began to form in his stomach. He restrained any feelings of panic. I have to save my strength. I have to stay calm, or my air will run out sooner. He willed himself to relax. His relaxation shifted into deep meditation and as the third hour approached he drifted into a deep, dark sleep.
Part Two:
"We found him floating out there!"
"Yeah! Isn't that crazy?"
"We think he's alive!" Exclaimed two high-pitched squeaky voices. Heero cracked open both eyes then squinted. A bright light was shining into his face through the curve of his helmet, blinding him. He felt his body resting on its back against something. He blinked a few times and tried to make his eyes adjust. He could make out two very small blobs. They were about the size of his hands and they were twitching and moving in a strange and inhuman way.
"Look, he's awake!" Yelled a strange, garbled voice.
"Gawsh. He must be real tired, Ah-hyuck."
"Back up, guys. Give him some room."
As Heero's eyes adjusted he began to make out two small faces peering through the glass of his helmet at him. Two furry little faces with small, twitching noses and buckteeth. Squirrels?
Startled, Heero sat up and batted the little creatures off of him. He ripped his helmet off, threw it at the little animals and, once on his feet began backing away from them.
"Ow! My head…" The little animals were running towards him shaking their little paws angrily at him. They are talking?
Heero's eyes widened and he began to suck in gasping breaths. His body quivered and shook. Talking… animals…
"T-talking squirrels…" Heero stammered, shocked.
"Squirrels? No! We aren't squirrels!"
"We are Chipmunks!" The two little animals exclaimed in their high, piercing voices. Upon closer inspection Heero saw that the little chipmunks were wearing aprons and one had a pair of goggles propped up on his fuzzy head, just below his small, twitchy ears.
Heero turned and saw something even worse than the talking chipmunks. A talking duck. The duck was wearing some sort of blue outfit and was flailing a stick at him, quacking. He could barely understand what the irate bird was saying. "WhyIottayoucan'tjustcomeinandstartthrowingaroundmembersofourcrew!"
Behind the talking duck was a huge dog-thing wearing a goofy grin and a tall, green hat. It was standing upright like a human. Heero was beginning to feel faint.
"Okay, guys, please… stop yelling." A boy came out from behind the dog thing. "Please, its okay. We aren't going to hurt you…" The boy was saying slowly, approaching with his hands up to show he meant no harm.
It was all too much for Heero to take. With a quick and frantic gesture he pulled open the evacuation suit and retrieved a small caliber handgun from within and pointed it at the approaching boy. "Just… stop. Don't come near me…" He began stepping backwards away from the cluster of odd creatures. "Just all of you stay away…" He pointed the gun at the dog-thing, and then the duck whose head was now turning an odd shade of red.
The boy stopped in his approach towards Heero and stared at the gun with widened, deep blue eyes. "Okay… it is okay. Please, don't shoot us…" Heero watched as the boy took a few steps back to give him his space. "My name is Sora. This is Donald…" He pointed down at the duck, which was glaring fiercely at him. Heero returned the glare and tightened his grip on the gun's handle. "This is Goofy," The dog-thing gave Heero a friendly wave, "… Chip and Dale." The boy, Sora, pointed at the chipmunks who were watching Heero closely.
"Why…" Heero raised his other hand and began rubbing at his forehead, trying to take in his situation. "Why… are those animals talking…?"
"Why wouldn't we be able to talk?'
"Yeah, dummy. A'course we can talk!"
"Who do you think you are anyway, pointing guns at us and stuff!"
"Yeah, we saved you after all."
The chipmunks bantered back and forth at him. Heero tried to relax and took in a deep breath. Where am I… talking animals… this must be a dream. I must have gone mad in space…
"Where am I?" Heero finally asked. He let the barrel of the gun lower to the floor but continued to hold it tightly in hand. His heart was throbbing heavily in his chest and his mind raced with various notions. I am in an alternate universe… I am dead and this is hell… this is a dream I am going to wake at any moment… I have carbon monoxide poisoning…
"You are on my ship. Chip and Dale found you floating in space. They pulled you in. We are on our way to Hollow Bastion." Sora said. Heero's eyes narrowed.
"Hollow… what? Where is Earth? I need to go back to Earth." Heero blurted quickly. Sora's eyebrows rose and he shook his head in confusion.
"Earth…? I don't know where you mean. I've never heard of that world."