A/N: #200 on 'You Know You're Obsessed with Twilight When...'

hope you like it!

I don't own Twilight. Stephenie Meyer does.


26) Tell them how pasty they look in low light.

25) Say that you looooooove popsicles!

24) Tell Bella that Jake and Edward died, while trying to kill each other.

23) When Edward is around you, get songs like 'It's a Small World' stuck in your head.

22) Sing Hannah Montana songs with Carlisle to Esme and Edward.

21) Sneak a walrus into Rosalie's room.

20) Lock Jasper in a room full of women with PMS.

19) Think about Aro and Jane kissing, while shaking Aro's hand.

18) Lock Alice in a closet. If she protests, tell her to go back to the nut house.

17) Imagine yourself naked while Edward is trying to consummate his relationship with Bella.

16) Call Edward the 107 year old virgin to his face.

15) Replace all of Emmett's clothes with tacky Dracula Halloween costumes.

14) Whenever Jasper says something, snap to attention, shout "YES SIR!" and salute him. Confederate Army style.

13) Take Alice's credit cards. Hold them way above her head, and tell her to jump for it.

12) Inform Emmett, as politely as possible, that he has grizzly stuck between his teeth.

11) Run around the ER during Carlisle's shifts, screaming "HOLY CRAP!! I've been bitten, I'VE BEEN BITTEN!!"

10) Splash red paint all over Jasper's room. Videotape his reaction as he walks inside.

9) Steal a chunk of Esme's hair. Put it in the blender with ice cream, and hand back the final product, saying that it's a caramel milkshake.

8) Call Rosalie 'Hoe-salie' to her face.

7) Ask Edward if he ever feels remorse for driving Bella to necrophilia.

6) Run Bella over with your truck, and ask her to the prom. Repeatedly.

5) Ask them to donate to a blood bank.

4) Speak to Edward in his head, and tell him that you're his conscience.

3) Pronounce Carlisle's name without making the's' silent.

2) Cut your middle finger; wave it in front of Jasper's face, while singing a song like, 'Sexy! No no no…' by Girls Aloud.

And the number 1 way to annoy a vampire…

1) When the vampires get annoyed by the above points, you just say "What are you gonna do, huh? Go to Italy?"

A/N: I hope you liked reading this as much as I enjoyed typing it.

Review, so I'll know... ( :