The morning had come and Vegeta woke up hugging the toilet with the worst hangover possible.

"What happ…" Before he could finish he was hurling into the toilet.

Bulma heard the sound of splashing water and grunting.

"Oh so your awake. I hope you're miserable." Bulma said entering the bathroom.

"Stop talking, you're hurting my head." Vegeta complained.

"Did you have fun singing with Goku last night?" Bulma asked.

"What are you talking about? Go away." Vegeta sneered. He didn't want anyone to see him in this state.

"You and Goku got hammered and sang to each other in front of everyone." Bulma said with an evil smirk. She left Vegeta to let what she just said sink in.

Vegeta then regained his memory of everything that happened. He had a horrified look and actually began to cry as he puked his guts out. The only one to blame was himself.

"How could I bee so weak?" he asked himself. "Wait, it was Kakorrot decision to sing this is all his fault. I am going to kill him." Vegeta then returned to spilling his guts into the toilet.

Piccolo woke up in the lookout confused and in pain.

"What is wrong with me? What happened?" he asked Dende.

Dende didn't know how to say it. "Well to be frank you got drunk and passed out." The scared Namekian said shakily.

Piccolo became ashamed and went to sleep for the next several hours.

Goku was taking the embarrassment more light hearted than the others.

"Wow I can't believe Vegeta sang with me. How did we do?" Goku asked his wife.

"Aren't you at least a little embarrassed?" Chichi asked.

"No not really, so tell me did we sing well?" Goku repeated.

"Of course not you two could barley walk." Chichi replied

Goku then began to laugh and think of how Vegeta was doing right now.

Vegeta gathered himself, took a shower, and then went down stairs to eat breakfast. He sat down next to his son and began to chow down as if nothing happened last night.

"You sure were funny last night." Trunks said with a ridiculous smile.

"Well savor the moment because you'll never see me like that again." Vegeta snarled.

"Oh I will me and Goten put it on youtube." Trunks snickered.

"What are you talking about?" Vegeta asked puzzled. "What did you put on youtube?"

"The video of you and Goku singing" Trunks replied holding up a camcorder.

Vegeta nearly fell out of his chair overcome with shame and fear.

"Get it off there right now." Vegeta demanded grabbing the camera and destroying the tape.

"What will you do for me?" Trunks slyly asked.

"I will refrain from killing you and your friend." Vegeta screamed.

"Nope no deal, how about you don't make me train for one week?" Trunks proposed a deal his dad could not refuse.

"Fine, we have a deal." Vegeta grumbled. Trunks then left to fix the problem. Vegeta was furious he was in this position.

"I will never drink again." he stated.

The end

I'm not too sure about this one. It didn't turn out as funny as I hoped. I also think it is too short but I will leave that to you guys to decide. Please review.