DISCLAIMER: I do not own Twilight (etc.) the characters, or the chicken pox ;)

Bella lives with the Cullens by the way:) But she's not a vampire :( Happy reading! :D:D


I woke up and felt an irritating itch on my face. Actually, my entire body was itchy.

"Morning love." Edward said as I rolled over to face him. "Mind telling me what you're doing exactly?"

"I don't know. My entire body is itchy." I stated as I continued to scratch.

"Hmm.. Let's go to Carlisle." He picked me up bridal style and we sped out our bedroom door. In seconds we were at the door to Carlisle's grand office. Edward knocked twice and we entered.

"Ah. Good morning Bella, Edward. What is wrong?" Carlisle asked, putting his thick book down on the mahogany desk.

"I think Bella is sick." Edward said, laying me on the couch.

"Hmm, Let me see." Carlisle stood from his desk and came over to me. he chuckled. "I believe Bella here has the chicken pox."

"The chicken pox? No! I can't have the chicken pox now! We have a huge final at school tomorrow! It counts for 50 percent of our grade!"

"I'm sorry Bella, but I'll call the school and tell them what has happened. But for now, go to bed and get some rest."

"Great! Now I have to miss the biggest test ever and I need to rest. Joy." I said as I flung my arms in the air. Carlisle and Edward chuckled quietly.

"It will be fine love." Edward promised as he brought me back to my bedroom.

"Why don't you just turn me into a vampire right now?" I questioned him, now that I was lying on the bed with him beside me.

"Haha. The fever must be making you confused." He bent down to kiss me and I crossed my arms.

"Would you like something? You still need to eat."

"Of course. Being human and all." I rolled my eyes at him.

"Be right back." He said as he whipped out the door. He returned five minutes later with a bowl of chicken noodle soup and a sad looking Esme behind him.

"Oh, Bella. Are you alright?" Esme asked me like the mother she was.

"Yes Esme. I'm fine. Just hungry, tired, and ...itchy." I said with a scowl as i continued to scratch myself.

"Now now Bella." Great. Now Carlisle had to come. Why not just have a party in my room and announce that I have chicken pox to the world? "You musn't scratch. no matter how itchy you are. If you do, it will just become worse, and you'll have to stay in bed even longer." I looked up and him and sighed. I looked down at my arm. It was soooo itchy! I just continued to glare at it, and then I broke down and scratched it.

"Ahhh." I smiled. But I looked up and saw three angry looking vampires above me.

"But it was really itchy!" I complained, whining. The three of them laughed, and Carlisle handed me two small items. I looked at them, discusted.

"You want me to wear these?" I asked in disbelief. Carlisle shook his head yes, and I sighed.