A/N: I was in the middle of writing this when my sister comes down stairs screaming that the tornado sirens where going off. Curious, I went and checked and sure enough, the sirens were going off.

Disclaimer: I own my kitty but I don't own Twilight.

I hated thunderstorms. I hated the noise; I hated the flashing light and everything about them. Back in Phoenix, it was rare to hear thunder and see the flash of lightning and I would embrace the chance to hear them. When I got to Forks, my thoughts were unchanged but ever since he left, he changed my whole perspective of thunderstorms. They reminded me of baseball and baseball reminds me of him.

A thunderstorm was what woke me up during the night. The crack of thunder, then the bright spark of lightning freed me from my daily nightmare but when I awoke, it trapped me into another that I couldn't escape. Thoughts of him and his family sneaked their way into my mind and I couldn't stop them. Flashes of the game made me cry out in agony. I bit my lip to stop from screaming but the scream had to be set free. I pressed my head into my pillow and screamed all the frustration and anger I held towards him.

Tears escape as I laid on my bed, facing the wall. I shut my eyes, wishing I could go into a black abyss and escape everything. Another thought made its way into my head. It was moments before the game had started when he had me pinned up against the Jeep. Tears flooded from my eyes, blurring my vision.

I tried so hard to act somewhat normal around Charlie but I knew I was failing horribly. Right now, in my room, I wasn't trying to act for someone so I cried and let the tears fall.

I flinched when I heard a loud 'bang' of thunder. It brought images of Emmett and Jasper running into each other.

I held my self together, afraid that if I didn't, I would be able to hold on.

One would think, that after crying nonstop for hours, you'd run out of tears but no, the storm had long passed and here I was, still crying for the ones I would never see again.

A/N: My room is in the basement and I can hear the thunder from outside. SWEET!