Disclaimer: I don't own Power Rangers Jungle Fury. I don't own the song "Happy Together" either.

A/N: So, I'm trying something new. I just hope you all don't stone me or throw tomatoes at me…or stone me while throwing tomatoes at me. The lyrics are in italics.

Happy Together

Imagine me and you, I do

I think about you day and night, it's only right

To think about the girl I love and hold her tight

So happy together

If I should call you up, invest a dime

And you say you belong to me and ease my mind

Imagine how the world could be, so very fine

So happy together

I can't see me lovin' nobody but you

For all my life

When you're with me, baby the skies will be blue

For all my life

Dominic and Fran had really hit it off from the start. Aside from RJ, who Dominic was already friends with, Fran was the only other person who was welcoming. He understood why they weren't very welcoming. The three other rangers had been through a lot together. Still, it didn't make it hurt any less.

With Fran though, the two simply put got one another. They were both self-proclaimed bookworms. Both of them always carried a book with them wherever they went. Both of them considered books to be their friends whenever they were alone.

Dominic considered himself a bit of a prankster. Not a goof-off, but a prankster. He just liked to have a good time. There was nothing wrong with that. One of the things he liked about Fran was that she always thought his jokes were funny, even some of his lamest ones.

Me and you and you and me

No matter how they toss the dice, it has to be

The only one for me is you, and you for me

So happy together

If I should call you up, invest a dime

And you say you belong to me and ease my mind

Imagine how the world could be, so very fine

So happy together

I can't see me lovin' nobody but you

For all my life

When you're with me, baby the skies will be blue

For all my life

I can't see me lovin' nobody but you

For all my life

When you're with me, baby the skies will be blue

For all my life

Really, it was Fran that talked Dominic into staying just when he was ready to leave Ocean Bluff for good. She said that she used to not know her purpose either until RJ and the rangers took her in. Now, they're like her family. Dominic wondered if they'd ever be like his family. Well, RJ already was like his family, but it's the other rangers he wondered about.

Fran was so happy when she found out that Dominic was not only staying, but was a ranger as well. So happy in fact, that she even gave him a book of her own for him to read.

Dominic found it cute how when she rambles, she forgets to breathe. He's noticed that she's been doing that a lot lately. Oddly enough, when she has done it as of late, it has always been around him.

Call you up

Ease my mind, Ease my mind, Ease my mind!

I can't see me lovin' nobody but you

For all my life

When you're with me, baby the skies will be blue

For all my life

I can't see me lovin' nobody but you

For all my life

When you're with me, baby the skies will be blue

For all my life


So happy together

So happy together

So happy together

So happy together

Fran and Dominic had a lot in common. More than either initially thought they would. The two of them definitely had chemistry together too. Anyone who wasn't legally blind could see how her face would instantly brighten up when he would enter the room; his face would instantly brighten up when she would enter the room.

The two of them seemed to gravitate towards one another at Jungle Karma Pizza. If Dominic was working in the back, Fran would volunteer to also work in the back and vice versa. If he was working out in front, she would work right beside him and vice versa.

Much to RJ's annoyance, Dominic asked him every conceivable question about Fran. He was fully aware of the fact that RJ had known Fran the longest out of anybody. Dominic even asked RJ questions RJ wasn't comfortable answering or had no way of knowing what the answer was.

Much to Casey's annoyance, he would often catch Dominic and Fran doing one of their favorite pastimes—playing baseball with a pizza board and a ball of pizza dough. It was no wonder there was always a shortage of dough ever since Dominic became an employee at Jungle Karma Pizza.

Dominic found his reason to stay, and that reason was Fran.

The End

A/N: So please tell me that I am not the only one who saw a hinted Fran/Dominic pairing. What should it be called? Frominic? Dominan? Any suggestions?