Hey everyone! Last chapter! I'm very sad! Well, I must admit that this chapter is kind of short, but I like it. Read and review one last time! Enjoy!

Army Wives


Baby Bolton

Mr. and Mrs. Bolton were pilling into their car after getting a phone call from Troy and Gabriella from the hospital six years later. Mrs. Bolton was on her third phone call, calling Zac. Mr. Bolton went quickly to the hospital and when he parked in the visitors section he saw Brian's, Mike's, and Zac's car in the parking lot as well. They ran inside and saw the rest of their family in the waiting room in the maternity wing.

"How is she?" Mrs. Bolton asked when she saw her sons and daughter-in-laws.

"All we know is that she's having the baby. They can't tell us anything else." Brian explained.

Mrs. Bolton sighed and sat down in a nearby chair, fanning her face quickly. Mr. Bolton sat down next to Zac and Katie's twin boys, smiling as they said 'hello' to him. Tommy was sitting in a chair by Brian, chewing nervously on his gum.

"How long does this take?" Tommy asked Ben, who was sitting next to his wife, Amy.

"I have no idea." Ben whispered to him.

"We've only been here for twenty minutes, guys. We could be here all day." Amy told them as she flipped through a Motherhood magazine.

"All day?" Tommy exclaimed. "Geez… I'm getting something to eat." He said as he stood up from his spot. "Want anything?"

"How can you eat in a place like this?" Ben whispered to him.

Tommy looked around the room, seeing all the pregnant women and stressed out men. Tommy slowly sat back down and closed his eyes.

"Good point." He said back.

"You guys are acting like this stuff is gross." Amy said as she set down her magazine and leaned back in her chair.

"It's uncomfortable." Tommy said. "Not a place for men."

"Men?" Ben laughed as he nudged his brother.

"Shut up." Tommy said as he shoved his brother.

"You'll be in Troy's place sooner or later." Amy told the boys honestly.

"I choose much later." Tommy said.

"You're only twelve, man. You shouldn't even be talking about that." Ben told him.

"Yeah, well, you're twenty four; you're probably already talking about it." Tommy chuckled.

Ben shoved him and gave him a look, telling him to shut up. As the boys shot each other looks, Troy walked into the waiting room. He was smiling hugely and looked tired.

"Want to come and see them?" He asked his family.

"Is it a boy or a girl?" Mrs. Bolton asked as she walked next to Troy.

"You'll see." Troy smiled as he led his family to the room.

The family walked into the room and smiled as they saw Ms. Montez. They walked in a little bit further and gasped as they saw the baby wrapped in a pink blanket in Gabriella's arms. Sarah, Katie, and Laura smiled at their husbands and Mr. and Mrs. Bolton walked by Gabriella and the baby.

"Do you want to hold her?" Gabriella asked Mr. Bolton with a tired smile.

"Can I?" He asked as his face beamed with happiness.

"Of course." Gabriella smiled as she carefully handed Mr. Bolton the baby.

"Aw, Jack, she's our first granddaughter." Mrs. Bolton whispered as she looked at Mr. Bolton.

"She's special." Mr. Bolton said as he rocked her back and forth.

Gabriella smiled at Troy who was sitting next to her and she leaned against him, looking at her perfect family.

"Did you decide on a name for her?" Sarah asked Troy and Gabriella.

"Angela Mariah Bolton." Troy said with a smile.

"That's a great name." Mike said with a nod.

Mr. Bolton handed Angela over to Brian to hold and he smiled as he looked down at her.

"She has the Bolton blue eyes." He told everyone with a smile. "All the boys will be falling for her."

"Dating." Troy groaned as he looked at Gabriella with worry.

"She's not dating until she's thirty." Mr. Bolton said with a shake of his head. "Not my granddaughter."

Troy smiled at his dad and leaned back to listen to his family argue about her dating age. Tommy sat down next to Gabriella and sighed deeply.

"I drew you something in art class." He said as he pulled out a piece of paper from his jean pocket and handed it to Gabriella.

She smiled as she unfolded the piece of paper and looked at the portrait of the entire Bolton family.

"Wow, Tommy." Gabriella gasped. "You really turned into an artist, didn't you?" She smiled.

"Yeah, I guess." Tommy nodded.

"How'd you know we were going to have a girl?" She asked as she saw the baby girl in the picture.

"I don't know. You always make something different happen with this family… I had a feeling you'd have a girl." He smiled.

"Thanks, Tommy. This is going right on the refrigerator when I get home." She smiled.

"I'm glad you're a part of the Bolton family, Aunt Gabriella." He said as he nodded.

"Me too, Tommy, me too." She smiled as she hugged him tightly.

Troy and Gabriella smiled at each other, happy that the Bolton family was all with them, retired from the army, and safe. Laura and Mike exchanged a look as Laura looked down at her large stomach, laughing as they thought about their baby boy. Ben looked at Amy who was smiling brightly as she looked at the baby in his arms and smiled himself. They were all happy and together, ready to add to the Bolton family and glad that they didn't have to worry about the army anymore.

They're all grown up! Sorry about the short, quick chapter, I didn't really know how to end it. Well, I don't really know what to say now, but keep an eye out for my new stories! I have many to post!

Much love,
