Disclaimer, I don't own Kingdom Hearts or anything connected to it.

Hours later, Roxas laid in his bed, with a ball of light still in his hand. He was afraid to light a candle after what happened the other night. After a while he noticed that the room so bright it looked like the light was still on, so he sat up and reached for the light switch, turned it on then laid back down. It took him a few minutes to get up the courage to close his eyes.

When he finally closed them he was asleep almost immediately, and the nightmares came. Though this one was different from the last, he was with Axel at Twilight Town sitting on the stations tower with sea salt ice cream. They were chatting ideally until Axel asked, "Roxas, what do you think would happen if one of us fell?"

"I don't know," Roxas answered.

"Lets find out," Axel suggested, then suddenly turned completely black and pushed Roxas off the tower. The fall seemed endless, Twilight Town vanished and he was surrounded by black. He twisted his body to look below him and saw he was headed toward a pool of lava. Once he splashed into the scalding lava Roxas screamed until his lungs were raw, he looked at his arm and saw his blood bubble under his skin. Sicken by this he vomited until there was nothing left in his stomach.

Roxas's eyes snapped open, he was in his bed again opposed from the pool of lava. But he still felt like he was in the magma, his skin burned terribly. Glancing at his arm, he was surprised that his blood was not boiling for he felt so hot. He jumped out of bed and darted for the bathroom, turned on the faucet as cold as it could go, and put his hands under it.

A feeling of déjà vue came over him and like last time, the water did nothing to stop the out of control temperature he felt on his body. The heat became two much for his stomach and he moved and fell in front of the toilet and vomited violently. After his stomach was empty he didn't feel any better, so moved to the sink and splashed water on his face, which didn't help either. The taste of his own vomit was starting to make his stomach uneasy. He cupped his hands together and drank some of the cold water swishing inside his mouth before spitting it out, then drank some more and swallowed it.

Surprisingly as the cool water went down his throat the rest of his body cooled down. The more he drank the more his body temperature turn back to normal. When he felt like he wasn't on fire anymore, he left the bathroom after flushing the toilet, and went to get dressed for the day.

After he was dressed in the standard Organization uniform the Key of Destiny stepped out of his room, and who was passing right by his door on there way to breakfast, was the last nobody he wanted to see. "Boy you look like hell," Xylia teased unconcerned.

Roxas just scowled and walked right past her. He didn't have the strength to deal with her today, but he heard her footsteps following him. "So what was with you yesterday at breakfast?" She started very conversation like, but he could tell she was still trying to push his buttons. "I mean, you tried to kill the cheerios then left and no one saw or heard from you until dinner."

Just ignore her, just ignore her "You having some trouble up here?" Xylia asked pointing at her head, "That's all right, sometimes our brains go when we're under too-."

Roxas suddenly as fast as lightning summoned oblivion, tuned around and flung it at the girl. It happened two fast for Xylia to make note of it; she froze in surprise, and the keyblade went strait into the middle of her stomach digging right through her flesh. She made a loud choking sound then fell backward landing on her back, "Oh God" Roxas cringed running over and dropped to his knees next to her. "Oh God, what have I done?"

She was lying on the ground gasping form breath. The Keyblade was embedded into her abdomen, with blood flowing from the wound. She coughed weakly bringing up more blood from her mouth, "Help, someone help!" he yelled the keyblade disappeared to show a gapping wound. Roxas wrapped his arms around her chest from the back and lifted her up, he staggered under her weight briefly then dragged her through a portal.

They reappeared in the lab were Zexion was mixing chemicals, "Help, help Zexion please help!" Roxas screamed out.

The Cloaked Schemer dropped the tubes he was holding in his hands at the sight of them. They fell to the ground and shattered, but he made no notice, to it and ran toward his sister, "Thirteen what the hell happened?"

"I- I don't know I just…" the boy trailed off not sure how to say that it was him.

It didn't really matter because the older male didn't even seem to be listening, he took the girl from Roxas's arms and placed her on a table. The blonde barely noticed that he was now covered in Xylia's blood, and was then shooed out of the lab. He stared at the closed door of the lab for several second before breaking down completely, his knees gave out and he collapsed, crumpling into a ball and sobbing hysterically.

How many times he had dreamed and fantasized doing exactly what he did, but now that he actually had done it, he felt horrible. He might have killed her, he never actually wanted to hurt her, and now he'd be severely punished. Even if he tried to lie his way out of it, when Xylia woke up she'd tell all. Actually 'if' if she woke up, if she died how would he be able to live with himself. "Roxas what's wrong?" he heard Axel's voice but felt too horrible to reply.

Axel knelt by his hysterical friend and noticed that he was covered in blood, "What happened are you hurt?" he called over the loud, harsh sobs. When the boy still refused to answer the red head squatted down to reach the same level and tried to find where the blood was coming from. He sighed with relief after realizing that it didn't seem to be the boys blood but someone else. Only this brought other concerns, who's blood was it? He wrapped his arms around Roxas's shaking figure.

The boy made notion of Axel's presents for the first time, by throwing himself into the older mans embrace, wrapping his arms tightly around his neck and sobbing hysterically into his toned chest. The older nobody held him gently, rocking back and forth, "Alright its ok, calm down and tell me what happened," he soothed softly.

Roxas realized that he would be found out anyway so there was no use lying to him, "I… I-I k-killed Xylia," he managed to choke out before his breath was taken by sobs again.

Axel's blood ran cold, there was a very good chance that Roxas wasn't joking or just overreacting and the fact that he was covered in blood didn't help in the matter. He grabbed the boys chin and forced there eyes to lock, "What did you do?" his voice was firm.

Roxas's tear leaking blue eyes stared back at him, then his mouth opened and then closed again, "Roxas tell me," Axel ordered sternly.

"I-… I-I…" the boy didn't finished the sentence but jumped to his feet and created a portal, he jumped through it before Axel could stop him.


Axel didn't take the time to run after the boy, he figured that Roxas was outside the lab because Zexion was probably in there with Xylia, so he went inside to find out what had happened himself. He did wonder why Roxas seemed so upset about this, considering how much he hated the girl, but maybe deep down he never wanted to really hurt her that badly.

Inside he spotted Zexion standing by a table that Xylia's was lying on. On a closer look he saw that she was hooked up to a life support machine, with a breath mask over her mouth, and bandages pressed against her abdomen. "Is she ok?" Axel asked.

Zexion turned and briefly looked at him before turning back to his sister, "She will be, thanks to me. Thankfully the wound was not too terribly fatal, and it's a good thing thirteen brought her when he did, any longer and she might have been beyond aid."

Axel considered a moment weather not to tell Zexion about what Roxas told him before, Roxas surely would be in huge trouble when everyone found out that he did this, maybe he should keep it a secret. But sooner or later Xylia will awake and tell everyone who did it so Roxas would get found out anyway, in that case… "Well I think it might have been Roxas that did it."

Zexion gave him a sharp look, "I had expected that, considering the wound has been caused by a keyblade, I'm guessing that a row between them has finally gone too far."

"He seemed pretty upset about it," Axel commented.

"That won't make the superior go any easier on him, or me when I get my hands on him."

"Come on Zex, the Superior going to be hard enough on him can't you just leave it at that?"

Zexion sighed deeply, "Where is he anyway?"

"I don't know, he ran off when I was asking him what happened. I'm guessing his room."

"I'm going finish stitching up Xylia then take her to her room, after that I'll go tell the Superior what has happened. You go find thirteen and find out exactly what happened, I'll let the Superior take it from there," Zexion explained.

Axel nodded before teleporting outside of Roxas's room. He knocked loudly on the door and after not receiving an answer he let himself in. The room was empty, which surprised Axel, if he wasn't in her room then were could he be?


Roxas was in fact far away from the castle. When he teleported out of the hallway; he went immediately to his own room pacing back and forth. He had really done it this time, very suddenly the room temperature dropped to below freezing, hahahahahaha the cold voice came back. There was no doubt anymore, Chenguang was right. He was slowing losing it, why didn't he take heed to the warning. Not only was he slowing going crazy but now he was hurting people, who would be next Demyx? Axel?

He couldn't let that happen, there was only one think to do. Without another thought he created a dark portal to the Land of the Dragons. It was very late at night, the a vicious storm was taking place, rain poured, the sky thundered and lit with lighting. He was right in front of the place that caused all of this. Yin Weiyuan's Tomb.

Roxas at once felt another presence, one that was very evil and angry. He tried to walk toward the entrance of the tomb but his breath was stolen from him. His legs gave out and he was soon on the ground, and saw dark shadowy figures closing in on him, "Please-" Roxas choked out but ran out of breath to continue. He tried to draw a breath but was unable to. His vision swam before him, dark skeletonal hands crushed around his throat, and he knew no more.

Oh no what's going to happen to poor Roxas?

Well are you surprised, I'm sure all of you thought that I'd never update this story. I'm mean how longs has it been almost two years since I updated this story. In fact I bet some of you even thought I was gone from this site. No I'm still around and still plan to finish all these story's I got.