The Pridelands were silent.
It was as if all the lions had never inhabited the lands. Sadly that wasn't the case.
Upon the now blood stained grass countless bodies of lionesses lay. Each one more hideous than the last. Some had limbs ripped clean off, one had even been decapitated in the fight. While others simply died of blood loss or were beaten to death. It was like hell on Earth. And upon Pride Rock lay the two leaders of this king dome.
Simba had been beaten and scratched badly. His right eye had been removed from its socket, his front left leg had been torn off, and his tail was bent in an interesting direction.
Kovu was no better, the great prince looked like something one would see on the Saw movies. He had his neck twisted, his tail ripped off, but ultimately his death came when Simba had attempted to claw out his heart. It lay out of his body attached to a single artery, and not pumping.
It was a monster of a bloodbath.
Then, coming out of the plains, the hyena trio emerged.
"Hm that was quite a show you all put on kitties," Shenzi said the countless corpses that were scattered across the land.
"We're going to be eatting like kings tonight eh Ed?" Banzai chuckled
Ed laughed his absurd laugh, and yet if you listened hard enough, you just may think he said. "You know it."
"Shall I now take my right full place as queen boys?" Shenzi asked
Banzai and Ed bowed to their matriarch.
"Yes your majesty," Banzai said
Yet just then a lions paw grabbed Shenzi's leg. The hyena looked down to see Vitani looking up at her, an angry expression on her face.
"YOU!!" Was all she said
Shenzi slapped her across the face.
"Honey let me teach you a lesson in respect," Shenzi said as she began to punch and kick at Vitani. Vitani cried out in pain.
"Stop, please stop," Vitani begged
Shenzi lifted the lionesses head so she could see her face, then Shenzi laughed.
"What do you take me for sweety an idiot? Scar basically did the same thing and he ended up in our bellies."
Vitani stood in fear thinking that was her fate to come. And yet Shenzi let go of her
"I'll spare your life," Shenzi said "You may be the daughter of Zira but you didn't run us out of our own homes, you were trying to be fair back then. You thought hyena and Outlander could co-exist. Your bitch of a mother hit you for saying that then banished us. You don't deserve to die like this. Banzai, Ed help her up."
As the male hyena duo tried to help Vitani clawed at their bodies and ran of.
Banzai was about to go after but Shenzi stopped him
"Let her go, no meerkat and warthog are saving that lion." With that she took her place as ruler of the Pridelands, which she renamed the Clanlands
Vitani was running, she didn't know where but anywhere was better than here. Yet with all her injuries she didn't get far. She was only a few feet from her own home, the Outlands.
"It never looked so good," she smiled
Just then she felt a paw rest on her back.
She quickly glanced thinking it was the hyenas. Yet instead it was her brother, her big brother.
"Nuka?" Vitnai said surprised
"Dead?" Nuka said
"Um...yes," Nukas sister said
"That still doesn't mean I can't see my favorite sis now dose it?" Nuka said
Vitani was silent, confused by all this.
"Why are you hear? Shouldn't you be in...the bad place?"
"The bad place? No haha,"
"But you tried to kill Simba how can?"
"There's a person up there Vitani, one greater that all the kings of the past. He sparred me, saying that I was only trying to honor my mother. Yet since she was evil I was mislead by her. I was spared
"Who is this powerful person?" Vitani asked
"His name is God, and He told me to pick you up since you have been able to resist the evils of these lands, and learn to right path to happieness. Come on sis lets go to the true paridise and leave these sorrowful lands."
Nuka then took her paw and she floated up with him, up to a glorious place. Filled with happiness and joy for everyone.
The world is a corrupt place full of heartless monsters that wish to control us all. By any means necessary
They may beat, you hurt you, even take away everything you love.
But they can't take away you're faith.
Believe and you will one day enter paradise.